Newbie Here - AR15 questions

I'm not sure what you know but silent isn't silent. Even a suppressor is going to make noise in 223/556. Movies lie to you all day long. But if you're looking for a suppressor do you know that on top of the price of the one you buy you also have to pay a $200 tax stamp in the U.S. And it may take 9-12 months after you buy it for all the paperwork to be cleared and let you take it home.

Get rid of the muzzlebreak and go with a thread adapter or linear compensator.

The only better advice I could give you is start reloading but that's not really cheap unless you crank out a ton of ammo and shoot a lot.
tim said:
My first impression was that that it was subsonic, and secondly I wanted a Hollow Point. But never head the "boat-tail". Just checking to find out if I can run this through my AR15? If I can my plan is, to order this, check it out (noise wise). If the noise wise is okay, then I can wait a year for the silencer and save up. If I can't deal with the noise then I can go with the silencer.
Thank you

I'm not an expert on any of this, so maybe we will be speaking the same language. A 75gr .223 isn't going to be quieter than regular old 55gr stuff.

If you want a rifle to be quiet, a .223/5.56 is an unusual choice. If you want a .223/5.56 AR to function as a semi-automatic rifle, subsonic ammunition isn't a helpful attribute.

I don't have one and the ammunition is expensive, but an AR set up for subsonic 300 black out looks like the well tested solution for a subsonic AR. There is also the .22 AR that is built in 22lr.
Ok, im going to go ahead and throw this out there. Based on my understanding of the situation, you're expectations are unrealistic.

You are not going to be able to achieve your goals related to noise with what you have, and or without spending an additional $500-1000. And even then it may not meet your expectations/needs.

A suppressor will cost you around $500 and up, plus a $200 tax stamp, and a waiting period of 4 weeks plus. Even with a suppressor on a 223/5.56 rifle it will still be louder than a lawnmower, similar to a 22lr in my experience.

What your wanting to achieve is Hollywood quiet, which can be done with 300 blackout, subsonic ammo, and a good 30cal suppressor. But its not going to be cheap to do or shoot.

So you are going to have to adjust your expectations either in the area of noise, cost, or both.

I hope you can find a good solution that will meet your needs.
If I were you, I would buy noise cancelling headphones, as much cheap ammo as reasonable, find a place to go shooting, and put some rounds downrange.
Of course, work on the fundamentals of running the gun, safety, and basic accuracy. Like golf, you can only pretend so much before you have to get the rounds in.

After a couple hundred rounds you'll have a more balanced view of changes to make.

IMHO of course.
Not even a crossbow is quiet. Quieter. It won't hurt your ears, and it wont break the sound barrier but not silent. I can't even think what the drop of an arrow is at 60 yards because I don't shoot that far but I think it's somewhere around 2 feet. 0-30 yards is basically 2 inches low out the crossbow, high at 20 and on at 30. But that's all for a different forum.

In the land of firearms we all have ideas and ways to accomplish that. I like to shoot targets and can with many calibers but like to beak out the 22lr. But I have deer rifles and coyote rifles, shotguns and if I want to be quiet a 177 nitro piston pellet rifle.

One thing I can tell you is when I got my Ruger MPR in 556 and took it to the range I said wow that's to loud. The break on it made it obnoxious vs my more power deer rifle. The linear compensator helped me tame some of the sound and with 223/556 a muzzle break doesn't really control recoil rise in my opinion. But If I had the room to build a shooting area that I had to worry about the neighbors I think I would shoot 5 or so feet with the barrel inside through a long stack of tires or box. Someone probably has a book on it. But I don't need to be quiet so I just grab my walker noise canceling muffs.
i think if you are out in the country and you are looking to shoot coyotes at night or early morning or late evening....i would put on a linear compensator and get a good shooting load..factory or worked up for your rifle and just go do it

its not like you are going to be shooting 20-30 rounds....if you dont put the yote down with the first round they are leaving dodge in HIGH GEAR...and unless you can hit them running wide open...well you just gave the yote a very good education and he will be much more wyleeee the next time

and i dont think i would use match ammo for this game either...yes it will kill.. but maybe not right away....even though they are coyotes they still deserve a humane kill need a bullet more for the game or varmit you are going to shoot...a good soft point or balistic tip in the 62-68gr range should work better than a match hollow point

i have seen match bullets just make a pencil size hole all the way through and not open up at all...but on the other side of that, i have seen those bullets hit a bone or something hard and make a real mess....but that is your call on what you want to do

as for the noise...unless you put a can on it..and it isnt gona be that quiet...i think it is still up around 120-130dcbl even with a can.....just go do aint gona wake anybody up with one or two shots.....unless you are in their back yard

just my thoughts and my .02

ocharry: yeah. that is kinda what i was point to. do a little shooting and learn what your gun is doing (noise wise) down range and just use it. the sonic crack can't be mitigated with a muffler. and if it's the powder blast that is the issue use hearing protection; the muzzle blast diminishes quickly with distance, much more so than the sonic crack. the crack has a much better chance to echo off of things seeing that is a long term (relatively speaking) sound effect.

