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Happened 'bout 18mths ago, confronted a Bad guy between my kitchen and bathroom. For what ever reason I was holding my gun (lucky me !). The b-g then grabbed my gun by the top of the slide. I quickly pushed the gun forward, racking the slide and pulled the gun backwards chambering a round. BLAM, BLAM, BLAM. Who needs dbl taps ? The b-g topples backwards into the direction of the bathroom. I awake in a sweat, heart racing at 280 beats a minute, shaking like you wouldn't believe. Wife then wakes up...I tell her I just shot someone...Bit of explaining to do there ! Get out of bed a bit unsteady like. Then proceed to smoke 3 or 4 cigarettes in a row. Not exactly a nightmare ('cause I won !) but worth adding to your interesting list of experiences...HS
My biggest nightmare is that - no matter how much I aimed, it won't hit a thing, just a bang. So I picked up a bigger caliber, and unload several rounds, still won't hit a damn thing. So now I am pissed, picked up a shotgun and fired at that devil ( or monster if you will, or LaToya ) in the chest. The balls just went up to the seven skies and became a Fourth-of-July firework.

How's that?
Or better yet, picked up your shot-gun and fired at the devil ( say Jerry Springer for the hack of it ). But instead of killing the devil, all the balls became individual Jerry's.

That would be real scary, aint it?
Hey Steve,
i just might take you up on that and visit your IDPA club...
I just got a SOLID job offer from out there in Utah, and we have some very serious buyers coming out to look at our place tomarrow. If all goes well - we could be heading west within 2 weeks or less.
Ahh... to see those snow capped mountains again...
I'll have to say my prayers tonight
Kodiac, It'd be good to have you come kick our butts at a match. We're shooting on November 21 and December 19 at the sheriff's range down Spanish Fork Canyon. The Northern Utah Defensive Pistol Association is also holding matches the same day up north around Ogden. If you'd like more info you can check out our website at or give me a call (801) 798-1514, evenings. Good luck.
Early in my career, recurring: my beat buddy and I in separate units respond to a prowler call very early AM shift to the rear of a 1-story duplex. I'm point walking down the driveway, approach is tactically correct in condition orange. Guy suddenly appears from around the back corner of the building and puts 3 rds dead center on me I fall flat on my back, I hear and see muzzle flashes from the exchange with my beat buddy, followed by my beat buddy standing over me shaking his head. He's backlit by the stars in the sky, vision goes black, I wake up. Location was an actual one in our sector though not in a particularly hazadous part of it. This one went away after a while but not before I'd answered and cleared 3 prowler calls at that same locale. Weird!
I'll look you up when I get out there.
I know right where the Sheriff's range is.
And I am sure you guys will make me want to go back to water pistols...

I think you pretty much nailed it on the head. My variation is that I'll get the drop on the bad guy, but he'd never surrender, he will always choose to escalate and I'd fill him full of lead with no ill effect.

And I thought I was the only one who has these kind of nightmares.
In my nastyest nightmare I'm wearing a 1911 on my hip (never owned one, haven't fired one in years, don't particularly like them..?) and I'm hunting a dwarf through a maze of bushes with a chainsaw (never used one). I finally catch him and he begs for his life, but all I can say is "Sorry, gotta kill you" and sever his head. In the dream I can feel the spine, then I wake up sweaty and shaking. I get this every couple months or so, and it's the only reason I still keep a pack of smokes in the house. Weird, and scary.
My worst nightmare (recurring) is shooting at bad guys, but the bullets just fall out of the end of the barrel. Factory ammo, or my own reloads, it all does the same thing. (Kodiak and Steve, the first time I had this nightmare, I was selling guns out of Gart Bros. Sporting Goods in University Mall in Orem. I miss the mountains, too!)
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