NFA Survey

I have the following NFA devices:

Haven Mark I SMG - sort of a left-handed AUSTEN Mark I - (made on an approved Form 1 in 1982)

MG-34 - purchased a parts kit from ARMEX International, made the receiver on an approved Form 1 in 1983.

MAC-10 9mm - purchased a parts kit from SWD and a bent receiver flat from some other vendor - completed the receiver on an approved Form 1 in 1984.

Sionics silencer for the MAC - purchased parts and completed on an approved Form 1 in 1984.

I wish they would lift the 1986 ban on new MGs; I'd love to build an AR-10 for my collection.

"Subs" are cool, but BELT-FEDS RULE!!!
I am a manager of a commercial indoor range with a SOT and I have been dealing with some manufacturers and collectors for years. Only recently have I put my own money toward NFA items, my Vector Uzi will be in my hands NLT 5 Dec 02. I have several friends who own subguns and one acquaintance who has (last I heard) 104 registered guns/suppressors, that is the guy to talk to if you want to see an impressive collection. 15+ Thompsons and quite a few Browning belt fed guns, at least 4 each 1919s and AN-M2s (.30 aircraft MGs, ROF is 1440). 2 or more .50BMG M-2s and one very early M1917 (unfired in mint condition). if that doesen't do it for you he has FALs, HKs, M16s (he made at least 12 prior to the ban) a pre 68 transferable Uzi and god only knows what else. My lone NFA transfer pales in comparison so talking about his collecion is far more interesting. In addition to our rental Uzi we have other items (rentals) coming into the shop in the near future so I am bound to add other items before long.

26point2, a 9mm upper for the M4 would open up several shooing opportunitys for you and the price of the M4 will jump if/when the Shrike makes the market. Just something to think about.
I have crossed the Rubicon. I started my first NFA firearm purchase 3 months ago. Looks like it will be a slow process - might have it paid off before I get to take physical possession; form 4 to form 3, to form 4 inter-state transfer. It's a US citizenship present to myself, if that process goes well too. I plan on a few more NFA firearms in the future. I also plan to shoot all my NFA purchases.
Since I collect Military firearms, I have a 1928AC Thompson (West Hurley), an MP5, a 1918A2 BAR, and a 1919A4 in 30-06/7.62NATO/8mm. I also have a "can" for the MP5. Since I have a 600 yd range out the front door (It's good to live in the West), I shoot as much as I can afford. On occasion, I shoot IPSC matches with the subguns.

Leuthen, welcome to citizenship in this great country! We (or our ancestors) all came here from someplace, what country did you come from?
I HATE the fact that new citizens know more U.S. history than our high school seniors!
"second VA NIB UZI, currently a keeper for when the first UZI is all shot out"

PSP: Please post when you wear out your first Uzi. Thanks.

I'm german, born in the american sector. Came to america 4 years after I proudly declared to my mother that I when I'm big, I'll go to america, get a gun and shoot the russians. I was 5 at that time - US military hardware on parade was pretty impressive to this 5 year old. Fate?

I too was a HS senior in this country. I even remember when the pledge of alligeance was said by the students, each morning as class started - this was in the mid-west, early 70's, 3rd grade. When we moved from the mid-west to the PRK in the mid-70's - 'what is the pledge of alligence?' How things have changed.

My INS interview for citizenship is in a few weeks. Wonder how they view current or past membership in - Cub Scouts, Boy Scouts, NRA, 2 gun clubs, and the US Naval Institute (big fan of US naval history)? (have to list all this and more on the application)
I bought two more NFA weapons yesterday. When I bought my Sten, the sheiff's office couldn't have been nicer in signing the paperwork. But, we have a new sheriff taking office in January and I don't know what he will be like, so I decided to buy now.
I bought a suppressed Ruger 10/22 and a suppressed Ruger MK.II pistol. I decided to buy both guns from AAC
I got the Phoenix model rifle and pistol.
USAS 12 semiauto

My wife bought it for me as a present before they were declared DDs. We were at Knob Creek and someone had the selective fire version and I had a chance to shoot it. WOW:D Shortly after that she presented me with mine! I get it out from time to time and run a few boxes through it (I do whish I had gotten a drum when they were almost reasonbly priced).
Crossed over this year:
Colt M16A1 with original and m4 barrels
Ruger 22 rifle with integrated silencer
HK sear registered in 3 calibers for future use in a conversion
I only have one, a S&W 76 in 9mm. I would love more but it in Michigan only C&Rs are allowed. I shoot about 5-6000 rounds a year through it. If they were morwe affordable I would own more but I like too many other types of firearms as well. I would love to own a suppressor as well but they are not allowed as well as short barreled rifles or shotguns. I can shoot at a 25 yard indoor range near me but I have to drive two hours to get to a range where they will let me shoot it outdoors. I usually let anyone that asks try it as long as they buy a box of ammo from the range. It is my way of saying thanks to the range owner. He makes a buck of the ammo and I get free 9mm brass.
I have;

