No Ammo After October?

Dennis Olson

New member
Hello everyone. I just signed up. Here's an email I got from someone who has consistently sent reliable information in the past. I will not comment, except to say that I'm buying as much ammunition as I can possibly afford.

I was told a scenario by a member of the Michigan militia which, when he related it to me was completely unbelievable.

Since the telling, two events have transpired to confirm that indeed it is likely that ammunition sales will be ordered halted by a Federal judge, upheld in an emergency hearing by the US Supreme Court and become effective nationwide most likely in early October.

If the scenario continues to unfold, (it is staged), then we will very shortly see a multiple "gun crisis" (3 or 4) of hospital maternity ward, eldercare facility and/or elementary school bloodbath.

Once the public hue and cry reaches fever (mob) pitch, a class action suit filed by dozens of organizations, calling for a "temporary suspension of the sale of certain types of ammunition" will soon follow.

Clinton is, even now, fanning the embers of public outrage, carefully, so that once the time is right, he will have in place an already prepared agenda and schedule to swiftly enforce the courts ruling.

The bottom line is this: Millions of Americans are on the brink of mass purchasing, in bulk, guns and ammunition. This, in anticipation of Y2K societal dissiolution. Such behavior cannot be tolerated as it would conflict directly with Clinton's Martial Law directives.

There is only to way to obtain, therefore, what is wanted. That is, to sway public opinion against guns, ammunition and the freedom now about to become extinct, just prior to the rule of America's Dictator.

The reason I do not share this with others openly is because it is incredible.

It will become obvious when it is too late.

Watch for a "triple-event week" soon, in venues as mentioned above, and/or other similar horrific situations.

I did not believe the fellow when he laid it all out. Now I do. All that is yet to occur is the surge whch will appear as unstoppable contageous "echoes."

After the fourth or fifth in less than a two-week period, Americans will reel in fury, and the 2nd Amendment will be history.

Months later, bondage will grow as a cancer.


Food for thought...

Dennis Olson
Please let us in on the events which makes you believe this to be true. Because I agree with your opening statement that this is unbelievable.



The debate is not about guns,
but rather who has the ultimate power to rule,
the People or Government.

Welcome to the forum.

You wouldn't be cynical about a Y2k disarmament scenario would you? ;)

BTW: Are you a mini-14 man? :)


[This message has been edited by Joe Mama (edited August 25, 1999).]
Dennis ,I am like you and dont put anything past our Regime in power. Many of these shootings are highly suspicious in my mind and everytime one occurs the screws are tightened tighter on firearms. The people in the Michigan Militia ge t excellent info from sources inside the military and elswhere. I have also heard that 2 weeks before the government declares martial law that there is a list of people that will be rounded up. Shall we call it a red list? Only people with their heads in the sand cannot see that this Regime is up to something no good and the masses must be put in a state of panic over some perceived "threat". The NWO has perhaps the best oportunity of a lifetime with Y2k to hammer the American people with martial law. Just my opinion ,of coarse.

That you mention the source was a member of the "Michigan Milita" leads me to think that the story is BS.


ps: are you an ex army helo pilot?
No one can predict the future.

But we can and have learned from the past, haven't we? The leftists have seen the remarkable change that horrific incidents bring to American opinions about safety on our streets. The rhetorical puke that spews from the leftist controlled media machine immediately after one of these incidents certainly is anything but "good journalism". It becomes more and more pointed, as these incidents become more and more frequent. Always immediately against guns, and hardly ever about the criminal mind (or act).

Fingers always pointing in our direction, yet our guns remain cold and stored. Our ammunition sits collecting dust. Yet "we" are being attacked.

The simple truth is, that the propaganda spilled into American homes has been working. It has accomplished two things, 1) it has engaged fear into an otherwise peaceful society, and 2) it has caused gunowners and prospective gunowners to take action. The latter, comes in the form of massive purchases of firearms and ammunition.

If this message by the Michigan Militia has any merit, it is a "wake up" call. Do not wait until its too late to buy what you don't already have. Many Americans have suspicions of an occurrence at Y2K, but have waited to act upon those suspicions. This apathy plays into the hands of our opposition. How many people do you know have said, "I'm gonna buy everything I can get my hands on at the end of the year"?

Now imagine the suprise of these same people when what they waited for is unavailable. Suprise to them, planned by the opposition.

I have always said that the horrific incidents that have been spawned into our recent past are a part of a greater plan, a conspirital one. How do I know this? Because I've learned from the past, read my history regarding political and conspirital actions by those who seek (or sought) power. And its all right in front of our faces...plain as day. We just don't want to believe it can happen in America.

