No 4" seems gen update proof in the immediate future...

But I have had upgrades on other guns that IMO that did not shoot any better. Perhaps it is the fact that I become so familiar with a gun because of spending so much time with it etc.

This is a very fair point and I’ve been there myself. I have a bin full of parts that I’ve tried in an effort to “improve” a firearm in some way or another. In a number of cases it didn’t seem to help, and in some cases it even made the firearm less reliable.

For me I’ve found this negative result more with putting aftermarket parts into firearms than I have with factory changes. For instance, to me the 2.0 changes to the M&P line were something I liked and made it so I no longer felt the need for APEX parts.

Of course the manufacturer, as you’ve pointed out, has a vested interest in us buying new firearms. Determining what is marketing and what is real isn’t always easy. My point is more that sometimes there actually is a difference that might be worth it. If you can try yourself before making that jump, borrowing a firearm from a friend at a range or making a rental, then hopefully you reduce the risk of regretting a buying decision.

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I think most NEW owners unfamiliar with any gun will automatically go with a new GEN. One improvement I did read about is that a newer trigger has more of a rolling movement. Since I am a DAO fan, this might be something that would interest myself.
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I carried a Gen 4 G19 for eight years (2013-2021) A couple months ago my agency "upgraded" me to the Gen 5 G48. Nice pistol and I scored a possible (100%) first through the qualification course. Hooray! I also scored many a possible over the past years with my "old" Gen 4 G19. Hooray!

I opted to purchase my "old" G19 for $200 when I was upgraded. I will be retiring in approximately five years and more than likely my "new & improved" G45 will be gifted to me (slide engraved with my name, badge number and years of service) by my agency. I'll happily keep it. Then I'll have two old Glocks that I will be perfectly happy with and see no need to upgrade. They will be in a safe with handguns that are (in some cases) seventy - ninety years old and still work very very well.

The last truly new handgun I purchased was a Ruger GP100 in 2016. A new handgun in terms of birth date, but almost exactly the same as the first GP100 introduced at the 1986 SHOT Show...or was it the 1985 show?? Well anyway the point is I don't understand the need to constantly upgrade ones trucks or guns. Incidentally my truck is a 1994 Ford F150; which works just fine and I'm very happy to drive. I guess that makes me a Bad American (i.e. bad consumer)
I guess that makes me a Bad American (i.e. bad consumer)

SF author Mack Reynolds wrote a story of a future in which one family declining to buy a new washing machine upset the whole economy.
A guy selling generic soap in paper bags was considered a saboteur.