NJ TFL get together


New member
what a great time!! many thanks to the Buckeye club and Ray and his pretty wife:)
I had a great time and did pretty decent on the first shooting event..
Wonder who won? My guess is Geoff:)
It was really great meeting all you guys. What a great buncha people..
If anyone found the army green ammo can full of .22's and .357's please let me know.. That was mine.. I left it in the cabin.

Ditto, much appreciation to the Woody family for their hospitality. It's always fun! Looking forward to the next time!!!
What a GREAT DAY!!!!

We had a fantastic day. Weather was great (well, until the last four people shot. (Me, my wife, Shannon, and Chris). We all shot in the brief rain.

Flyin GN - you're right - Geoff (TFL) was the winner by a land slide. :D We will be posting the scores tomorrow unless $50.00 payment is received by the the Woodrow's by 5 p.m. tomorrow. :D LOL

Also - our 14 year old son, Daniel - won the rope shoot! D :D

We will look around for your tin FlyinGN.

Rovert - The Woodrow Family (oopps - the WOODY family) had a blast. Are you still seeing S P O T S before your eyes????? :p


Good night - Wife and I are going to BED - WE'RE TIRED!!!! :D :D :
OK Let"s give credit to the person who did ALL the work. Thank you Mrs Woody:D

Thanks to the Buckeye gun club for hosting this event and making it such a great experience.

Whatinhell happened to all the TFL members in NJ, NY and PA. C'mon you guys, crawl out of your burrows and show up! You missed good shooting, lots of yummy hot dogs and of course great company. Not to mention Rovert finally showed up with some guns :D

Next time you have a rope shoot, DO NOT buy nylon reinforced clothesline :mad: ( We should call it a Rope a Dope shoot:D )
Good Time!

I'd like to also thank Ray and Renee for fun time- Even though I didn't shoot this time, I met a great bunch of enthusiasts and I look forward to the next shoot. (I'll be ready next time Ray I promise)
Ed :cool:
Ya know what we need for the next TPL shoot? A way to identify everyone.
Unless ya ask, you really don't know whos who there! Dot_Mdb wore a slick pin with his TFL name and his real name:) Maybe we should all do this next time? A few guys that I had fun with and had some great conversation with and I never even exchanged TFL names.. So I had no idea whether I was talking to a TFL' er or not. Wern't there a few non TFL' ers there Ray?

Anyone locate my army green ammo box loaded with ammo I left in the cabin???

Anyone??? I left it on the table nearest the bathroom.

Thanks, Frank
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Green Ammo boxes with ammo

Now you have 2 ammo boxes to get back to their owners. I wonder if green ammo boxes get a yen to wander at Buckeye. Quantrill
Ok, stop pickin' on the new guy, will 'ya? :D

Ray, as I mentioned in my private Email, I referred to you and family as "Woody" thinking that you guys wouldn't want your real name publicized, only to realize after posting that you went 'all out' with your screen name. No disrespect intended. :o

And yes, I am still seeing spots.
Found it. Will be brought back FlynGN...

Let me see........ 2 green army cans from 2 N.J. TFL shoots hmmmm......... pretty soon I'll have enough stuff to open up one of those Army/Navy stores! But the real question is how can I get them to leave the firearms WITH the ammo cans? Inquiring minds want to know! :D Yes FlyinGN there were TFLers, Buckeye Gun Club members and friends. :cool:

Hey! Maybe that is how I can GAURANTEE that FlynGN and Quantrill will show up at the next shoot.;)

How about a N.J. shoot on Saturday, August 24th? That should give EVERYONE WHO WAS SUPPOSED TO SHOW UP plenty of time to schedule it into their busy lives. SodaPop, this will give you a window to have a shoot in P.A. and what about Jody Hudson? I sure would like a Delaware TFL shoot!:)

The following people showed up from the TFL side of the house:

FlynGN, FlynGN's Father-in-law?, Rovert, SodaPop, K80Geoff, Mrs. Woody6, Dot_mdb, RAY WOODROW 3RD, JMLV, Parmasan.

Buckeye members: Andy Fagan, Ray Woodrow Jr., Russell Down, Bob Shipley, Tony Scardapane, Chad Holliday, 4 teens.