if you are not in the back yard of the nearest neibour then just shoot the dog and be done with.
i would like to have a hollywood quiet 243win . but realisticly hollywood thinks long range is between 25 and 50 yards, gasoline always explodes, and inertia wont kill you if you can wrap a protective suit around you then you can fall for a mile hit the ground and get up and fight some more... among other such things.

in the real world gravity works. inertia works the observed laws of physics all seem to just keep working, and noise is in there somewhere. are right..that muzzle Crack does for sure wants to roll down through the hills and don't seem to notice it quite as much during the day as I do at night

I will say if you are gona do much night shooting you need something on the muzzle to control the flash...if you don't, your night vision is gona be toast for a minute or so
Again, I thank everyone for your comments. Okay, so this is what I've done so far. I've order some .223 Rem 75gr JHP SUBSONIC rounds. They should be here either Friday or Saturday. I plan on shooting a few (maybe 2) in the ground and see how loud they are. If they are fine, I plan on using them and then I can move on to my next project. If I don't like them or if they are still to loud, then my wife and I have deecided to move on to getting a silencer and either using the subsonic/reg rounds.

My next project which I'm hoping that you guys will help me out with is building a shooting berm. My idea is to use 6x6 up to six feet and place them into a "V" shape with a fence post in the middle to hold the 6X6 in place. Then I will get some decking board and place them on top (such as a roof). Then cover the entire thing with sand (only thing we have in SC). Measuring from where the boards come together out with about 4" of sand. Does this sound about right?

Thanks again for those who have stuck it this far and putting their 2 cents in. If you happen to find the silencer that is below $400.00 please let me know where it is so that I can get it.
Again, I thank everyone for your comments. Okay, so this is what I've done so far. I've order some .223 Rem 75gr JHP SUBSONIC rounds. They should be here either Friday or Saturday. I plan on shooting a few (maybe 2) in the ground and see how loud they are. If they are fine, I plan on using them and then I can move on to my next project. If I don't like them or if they are still to loud, then my wife and I have deecided to move on to getting a silencer and either using the subsonic/reg rounds.

My next project which I'm hoping that you guys will help me out with is building a shooting berm. My idea is to use 6x6 up to six feet and place them into a "V" shape with a fence post in the middle to hold the 6X6 in place. Then I will get some decking board and place them on top (such as a roof). Then cover the entire thing with sand (only thing we have in SC). Measuring from where the boards come together out with about 4" of sand. Does this sound about right?

Thanks again for those who have stuck it this far and putting their 2 cents in. If you happen to find the silencer that is below $400.00 please let me know where it is so that I can get it.
If you looking for cheap, Witt machine and tool make a suppressor called the Canooter Valve, which is a dedicated 5.56 rifle suppressor. It comes in at a whopping $260.00 Its super plane jane bare bones, but if your looking for cheap and durable it fits the bill.
@Shadow9mm - thanks for that info as I knew I saw something for that price, but I couldn't find it. Man what a rackett with these silencers. I wish they show what the db are using this tho. Any clue where that might be?
Again, thank you.
@Shadow9mm - thanks for that info as I knew I saw something for that price, but I couldn't find it. Man what a rackett with these silencers. I wish they show what the db are using this tho. Any clue where that might be?
Again, thank you.
I attached a youtube video of a guy reviewing it in my last post. Said he was able to shoot supersonic ammo without it making his ears hurt or ring without hearing protectio, although you should still use hearing protection. Beyond that, i cant say for sure.
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When you shoot your to rounds in the dirt if you have a muzzle break on and don't like the sound screw the break off and give it a shot. Breaks tend to send air/sound in all directions. Having just the barrel hole will send it forward and you can see if it is different.
@blindstitch - I didn't realize i could take off the flash suppressor before shooting. i will try next time I shoot. Update for the group tho. Today I got my subsonic (Beck Ammunition, .223 REM Subsonic 75gr jacketed Hollow Point), and what a differences. It does should like me shooting my .22lr. However, down the road I will purchase a silencer for my supersonic rounds. The silencer I'm thinking about getting is the one that Shadow9mm recommended so that I don't break the bank.
Thanks gang.
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