UZI bolt gun by SWD Receiver is SBR.
Cobray/SWD M11/9mm.
Colt M16.
Suppressor that fits M11 and UZI (w/ aftermarket barrel).
Suppressor for TEC22T.
Remington 870 SBS.
MAC Pen gun AOW.

Now I just need to find a DD to round out the collection.

I use the UZI for competition when I can afford the vacation time. I've been to Knob Creek 3 times and two other smaller competitions.

Married with 2 teens and a mortgage has chewed on my class 3 . I bought most of my guns before marriage .

Gone are my :
Wilson MP-40
BSA M1914 Lewis .303 ground gun
Winchester M1918 BAR
H&R M50 Reising

Still have :
Colt RR AR15 11.5" 5.56 with .22 conversion
Savage 1942 M-1 TSMG
I am the proud owner of an MG-42 and a Sten MkII, both C&R and both in excellent condition. They're getting occasional use and are very well cleaned and maintained after each shooting session, so they run flawlessly. It's a real joy to share these fine pieces with those who have not ever fired a gun before. Many of my friends who also own historic firearms agree. Also in the collection are a few WWII rifles such as the Mauser k98, Luger Parabellum, M1 Garand, and M1 Carbine. Vintage firearms have more appeal than modern ones. Check out my website's videos page and surf around the other pages there to see ancient weapons and armour all made here at the Knight's Armoury in Anoka, MN. Enjoy your next trip to the range.... :) 42 - Videos.htm
I have a few guns in the transfer process to my dealer and waiting for me to get the corporation papers before I fdo the transfers. State told me I should have the corp paperwork back in about three weeks. In the meantime, my local C3 guy is also an indoor shooting range, so I can shoot the guns before the form 4's are approved.

1928A1 WH Thompson
Beretta BM-59 Alpine
Two M11's
H&R Reising Model 50
NIB PAWS converted Olympic Arms M16
Norrell Converted EA M-16
Gemtech Outback for my P22

For the 16's and BM-59 I use frangible ammo to shoot indoors at 25 yards (308 indoors requires a lot of hearing protection). Also have a dedicated 22 upper for the 16s.
NFAs and I shoot them all a few times a year

Never confuse the "wife prices" with the actual prices or your bags will be packed!

AK-47 Krink (Actually met Gen Kalashnikov at a Shot Show)
M16 Colt
Mac10/45 Suppressed
HK51 (same sear)

The one I'm shooting tends to be my favorite. I'm maxed out...I think (it's a disease)

MG42 (original C&R)
AK47 (incoming: will be converted to an RPK)
(3) M16's (all three are RDIAS guns)
(3) SWD M11's
RAMO 1919A4
American 180
HK51A3 (sear gun)
.45 Spitfire SMG
Bowers CAC-22 supressor
AAC Phantom 9mm supressor

I haven't shot the AK yet (still waiting for the F3 transfer), but so far my favorite is the MG42. What a beast! I'm actually thinking of trying to get another and set them up on the twin mount, side-by-side.
I'm waiting Form 4 approval on a NIB Vector mini-Uzi. I must have a few NFA because I've a Master Card bill that would gag a maggot :barf: . I shoot them as often as I can get out, but recently my club has been sponsoring a Machine Gun Shoot. Then they all come out for a wild weekend of "blowing the rust out of the barrels". We have alot of locals attending, so its their first and probably only time to satisfy the Walter Mitty urge to fire a machine gun. (There are alot of Maggy Mittys who get a kick out of the sub guns). I also run up the tab adding stuff to the basic gun; 22 conversion, different uppers, different stocks, sights, etc. ad infinium. Like a new car, its not the base price of the car, its the accessories that drive the price up. Do I own NFA? Oh Yah! :D
i wish i colud buy one but i am uder 21. also i am currently living in nyc. the most anti gun state in america. however when i move to pa i am planning on buying a uzi from a neighbor of my uncles for only 2k. unfourtunately that wont be until next year. :D