Newest Cabelas Flyer "Tacticrap"


New member
Anyone got this yet? They have, at least in this area, a "tactical knife/laser combo" that mounts on the rail of a handgun. All yours for $149. IIRC.:barf:

Who the Hell buys that crap??????? We have damn few pirates here in Nebraska, and I dont know of any looking to upgrade from the old flintlock/cutlass combo!:D:D

Saw it and busted out laughing.
Still I'm the one who made a "tacti-cooooool" shotgun one time just for the hell of it. :)
I'm holding out until they come up with a thermonuclear warhead that can also be used to open a bottle of beer. Hopefully my rail won't require too much fitting for this handy tool.
I always thought the picture of a bayonet mounted on a handgun was a joke photoshop. I always thought wrong. I just don't think that fits the spirit of the bayonet. Wouldn't it be more effective to just hold the bayonet in your hand???
I refuse to buy one till they put a universal remote in the hilt of the knife and make the blade a probe for a stun gun. I don't want to stick a booger man more than once and I don't want to miss my show just because he is twitching and drooling on the floor while we wait for the sheriff.
Sigh... the bayonet was invented as a bear hunting tool back in 17th century France, back in the matchlock days.

It was there to keep a dangerous adversary at a distance after being shot once then stabbed and impaled on the long-azz spike and the length of your firearm was a protective measure until the adversary gave up the fight and succumbed to blood loss.

Not a lot of point on a handgun. A real knife has oodles more merit.
If they can make tactical junk out of plastic in China for 2$ and sell it to you for 99$, to stick on your gun for some ninja thrills, more power to them, if they sell. Getting older and wiser and doing less stuff to stock guns. Let the yoofs blow their pizza money on a new plastic shark fin concealed compartment ventilated 180 degree adjustable forward pistol grip to fit the Marlin 60.
Lmao...I have to admit that I almost bought a "bayonet" for my XD at the last gun show. Not because I thought it was COOL or because I thought it was a practical addition to my pistol. I just couldn't stop laughing when I saw it...I was gonna buy it for spits and giggles and just to see how the guys at the range would react when I pulled it would have been priceless imo. The guy wanted $25 for it...which was too much for a funny tho.
Your gun is like your nose, it is just wrong for someone else to pick it for you!

Just noticed your sig line, love it and oh so true. That is why I don't like to make specific model suggestions. Try 2 or 3 or 12 and buy the one that makes you smile the most.

As long as mall ninjas keep buying tacticool it leaves the straight stuff for shooters to enjoy. They get older and the toys get lost or forgotten so its all good. Had a cousin that went hunting with us once. Was in the Army Reserves at the time so he bought a AR15 to deer hunt with, carried a 12" Bowie knife in his boot and a 16" bayonet on his belt.

While gabbing with each other we saw a deer at around 80 yards and since I was using a 357 I offered the shot to him. He took a long look then decided against it because it was to far away. Following November he had a 4" knife and a 30-30. Just needs to go through the phase, some take longer than others, some get over it quick.
These kinda things look like a product made by someone who watched their "Blade" movies too many times. I can see the value for it while hunting vampires, but with nocturnal beasties in very short supply (not to mention out of season) ill have to pass this time around :D
These kinda things look like a product made by someone who watched their "Blade" movies too many times. I can see the value for it while hunting vampires, but with nocturnal beasties in very short supply (not to mention out of season) ill have to pass this time around

lol... Here in AZ the werewolves are protected species, but chupacabras and were-coyotes are still classified as varmints. As such, open season all year as long as you get your basic hunting permit for the year.;)

Get yerself a pistol bayonet and inlet that sucker with some silver before it's too late.:D
yeah that one is pretty crappy...

Be gentle...
I do like the one that fits the CZ SP-01. I have no idea why or what I would use it for but i was like hey never seen that before. that was like at least a year ago it came out. I thinking thats just some junk knock off of that.
Where do you find a holster that"ll accommodate the damned thing?
The only thing I have seen that's dumber, might be the "tacticool" accessories for the NEF single shot rifles / shotguns.

These kinda things look like a product made by someone who watched their "Blade" movies too many times. I can see the value for it while hunting vampires, but with nocturnal beasties in very short supply (not to mention out of season) ill have to pass this time around

LOL actually the first time I saw one of those I thought of Disneys "Three Musketeers" where Porthos [Oliver Platt] stabs someone in the arm with a bayonet on a pistol. Of course...that was in the midst of a battle with swords and a one shot I would imagine a touch handier then :D .