NJ TFL get together

Sorry I couldn't make it... hope to do so next time.

BTW, if anyone's interested, I located a range in PA that will let you rent some full auto stuff :D

- pdmoderator
Hey - My reps been tarnished....

My "Rose" petels are falling off...

SodaPop - that was supposed to be between you and me.... :D :D :D

Don't be so modest. You know you made it by your own accord. Though, did anyone get a picture of that supposed bribe in the making??? ;) I told Ray after everyone left that it would have been a GREAT PICTURE to post!!!! :cool: LOL
Name Tags are a GREAT IDEA!!!!

The name tag thing will have to be a must at the next shoot. I feel as though we should make our own and bring them ourselves though. This way no great expense it made for those who don't show.
PD Moderator

Our very first NE TFL shoot was held at Classic Pistol:D

I toyed with shooting the Thompson but time ran out:mad:

Nice range as indoor ranges go!

Talking about ranges, where is the next shoot gonna be:confused:

Since I am stuck here in NY for a couple of years yet I need to escape occasionally to shoot:D
New shoot scheduled.........

So are we all up for a shoot on Saturday the 24th of August or do we want it sooner than that at the Buckeye Gun Club? Quantrill says he is in, how about everybody else? I hope to have a huge turn out since the site being shut down kinda screwed some people up. We can start shooting at 10:00am. I would like a chance to go through the course with my Beretta this time! Answer up if you would and I can start making another list. August would be the last time we could shoot at the Buckeye for the year since hunting season would start in September:( .

So far I have Quantrill & his better half, Me, Mrs. Woody6, Parmasan, Dot_mdb, Rovert, FlyinGN.
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Hey Sodapop.. I personally know the owner of Classic pistol. Let me know if ya wanna make a raod trip to there.. Ill be glad to meet ya and let ya meet John, the owner..

I've shot two GSSF indoor matches at South Hampton. It is a nice indoor range. I guess an indoor shoot would be OK (any excuse to shoot) for a TFL get together but the outdoor events sure are super-duper.
Hmmm I'm going to look into doing a Full Auto TFL Shoot. How's that sound?

I know a few gun Clubs that allow it but I don't know what they carry as far as rentals. I personally can't afford to shoot at indoor ranges (even though I was just at one yesterday) but I can look into it for the next PA Gathering.

FlyinGN do you know the owner well enough to get a discount on anything?????

Email me if you want to try and set something up.
Soda, I know him pretty well. Lets try to get a # of people who can maybe go and Ill talk to him. I think he will give us a discount..
