Nipple removal when cleaning revolver

YES, cause only a lazy-boy wouldn't do it right!

Yes, a thousand times yes!

Don't get lazy, just do it right! I dig powder residue out of the entire area that the nipples screw in to. So IF I don't, it will rust from a half-a$$ed cleaning!:eek:
Clear as Mud now, right?

As you can see, there isn't a definitive answer to your question. Much like the Crisco vs no Crisco question, you aren't going to get satisfying answer I'm afraid.

What you might want to do is a search on this forum for "Stuck" or "Frozen" nipples. These are threads which are usually started by those who don't remove the nipples for cleaning. "Anti-Seize" products work, but only if you use them, forget once and your relationship with your gun will get complicated.

Personally, I remove them for cleaning. I just have to remember that when I'm cleaning a six shooter and a five shooter, not to freak out when I only count 11 nipples in the bowl.