Friends: Karl Kraenzlein, Russell down Sr., Shannon Luciano

Scores at a later time. The $50.00 dollars should be made out to: Mrs. Woody6 to give you an "INFLATED" score.:p
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and a great time was had by all

Lots of fun and neat folks. A good day. Hope to come to many more. The name tags may bew a good idea as for moist of the day I had no idea who I was talking to. Not that it mattered much they were all a great bunch. an idea for the next shoot. Everybody bring 3 pieces of 2x4 at least 4 feet long. that way we can do a bit of "wood chopping" without undu expence to anybody. Its a lot of fun to split the oak(ok pine) with a 45!
Just an idea what you all think?
Ray & Family
I had a great time and was welcomed by everybody. You folks did yourselves proud. Thank you for all your hard work in making this happen. Buckeye has a nice facility there wish I had one like it in my backyard. Unfortunelately the city has other ideas<VBG> :cool:
Thanks Ray!! Il definetly be at the next shoot.. Maybe I can pu my ammo before?? Did ya bring it home to Beverly? Im just over the bridge in PA .. I can meet ya at your house of anywhere if you want??

Thanks! Frank
Hey Ray.. Speaking of scoring, wonder if I would have scored better if my target was not used the other guy I was shooting with ???? LOL
That was funny!!!

August 24th Shoot

OK, I have marked Aug. 24 on my calendar as a TFL shoot. If you are interested in getting a bit closer to Delaware, Mary Lou and I belong to a club in Heislerville, NJ ( Hah! Find that on the map) that I could inquire about inviting the TFLers to. It is not nearly as nice as Buckeye and is deteriorating. But it does have a rifle range (100yds or 150 yds if no one is using the pistol ranges) and a (at one time) police combat range and a regular pistol range under cover. There is no electricity and PRIMITIVE toilets, but it IS buried in the woods. If we are interested, I will inquire. Heislerville is near the junction of the Maurice (pronounced Morris) River and the Delaware River just across from Delaware. I would want Ray to eyeball the place and pass judgement on it's suitability. By the way, even though we could not stop by on Saturday, we did come over. Quantrill
Thanks Guys

It was a great time by all! Thanks so much for the kind words about me. Am I still the ROSE between all the Thorns? :D

Since I haven't be given the $50.00 payments by 5 p.m. today :D :D :D I will be posting the ACTUAL scores from the Police Qualification Shoot. I am waiting on my husbands' final approval of the Types of firearms used by each to qualify. Anyone wish to fill me in with the actual names - feel free.... Looking forward to the next shoot. Where will we be going this time? PA, DEL or extreme South Jersey????
And the Results are IN!!!!!


Down, Rus NJ S&W model 10 - 38 44 / 203

Fegan. Andy NJ Rugar 40 cal 44 / 198

Flyin GN PA Kahr K40 - 40 cal 56 / 261

Holiday, Chad NJ Rugar 40 cal 48 / 219

JMLV NJ 1911 45 cal 46 / 213

K80Geoff NY S&W 45 rov 60 / 278

Kraenzlein, Karl NJ 10 mm Glock 50 / 238

Luciano, Shannon NJ S&W model 10 - 38 26 / 111

Mrs. Woody 6 NJ Beretta - 9mm 43 / 200

Rovert NJ Walther P99 - 9mm 57 / 269

Skowlski, Eric NJ S&W model 10 - 38 26 / 110

SodaPop PA Beretta - 9mm 52 / 235

Solar, Chris NJ Beretta - 9mm 21 / 93

Weston, Dan NJ Beretta - 9mm 41 / 169

Woodrow, 3rd, Ray NJ 3" Rossi 44 special 48 / 217

Woodrow, Jr., Ray NJ Beretta - 9mm 45 / 200


WINNER OF 50/50 K80Geoff

Donation to Club by K80Geoff
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48 out of 60 hits would have been needed to qualify on the police course. There is no other scoring with point values on their course. We did change the type of targets used. The police would have used "FBI "Q" targets" which are bowling pin type targets and are also fairly large. We used "B-21E blue on white 25 yard silouete with scoring rings type targets". These targets are fairly smaller than the FBI targets so anyone who hit just outside of the blue area in the non scoring area would have had it count as a hit on the police course. Over all we did extremely well "as civilians". The four lowest target scores were from a female who never shot a gun in her life:eek:. Nothing like some preasure for the first time out shooting, and 3 teens at the ages of 13, 14, & 15. They handled thier firearms without any safety violations and were put through the timed course just like everybody else.:D (thanks to supurb training by yours truely over the years;)) Thanks to all that showed up. Safety was paramount while on the range and in the cabin. Everyone knew what they were doing. I am honored to have been around so many "professionals" and look forward to many more shoots with my fellow TFLers.