"We" are being attacked because "we" present the biggest opposition to the leftist's objective to achieve the NWO (or whatever you'd like to call it). So long as we can prevent tyranny from taking what little is left of our freedoms, they cannot achieve those goals. And for that, they are upping the stakes. Expect the attacks against us to become more furious and vile, expect the next incident to be more violent, bloody, and public.

Lock and load my friends.
I was just talking to my dealer yesterday and he was telling me that he has been having the hardest time getting ammo from any of his suppliers as they are greatly "back-ordered". Even .22 rimfire has been difficult to get for him.

Has anyone else encountered such a situation with their dealers?

Maybe some forshadowing of things to come... Although, I would not put it past this administration to creat such a situation, I too, would like some other varification of the original post.

In the mean time, I gotta buy some more "stuff"! :)

"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!

[This message has been edited by John/az2 (edited August 26, 1999).]
No, I'm not "Cynic" (although I DO correspond with him by email from time to time), and I'm not a helo pilot. I'm a computer consultant ("rent-a-geek"), who's been in the business for over 25 years.

The guy that emailed me the message above (NOT Cynic, BTW!) has sent me reliable information in the past. The problem I have with THIS post is that, if it's true, it'll be TOO LATE by the time we KNOW it to be true.

My only option is to accelerate my ammo buying, and hope the message is bullsh*t.

We are not being attacked yet. We are being harassed, libeled, insulted, and demonized, but we are not being attacked. Posturing and screaming and threatening reasonably invokes fear, but it is not an attack until physical harm is imminent or occuring. In most places you can still buy & posess most guns & ammo freely; the worst done so far is some required paperwork and dirty looks.

That's not to ignore historical precident of where paperwork and dirty looks usually leads...

[This message has been edited by ctdonath (edited August 26, 1999).]

[This message has been edited by ctdonath (edited August 26, 1999).]
Dennis, if thisturns out to be true, your source needs encouragement and help to get the word out. Is there anyway that this source can actually document this to show that they ahve this knowledge at this time? Is there any source that this source might trust with this documentation/information that may be able to begin an investigation into this situation beforehand? Congressman or Somehting? The more *credible* people that are aware of this, the better the chance of being able to thwart the planned outcome, if indeed somehting like this were to happen.
Enforcement - NOT Enactment - RKBA!
Guys, there is bad news concerning the Michigan Militia. I listened to the Clay Douglas show today from New Mexico. He had the 2 leaders of the Michigan Militia on his show. It looks as though there is a split in the group. One group seems to be cooperating with the Feds and has purged members deemed to be "racists" . I dont even live near Michigan but have always known that the Michigan militia was the best organized in the country. Clay Douglas has offered to get the two parties together,but it looks like a big problem. If you want my opinion, it looks like the feds have a good start in destroying the Michigan militia.
Uh, Winchester is not shipping powder the whole winchester thing is a question I would like to ask Remington firearms seem to be in short supply etc etc. I suppose my investment theory has been leaked to the general public. Buy pump shotguns, ammo, and canned goods! You can take that to the bank.
Worked on the wife anyway. I really do see some bad times comming down the pike from the corporate world "whatever"
All tales have a basis in truth, even the mysterious "Elephant Man" and "Bat Boy from Brazil", followed by sensationalism to boost circulation. The truth is prob somewhere in the middle.

FWIW, the gun show last weekend sold out of all stock of surplus 30-06 by Saturday afternoon.

With fall approaching, and hunting season a few weeks away, most retailers should be running a lot of ads for hunting ammo. That's the way it has been for years. So far, most are not offering any deals. Supply and demand? Or is it public relations?

I heard but can't confirm that Smith and Wesson equaled it's 1998 sales in Feb of 1999.
Just attended two gun shows at Elko, NV and Ogden, UT -- TONS of surplus .223 and 7.62 ammo. Doesn't appear to be a shortage out this way so far.

If you can't fight City Hall, at least defecate on the steps.
Regardless of whether this is true or not, it should be posted in places that can provide some kind of proof as to its time of origination. Not knowing how long articles stay in this forum, would certainly recommend a posting of this to talk.politics.guns or rec.guns so that a search using will provide the article along with a corresponding date of posting. Should the events transcribed above take place, then these timestamped posting would certainly validate the source. However, too many postings (and hence too much publicity at this point) would cause the powers that be to alter whatever plans they may have to ensure that the above never happens.

I am skeptical of this conspiracy theory. Like others, I would like credible prrof, and sources before I panic. Nonetheless, I like any "excuse" to buy extra ammo. BUt damn, if I have move soon....all that lead and brass...I'll need a forklift!