NJ Handgun Purchase Permit

I shoot reloads in my model 21 a lot. No problem. I shoot lead reloads in it too. No problem.

I just make sure to clean it well.

The Glock is one of the ugliest guns I have ever seen. It is also one of the best shooting guns I have ever shot. I love SIGS and have five of them, but don't sell the Glocks short.

I have a friend that I shoot with who is in law enforcement. His duty weapon is a Glock 22 and one of his backups is another Glock.

I probably have 4000 empty brass to load up in .40 and all of it was run through Glocks and all of it will run through mine.

Glocks may not have good "curb" appeal, but they are good guns.:D
And I am just going by what I have heard and the pictures I have seen anyway... so, in this one, isolated, extremely rare instance, I may very well be full of you-know-what :D

I would have thought that Nappen would have been more help. I don't know what to say, except as a NJ resident, I feel your pain.

Stay on top of it, and let us know the outcome.

As you pointed out, the statute is very clear.
Mr. Nappen has been very helpful for general information but is not in business to give free advice, which I fully understand. I'm going to compose a letter to the police department stating my case for refusing to sign the forms. I'll also ask if there are some new laws that I'm not aware of. If I'm denied I'll go before a judge for an appeal and probably retain Mr.Nappen. Although, the law seems so clear I feel I may be able to do it without him.

I went to the same PD after you for my pistol permit too. I was told I had to pay $18 for the back ground check. I remember that law too NJS 2c58 3 f. I paid because I did not want to rock the boat and have them give me my permit 9 months from now. My friend lives in North Jersey and did not need to pay the $18 for a back ground check for a pistol permit. All my friends in Pa can not believe these gun laws.

Did you know that the Marlin model 60 is banned in NJ, they think it is an assault rifle. very sad very sad

Have they the PD contacted you yet.

Also Manalapan had handgun murders a couple of years ago. That might be why they are doing this.
I was waiting to hear from the NRA and ANJRPC again to see what I should do but they are not responding. I suppose I'll write a letter to the chief explaining why I won't sign the form.

A few years ago there was a buy back program at the Old Bridge PD.
I had a Marlin 60 and Winchester 190 and some other so called "Assault Rifles"
They were paying $500 each for these killing machines.
I walked out with $2500 !!

The officer told me the program wasn't working as intended. I suppose somebody thought that gang members and other criminals would be lining up to hand in their guns. The line was out the door with guys like me getting rid of their old junk.
I get a kick about the gang part. They are getting their guns illegally. Does the public really think they are going through the process we are going through to get a pistol? They buy it in the street. They threat us like the criminal for doing the right thing.

I am new to NJ gun laws but can you have a S&W M&P 15-22?
NJ handgun Permit

Sorry for the delay.....The police lieutenant refused to accept my application without signing the supplemental form. I wrote a letter to the Chief of police on May 26 and he agreed with ME on June 17 ! He instructed the lieutenant to proceed with my application. I received a call from the lieutenant today, June 22. Now he wants me to sign another FBI background check form. I received a call from the NRA headquarters asking me to send the forms to them. Apparently they are looking in to the matter.
Sincerely I want to thank you PBBlaster.

I admire your tenacity for perusing this issue and not letting the department abuse your rights.

I live nowhere near NJ but it matters to me that this is going on.
Thank you for your support.

I feel that we must fight these attacks on our rights at every level. A lot of people from "gun friendly" states just say "leave NJ". What they don't realize is that lost rights in one state will lead to an erosion of rights in the whole country. Senator Boxer said they will go after guns "when the time is right" Maybe this will happen when Obama appoints another judge to the supreme court.

I'm sure the P.D. will do anything they can to deny my permit. I'll probably sign the FBI form after I read it thoroughly, although it might not be required by state law. I have nothing to hide.
This isn't the first time ive heard of some towns requiring "extra forms". I give you credit for having the balls to call them out on this. Its good that the chief is on your side, but I wouldn't be surprised if they purposely drag their feet in issuing your permit.

In my opinion we possibly have the most oppressive gun laws and the most pervasive anti-gun culture in the entire country. Im looking to move once I save up enough cash.

Good luck and keep us posted!

Oh, and regarding the Marlin model 60...the current model with the 14-shot tube is perfectly legal. But the older 18 shot model is banned because of NJ's magazine limit of 15 rounds on semi-automatic firearms.
PB quick question, where in NJ are you and what town is the barracks located in, im NJ resident and would like to know.
Thanks again to all of you for your support.

I met with the Lieutenant again the other day to sign the FBI form he said he needed. What he had was a form SP-66 which is one of the forms required by state law, not an FBI form. When I told him I already signed that form in February he said he needed another one. It seemed odd to me but I signed it anyway. I should have the permits soon unless they reject me for some reason.

To KX592, I'm in Manalapan so I'm dealing with the local PD and not the State police.

To any other NJ subscribers, feel free to contact me if you run in to this type of problem in your town. I can supply you with the statutes and other correspondence that I have received.
I'm in NJ also and my township has a "Work Authorization" form where they want me to allow them to ask my employer for any and all records they want to help determine whether I should or shouldn't be able to have a handgun.

I called the NJSP FIU and the lady was very helpful and said she'd hand the info over to the Lieutenant and things would get done from there. Hopefully it has been taken care of. When its time to turn my application in, I will just hand them printed out forms STS33 and SP66 and THATS IT. If they say I have to fill it out, I will let them know about the appropriate statute.
That state (and a few others) are long overdue for a slap-down in federal court. I hope it comes with the maximum possible cost, shame, and humiliation. The hubris of these 'officials' is astounding, truly.

It is nearly beyond my thinking to imagine the mindset of someone who sees themselves as the arbiter of which law-abiding citizens may, or may not defend their life and the lives of their family members.
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These are the perils of the process in NJ... every step of the way, if even one of the guys rubber-stamping your paperwork doesn't think us commoners should have guns, expect misery. I've had the good fortune of living in a town with friendly Police... crappy local government, but good Police. There are also towns where, no matter what the law says, your paperwork will never come through... if they'll let you have the forms in the first place. Sometimes they want everything but the length of your pubic hairs just to make the process that much more of a hassle. I'm pretty sure that the "find two people to vouch for your sanity" thing is statewide, but that doesn't make it any less of a pain.

Here's a fun little tidbit- if you're unemployed and not in school, the state might just reject your application. Nearly happened to me last time (this was just before the one-gun-a-month law went through). That's not just for the if-your-town-has-it Work Authorization form, that's if the State Police goon in charge of your paperwork decides that being out of work should revoke your constitutional rights.

I admire your spunk in fighting that goon of an Lt. I don't know if I'd have the will to fight all the way up the chain.

Now just wait until you go and actually buy the gun and have to give the State Police another $15.90 so that they can make the call to NICS that the dealer could have made in any other state. :barf:

Really can't wait until I'm finally able to move permanently away. Doesn't matter who's in charge; NJ is beyond help.
silentargus said:
Doesn't matter who's in charge; NJ is beyond help.

That's precisely what everyone has thought about California. It's changing there. Quite rapidly, if I may say so. That change is coming because of the tireless efforts of the gun owners in that State.

While it may take a bit longer for the east coast to fall... It will. Take heart in that.
Form NJ STS-33 which is required to purchase a handgun asks for the name,address and phone # of your employer. You shouldn't have to fill out another form. You might want to contact the NRA and the Association of NJ Rifle and Pistol clubs. http://www.anjrpc.org/

They will both be absolutely useless to you in your individual fight but are collecting these illegal forms and may use them in a future lawsuit.

Good Luck !