Newsweek article & types of guns

It's my understanding that the TEC-9 is really a single shot! (It just has a hi-cap magazine). ;)


"The middle of the road between the extremes of good and evil, is evil. When freedom is at stake, your silence is not golden, it's yellow..." RKBA!
I finally got the opportunity to fire a TEC-9 last fall. (funny: I've been wasting my time with Colts, HK's, Auto Ordinance, FN, Sig, Smith, Springfield Armory, etc, etc)

Accuracy was astonishingly poor; I do much, much, MUCH better with my little Kel-Tec P-11 at the same ranges. This actually surprised me, as the TEC-9 is so large and has a longer sight radius. I found that I couldn't get more than 2 shots in a row to fire. I even tried holding the gun on its side, a la Hollywood, thinking maybe it had an upright action lock mercury switch that they only instruct on in the 'Hood, but to no avail. In the end, I sort of thought that 10 Davis 2-shot 9mm derringers strung around your neck would be more reliable than this thing.

I know it's a slippery slope that we'd best not tread, but it's very tempting to let them have this P.O.S. as a Judas Goat. But that would put me right in with the idiots who shoot Sporting Clays or 1000 yard matches, and then assert that no one needs and "assault rifle."


Marlin .22s? It's because it's the most common semi-auto in the US, and is in most everyone's closet. Even areas that have restrictions on pistols have Marlin .22 rifles in the closets and behind the doors to steal. What do you want to bet that a lot of these "gun crimes" are the confiscations of the guns in the house when the cops were called for any domestic dispute? The gun gets logged in as confiscated, and boom, there's your stats.

Also, there's no reference made to what the nature was of the the crimes for the guns in question. If a kid gets busted for shooting across a public road or hunting rabbits on private property without permission (poaching), this two, will be logged as a crime with a gun, but should it be pitched in with agg. assault and armed robbery?!?
Just a fun little note from the instruction manual for the Tec-DC9 and AB-10 pistol- It is accurate out to a whopping 15 yards!!!!!!!
That is listed in the manual.