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New member
All the "Gunslingers" I know have a certain nightmare that comes once in awhile. There is the "Failure to Stop" dream were you are accosted by something, some one, some dark force... you empty your magazine into the threat with little or no effect, reload empty the gun again - several times and the threat keeps coming. There is also the "Trigger" dream... were you are faced with a threat in a running gun battle and every time you bring your weapon up to fire - the trigger is either so very heavy you can only barely pull it back all the way to fire... or its like a plastic toy gun trigger and your trying to pull it back to where it breaks and it just clicks or as one friend mentioned - shot out a little plastic disk (like the toys you can buy at walmart). These Dreams can be very disturbing or very amusing...

I bet there are a lot of guys here who have had such dreams. What was your variation?

If you haven't had one of these dreams - what GUN NIGHTMARE have you had? - I bet others here have had similar dreams.

[This message has been edited by Kodiac (edited 10-23-98).]
Headshots with a 30-06 at a charging bruin with solid hits. He doesn't stop and I even have time to reload and try again, and again, and again... Never had a M2 in those dreams. Always a bolt gun.
I'm pumping well aimed rounds into the chest of an attacker. He keeps advancing and I keep retreating. My pistol is firing but I can't feel the recoil. The attacker doesn't even flinch but keeps advancing. I keep backpedaling.

Disturbing. Luckily I've only had this one a few times and not recently. Perhaps I should practice head shots in my sleep.

Steve Koski
Hey, was that bruin a kodiac?

Steve, I sure do miss Utah... Look up the hill, See Trojan Explosives? I used to work there. Fun place. Santa's Toy Shop we (my circle of friends there) called it. I hated having to go in the Nitrator Building. Dont like being in place that can "go up" from a brisk fart. I know contest rules forbad chitchat... but hey, some of the boosters we made there are used to detonate warheads in cruise missiles... that like a REALLY BIG gun. As soon as we get our place sold here in VA, we are moving back to Utah. I miss shooting off my back porch!
My gun nightmares were the worst. Something would always cause the gun not to fire when I needed it. I don't have those dreams anymore though.
We don't mean to give the impression we're that anal about chit-chat. It's hard not to inject a personal word now and then. Feel free.

We'll only beat you after you screw up! Only kidding

No problem Rich... My wife and I are excited to get back west - we have had enough of Virginia... maybe I might go back to work for Trojan Explosives, it was a fun job. Untill hunting season rolled in and idiotic hunters put a shot in our direction... There are some building sized craters around the site to remind employees that being careful is good to your health. Hearing a bullet whizz past and thud into a building where boosters are layed out and curing is unnerving... just like when you've pulled the pin on the grenade and know if you drop it...

Black Bear, about 500 lbs & pissed.

Never had dreams about my handgun failing me and I've drawn many times (& never shot anybody).

So, are you a psychobabblist or just curious?
Mine is a little different than some of these. My guns work fine when the attackers come, in fact they do exactly what they are supposed to do. Then I have to deal with the aftermath Guilt, accusation, etc It always feels much worse than I ever have thought it would, regardless of the various circumstances under which I use the gun... that one sucks.
I have studied the subject of Dreams before and this came up one day in conversation with my former partner.
i have had such dreams as well. both kinds I have mentioned... the results are that I go and buy a new gun! Got my HK and I havent had those dreams since. I am not saying it means anything... but maybe if your having them you actually do need to upgrade your firepower... At least that can be an excuse to use on your wife to justify that new peice at the gunstore. 8-)

I live about 2 miles from Trojan. I even applied for a job there a few years ago. We've got a great IDPA club going here in Utah county and we'd love you to come join. They have just started another IDPA club up north that may work for you too.

Take care,

Steve Koski

I took one psychology class at a JC and got a "D". Nothing made sense.

To digress, I, like yourself, did patrol work (now I'm a pogue) and having had my share of 800s, lost faith in psychologists. I use to snicker and say, "fake doctors riding on the coattails of medical science."

Now you come along and relate how your nightmares were cured and my faith in psychology is restored. Guess I gotta go buy another Remington or Colt.
If I think about it my nighmares stopped when I added fixed blades to my arsenal and started taking up Filipino Kali. Knives don't malfunction.
Knives don't need to be reloaded either.
Speaking of which - just got a catalog from Columbia River Knife and Tool company... they mailed it to me yesterday. That STIFF KISS knife ( I have one )is just amazing... Donna, you may want to take a look at it. The Knife itself is as good as any, but the sheath really makes it a great system. You can carry it in so many different ways... It is the most engineered/designed knife I have seen to date. I am at work now with the Stiff Kiss around my neck... Shaving Sharp too... have a bald spot on my arm from a little test.

Psychology is a way for people to become doctors with out having to go through all of the medical school routines...
And it makes a good excuse for bad behavior. Sorry honey, I know you said not to buy another ____ , but I have an obsesive compulsive disorder... 8-)
Kodiak - is there a web page where I can see this knife? If not, how about posting contact info. I would be interested in something like this.

Thanks I think this is where I first saw it online. Or go to or and search for key words columbia river knives... that will take you there. I will post CRKT company contact info tomarow, or later tonight.

Columbia River knife & tool company
fax 503-682-9680

These really are good knives, at very reasonable prices. I recomend them, as much as I recomend SPYDERCO...
My Police & Military models are always in reach.

[This message has been edited by Kodiac (edited 10-23-98).]
BG - Did your dream include Mayor Barely in a loincloth with a spear and a bone thru his nose and kinte cloth tied in a half windsor? They had a big fete for him last night at the MCI Center (I wasn't invited). It was very comical, with all the celebs that showed up to say what a great guy ol' Marion is. He's such a fine reflection upon the Capital City, truly a nightmare. BTW, we're changing the name of the football team to the Washington Tampons - only good for one period, no second string (ba-boom thump) M2
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