NJ Handgun Purchase Permit


I recently applied for a permit to purchase a handgun in Manalapan, NJ. After handing Lt. Barstow application STS 33A and the form for the state police to perform a mental health background check,SP-66, The Lt. said there was additional paperwork required. He wants me to sign and have notarized an additional form which he says the state police need to perform an effective background check. This form allows the police to check with my Health Care provider,Banks, Credit reporting agencies,Educational Institutions, Insurance companies, all government agencies and more.

The only forms required by law are STS-33 and SP-66.

N.J.S.2C:58-3(f) reads : "There shall be no conditions or requirements added to the form or content of the application, or required by the licensing authority for the issuance of a permit or identification card, other than those that are specifically set forth in this chapter."

I recited this law to the Lt. and he told me this form is" needed by the state police to perform an effective background check."

I have contacted the State Police and Attorney generals office and have yet to receive a reply.

Do you have any ideas on how I should proceed with this problem ?(serious replies only please)

Whats the big deal? Just sign the thing to get your permit

Dont knit pick....This is jersey....If you want better gun laws move...

Also PBblaster is GREAT I love that stuff.... 100% Necessary if working on a car especially with the exhaust components.
To Lavid2002, The big deal is why should I surrender more information than is required by law ? Why does my health insurance company need to know that I an applying for a handgun permit ? What does my credit score have to do with my owning a firearm ?
I could easily give in and sign away my privacy but why?
...The big deal is why should I surrender more information than is required by law ? Why does my health insurance company need to know that I an applying for a handgun permit ? What does my credit score have to do with my owning a firearm ?
I could easily give in and sign away my privacy but why?

  1. I've never seen anything about any of that in the Second Amendment.
  2. To the extent we let tyrants, petty bullies, and their bureaucratic minions get away with trampling our rights, we merely encourage the vermim to enlarge the scope of their predations.

I believe I'd push back. That said™, having spent ten years on the far left coast, you couldn't pay me enough to leave America again.
I've never seen anything like that, but my gut tells me you aren't going to get around it, regardless of what it says in state law. I think you'll either need to fill that out and consent, or whip out your checkbook and hire a lawyer.
The law reads pretty plainly to me :

N.J.S.2C:58-3(f) reads : "There shall be no conditions or requirements added to the form or content of the application, or required by the licensing authority for the issuance of a permit or identification card, other than those that are specifically set forth in this chapter."

I'll go before a judge if I have to. I've contacted the NRA and they have put me in touch with people who are aware of this type of abuse. I'm going to wait and see what advice they have.

I feel your pain. I would be guided by the NRA. I am sure they are aware of what is going on.

Consider moving to Arizona. This is a gun friendly state. Spend a little time here and there is no way you would want to go back and put up with that kind of BS. And that IS what it is.

This is the kind of abuse of the law by upholders of the law that inspire folks to arm themselves and declare war on the police.

Last I heard, LEO's are still REQUIRED to uphold the law and not re-write it.
If you refuse to sign that, will they proceed with your application? I can't believe he is saying that is required. I'd call the chief, if he also insists, I'd call a lawyer.

Good luck and keep us posted.
Also a NJ citizen here... I did not have to sign any such form, IIRC. I was made to have TWO non-family acquaintences fill out a form saying that I'm not a nutcase AND they did contact the general counsel of my employer to ask about me. The form filled out by the acquaintences asked pretty much the same questions that the official form I filled out asked.

Check with your local STATE NRA group. Check out this group:

If you join them, you can ask via email any questions you like of the noteable lawyers in NJ that specialize in firearms (one of them wrote 'the book' on NJ firearms laws). If you end up needing to go beyond the free questions, these are probably the people you want to talk to anyway.

**edit: here's the guy that wrote the book on NJ laws.. literally.. he offers a free consultation:
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I've been in touch with the ANJRPC and Mr. Nappen. No real advice yet,just additional knowledge of the law. It seems that this is going on in other towns around the state also.

The odd thing is that my handgun purchase permits in this town were always very easy. I would call the PD and have them the same day. The officer retired and now the new personnel have changed the procedures.

The PD has contacted my character references even though I haven't signed the additional forms or paid any fee. So they are proceeding with some kind of investigation.

By the way, to other NJ handgun applicants - How much are you paying for your purchase permits ?
Pay for a permit to purchase????? What kind of BS is that?

Come to Arizona. Get your CCW and walk into any shop and see the gun(s) you want, pay your money and take them with you. I have bought as many as two handguns and a rifle the same day from one dealer. . .and shot them the same day. You gotta' love it.:D
geetarman said:
I have bought as many as two handguns and a rifle the same day from one dealer. . .and shot them the same day. You gotta' love it.

OMG! You shot the dealer the same day?!? What happened, did you get a bad deal? :p
It certainly is BS,Here's some more...My motorcycle registration went from $24.00 to $65.00 in one year. It costs more to register a Motorcycle than a car! They can do this easily because motorcycle riders are an easy target since they don't have a strong political voice.

Arizona sounds tempting but I have family and business ties here in NJ. Besides, I need to be near salt water for Striper and Tuna fishing ! Can't do that in the desert.

And to all of the others who say their state is the best and to leave NJ, Be careful. Obama can possibly name two more judges to the supreme court in his first term. If his picks are approved,watch and see how the 2nd amendment will start to erode.

It's important to fight for our rights in every state and at every level.

Leave it to a swabbie. . .I was in the Navy too.

The place where I buy most of my guns is also a range. I probably could have been more clear. They are having a Glock day on Saturday and I am going after a G22. . .hope the dude can duck;)

Thanks for the chuckle!!!


Can't shoot lead bullets due to polygonal rifling...
Can't shoot reloads due to unsupported chamber...

Exactly what is the appeal?!?