Newb to CCW, many questions

The only thing I haven't seen here yet is this: At least in Florida, it's a crime to even threaten somebody while you are in possession of a firearm, concealed or not.

So, if I were you, I would think about NOT carrying until you have taken the course (which will likely involve way less about guns and shooting than about self defense law).

In the meantime see if you can find your state's statutes online. It's easy in Florida. Look for the self defense statutes AND the firearms/carry statutes. In Florida, they're separate but, of course, they work together to tell you what you basically can and cant do. Here, the self-defense statutes are found under "crimes", if memory serves, and the firearms/carry statutes are under something like "weapons and firearms". I was able to find them by googling "florida statutes". The first item listed went right to the State of Florida's own statutes webpage.

And if you're still not sure, get your lawyer's advice. But be aware that lawyers have different styles. Mine sometimes gives me a little explaination why I should/shouldn't do something, other times he just says "dont do it". I have learned the hard way that I ignore his advice at my great peril (I dropped a restraining order against his advice because I was a stupid sucker for a sob story).

If you don't have one you should pay a consulting fee (used to be around $75-$100 around here) for a half hour initial Q&A session. Then you at least have somebody you know and can call if life turns bad one fine day. You might have to call around some. I imagine there are lawyers who don't want to give out gun advice because they don't like (the idea of you having) them, so if you detect that attitude, move on. It's a lot like cops. I've seen every attitude from scornful looks (on seeing my CCWL) to being asked if I want to sell my gun.

Good luck !
If you have to

A good rule is if you have the time very quickly say to yourself ( Well Your Honor) I did this or that if it makes sense then ok if not be a dam good witness. Could keep your butt out of trouble. But just my 2 cents.
bringing this one back up.....good info guys, I will be taking the CW course in the next few weeks, but I have another scenario that I was thinking about last week. If I am walking to my car with my weapon concealed, a robber comes, puts a gun to my back, asks for my wallet and of course I comply with him and give him my wallet or he will kill me, he takes it and runs, what should I do about this one? Sorry for all the dumb questions, but liek I said, I have it on my mind, so I want to ask it.

Let him go. Get as much visual info you can and call the police. If he turns to run, your life is no longer threatened. As stated before, check your local laws. Here in the firearm freindly state of Massachusetts;), I believe you could be the one in trouble drawing at that point. I am admittedly not expertly versed in our often confusing laws here, but if you or a loved one is not going to die, don't draw.
The car question - you let him go because he is running away and no longer a threat. The first question - I would say yell and try and stop the man. Hopefully, he runs away and it ends there. In my state I would have the right to protect myself and others lives if needed.
Of course, the use of deadly force is considered a last option. My state laws state that Civilians have a duty to retreat. Deadly force (drawing your weapon) is only an option if there are no others.

My instructer made us really think in class when he put a similar "what if" out there. What if the man/women taking the beating was the BG and the one giving the beating turn the tables on them. Now you shot a man defending himself. You really have to be sure you know what is truly going on.