NFA item while on active duty

This thread could hurt the original poster more then help. He is asking unknown individuals on the internet for legal advice which may or may not be correct.

The best course of action would be to get the opinion from a military lawyer. Then also followup by getting an opinion from both the state and local authorities that have authority over these issues. Check with the BATF If it involves the military, then you probably have to get your commanding officer involved somehow and you may need to get their opinion. Why not ask the base armorer to see if there are folks who have their weapons stored there and get his opinion?

This situation has probably come up a number of times and someone will know the answers. You are probably not the first person with this particular situation. When you talk with people, take copious notes on who you talked to, when and what was said. Try to get opinions in writing. So if something goes down where you end up in trouble, then you can demonstrate all the reasearch that was done.
JohnH1963 states:
This thread could hurt the original poster more then help. He is asking unknown individuals on the internet for legal advice which may or may not be correct.

My reply:
You are correct however being in the Marine Corps for 10 years and owning 9 NFA items I'm fairly positive I'm not wrong or else I myself would be behind bars.

JohnH1963 states:
The best course of action would be to get the opinion from a military lawyer.

My reply:
Base legal will not be knowledgable in this area "most" of the time unless the person your dealing with is an NFA owner as well. Additionally, legal will only help if the matter pertains to the military pressing charges against you otherwise it is a conflict of interest. (I have already tried this when I first got into NFA)

JohnH1963 states:
Then also followup by getting an opinion from both the state and local authorities that have authority over these issues. Check with the BATF

My reply:
100000% agree, the ATF is very helpful contrary to what most people say. Their number is (304) 616-4500

JohnH1963 states:
If it involves the military, then you probably have to get your commanding officer involved somehow and you may need to get their opinion.

My reply:
His/her Commanding Officer has nothing to do with his/her right to own weapons. You "need" their opinion on nothing...they can not deny you your 2nd Amendment Rights. Unless the OP lives in the Barracks or on base you are out of the C.O.'s juristriction.

JohnH1963 states:
Why not ask the base armorer to see if there are folks who have their weapons stored there and get his opinion?

My reply:
DO NOT PUT YOUR WEAPONS IN THE BASE ARMORY EVER!! I have seen, and personally expirienced, armorers take weapons out belonging to individules and shoot them, then deny the fact it happen. In addition to that you CAN NOT transfer a Class II weapon to anyone other then the person it is registared to i.e. the Trustee's if using a Revocable Living Trust, Corporation Officers if you have a business ect. Also, it takes forever to check-in/out your weapon(s) and then your at the availability of the armorer to even be present when you want to get them. My suggestion is to get a small storage rental unit out in town and keep them there if you dont have your own place.

JohnH1963 states:
This situation has probably come up a number of times and someone will know the answers. You are probably not the first person with this particular situation. When you talk with people, take copious notes on who you talked to, when and what was said. Try to get opinions in writing. So if something goes down where you end up in trouble, then you can demonstrate all the reasearch that was done.

My reply:
Research/opinions mean NOTHING in the eyes of the military muchless the ATF. Get the NFA Guidebook available here: read up and then see where you stand...PM if you need off-line info.

Cavaet just for JohnN1963: I'm NOT a lawyer, I do NOT think I am, I do NOT play one on T.V. and if your REALLY WORRIED write a letter to the ATF and get your answer in writting. However, do not expect them to be quick about getting you this answer.

I hope this helps you out more then adds confusing details

Question for JohnH1963: Have you ever served in the United States military?
The reason I asked here was b/c i thought this would be the most likely place to find someone who had dealt with this situation. Looking more for ideas than "legal advice." I got a great idea.
Thanks MCASgt
I too am stationed in cali, and am a california native, and i can tell you there is no way i know of to do what you want to do legally.

I would also highly recommend that you never put anything in a base armory if you value its quality. somehow items stored tend to see a lot of use and abuse.

just go to yuma, az instead and keep all the suppressors you want.