"Night stand" gun - does urs have a suppressor??


New member
I've just been kicking around changing my night stand gun. Currently, I use a Titan gun vault attached to bed side. Very nice and secure with loaded glock .45acp. With that said, thinking about switching to my tac ops Sig 227 .45 with my suppressor attached. It has raised night sights and super easy/reliable to shoot. Makes some sense to me to utilize sound suppression if ever needed.

My question is, does anyone out there keep a suppressed gun as your bed side gun? My only reservation is how to secure it as it won't fit in current bed vault...

Just curious as to any thoughts on it. I apologize if this question has been covered prior.

I personally wouldn't- the extra length makes is a bit unwieldy in a groggy state and awkward position like if you're in bed. Plus being too big to fit in your safe and I know if I need to shoot at someone from my bedroom, I'd just as soon people nearby DID hear so they call the cops, so the louder the better. That is personal opinion though. You could always remove the suppressor and store it beside your gun in the safe (or in your nightstand, if it doesn't fit with your gun) during the day, then re-attach it and keep it on your nightstand at night if you prefer it.
Don't own any silencers... so no. :D

At night my belt gun goes on the night stand, then it goes back on my belt in the morning.
That's actually what I do too, 9x19. I typically set my CCW on night stand too. Just as added redundancy.

I do like compensator idea too and hadn't really thought about that.

As far as bulky and lengthy, that was something I wasn't crazy about but figured since so many folks still use a shotgun as this weapon, then maybe 5" of extra gun length wouldn't break me.

More than anything, I was bored a day this week and started searching "best home defense weapons" and on just about every list, they showed one or two handgins w/suppressors as top choices. So that got me thinking about my own set up. Since I'd already be confused and little blind out of a dead sleep, the idea of being able to spare my hearing seemed somewhat attractive
my eighbors arent going to hear me inside my house anyways, so i would love the addition of a silencer to take away some of the risk of perm hearing damage. you could look into rigging up a holster that gets held between the matresses, maybe just a loop and button type that goes around the grip.
Silencer makers have advanced all manner of discussions about their products in recent years, some is legitimate... some is marketing... if you believe all of it, you'll be amazed at all the things people have been able to do before silencers became so popular. :D
I've thought about this some more, and I think I'd want the hole neighborhood to hear my gunshots. It's not easy to dial 911 these days with smartphones the touch screens don't work so well with fluids on them.

Hunting, I support silencer use
"Don't wake the baby guns" are getting more popular all the time :D

Nope. Experience has led me to conclude that suppressors introduce potential ejection and loading failures to a centerfire handgun because they affect the recoil impulse and add other timing events. I own silencers, and they are a viable option for HD uses from a legal standpoint, but I choose not to use them for this purpose.

I'll take my chances with auditory exclusion. I know a few cops that have discharged in confined spaces, and they still hear fine.

If I was going to use a suppressor for HD, I'd be looking at a proven design from one of the established manufacturers. I would also be looking at the smaller "short" cans so I don't end up knocking it into door frames, etc. I would just want to keep the blast down, not turn it into a science experiment. Something like the AAC TiRant Short would be a top choice. I'd also look at only using it on a full-size host, and something with a fixed barrel or semi-fixed barrel like a Beretta 92A1 or M9A1.
If i used an ar15 sbr for home defense I would definitely suppress it. I am heavily considering doing so eventually. The unsuppressed muzzle blast and flash of any centerfire rifle in a tight indoor area is enough to blind and disorient anyone. If I have to use a home defense weapon I want all the odds I can get in my favor.
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I agree with overkill on a long gun used for indoor HD. I'll take my chances with a pistol, but my SBR AR has way too much bark.
Overkill777 said:
The unsuppressed muzzle blast and flash of any centerfire rifle in a tight indoor area is enough to blind and disorient anyone.
Have you ever tested this? Until recently, I hadn't fired a firearm in the dark since I got out of the Marine Corps well over a decade ago. I recently fired my 14.5" AR with a Saker muzzle brake (without the silencer) at one of the empty bays at the range where I work. The lights were turned completely off so it was pitch-black in the bay. I shot about half the magazine with my weapon light on and about half with it off. The Saker brake produces a large fireball out to either side of the rifle, but it was far from blinding. It was less blinding than simply turning on a flashlight in a dark room.

As for the sound, I was wearing muffs (I should have added plugs too) and it was definitely still pretty loud, but during an actual HD situation auditory exclusion will probably minimize or eliminate the sound of the rifle. Sure, your hearing will still suffer, but you won't necessarily be completely disoriented by the sound of the shot.

Here's a video my coworker took (it was pretty loud so she curses at the end of it; just a warning). I was pretty disappointed by this video, I was expecting the muzzle blast to be far more exciting:


All that said, I still use silencers on my HD weapons. My rifle currently has a 16" barrel with an AAC 7.62 SDN-6, but I'm waiting on a 5.56 Saker and I'm going to use it with my new 14.5" upper.
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Night stand gun does urs have a suppresor

When you are awakend from deep sleep, it take a long time even with adreline rushing though your body, to shake it off.
You don't want a cumbersome weapon or a combination or print recognition to contend with.
You want that weapon where you know it is always going to be palced and easily reached and safety taken off immediately. under your contro once will make most not want anythign to do with it until later years.
We went through a home invasion, in the mid seventies.
The gun was too far under the bed and my glasses were on the other side.
Concerns for safety of kids. Well each kid is differnet but early trainign and let them shoot a loud and kicking .38 will make most of them not want to ahve anything to do with it until later years.
When you go to bed you place it within your easy reach but not where the kids know where it is.
You get up you put it out of their reach nor where they know it is.
You leave it at home you leave it in the big safe. They still the little safes and break them later.
Get a family dog. One that loves you and you love it. let it sleep at the foot of your bed or in hallway between all the bedrooms.
Ours knows whenver anyone comes on the property and most certainly when they approach the porches or any doors.
The dog may warn them away. If they persist the dog will warn you anyway and it may take a leg off the ivnader. However standard thing now on home invasion is shoot the dog first but he would have sacraficed himslef to let you know to get awake, get the gun, home invader.
If I am shooting at someone in my house, I want all my neighbors to know it and in particular, I want the person I am shooting at to feel as if Thor is hurling thunderbolts at him. I'm willing to take a little ear ringing for that. So no suppressors for my home defense firearms. I do enjoy them for recreational shooting and hunting though.

Some people are very concerned about hearing loss or have a spouse or someone where communication might be an issue. Suppressors might be a good option for their situation.

However, anybody who is thinking they are going to ninja-snipe someone in their own home and that the suppressor is going to be helpful with that is going to be disappointed.