New York hunters and fishermen


New member
Time to prove to Cuomo we are angry! NY gun owners are not happy about all this new legislation, robbing us of our rights. If you could hold out for 1 hunting season, don't buy a license, Don't hunt, don't fish. His pockets and the pockets of state employees will feel it. No hunting for me next year!
This would definitely cost them a lot of revenue and I hope there is enough people that will do it.
The problem with that is not only will that cost jobs, but your wildlife will suffer for it, and how the hell is it their fault MOHR308??
If you want to show those fellas you feel stongly about your rights being infringed on then Write a letter to everybody in your state that holds an office!;) That's what I did.....
I'd move. Come on down to SC, just leave any liberal BS you might have in NY. While your politicians are banning guns and pushing industries out, my state is about to pass an open carry law, laws making Federal Gun Leg moot and inviting the gun industries targeted by these liberal politicians to come here and build all they want.
Sounds great in principle.

Why should I give up my hunting season, however. That's punishing my dogs, and me! The state budget is so far in the hole that all boycotting license purchases will do is get the numbers pushed farther in the red. Think Cuomo cares about that? Think again.

"I'm so mad at you that I'm going to stop doing what I love to punish you".

Umm, no.
The way I see it, is if I have to stop doing something that I love to get my point across ill do it. Writing letters has got me no where, signing petitions has got me nothing. Not giving money to the state for 1 year, just another attempt to get my voice heard. Oh yeah one more thing, just anther year for that buck to get bigger!

Moving out of NY has been and still is an option my family and I are considering, this state is being ruined.

I was born in this state and its beautiful, I'm gonna stand and fight for my rights first and if nothing comes from it, I'll leave.
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Bird dog

Yes I understand this may cost jobs, it will cause a ripple state wide. The idea is to get other people involved, non gun owners also. When people start to see that there is lack of funding because our money isn't there, their eyes may open a little wider. Then they will come to realize that It's Cuomo fault for pushing us to far. For every action there is a reaction, and instead of Cuomo taking action, we need to take action so he can react.
Boycotts almost never work even when the boycotters have other options... Like choosing one restaurant over another. Virtually no one is going to give up a hunting season with no reasonable alternative choice.
Besides that, hunting licenses long ago got stupid expensive, 10s of thousands of us bought lifetime licenses before the last price increase. We can't boycott even if we wanted to.
Letters DO work, as do phone calls. Obviously not every time, the dedicated antis aren't changing their minds any more than you or I. It's the fence-sitters that listen to reason.
Moving can be a viable option when the state is failed beyond reason, which definately includes NY. I'm leaving, ASAP, and encouraging as many others as possible to follow.
^^ Brian..

We want you in Wisconsin. Milwaukee is calling you to come for great food, great beer, CCW, Class 3, friendly folks, and great fishing and hunting opportunities.


Boycotts almost never work even when the boycotters have other options... Like choosing one restaurant over another. Virtually no one is going to give up a hunting season with no reasonable alternative choice.
Besides that, hunting licenses long ago got stupid expensive, 10s of thousands of us bought lifetime licenses before the last price increase. We can't boycott even if we wanted to.
Letters DO work, as do phone calls. Obviously not every time, the dedicated antis aren't changing their minds any more than you or I. It's the fence-sitters that listen to reason.
Moving can be a viable option when the state is failed beyond reason, which definately includes NY. I'm leaving, ASAP, and encouraging as many others as possible to follow.

I've thought about leaving, but my family's history is here, going back many generations. My kids are here, and their kids will likely be here. I love this state, and everything it has to offer. If it could be cut off from NYC, many of our ills would be alleviated. I know that's a pipe dream, but I'm willing to believe that SOMEHOW, this is going to work. Somehow, our country's constitution will shine through this legislative treachery. We will see. One of our local Niagara County guys who isn't known for being a die-hard constitutional Republican said in his statement about the anti-SAFE NY ACT vote "Shall not be infringed". My spidey sense started tingling.

I think that things are rapidly coming to a head in NY. Cuomo's speech stated "I want New York to be the progressive capitol of the country". What seems to be happening is that it may be the birthplace of a new revolution. That's not hype. Many people I never would have expected to line up against Cuomo have, and it's going to get ugly. People are not rolling over as expected, and I hope that continues.
My family has been in this state since 1848, it means nothing to me. The bodies of my ancestors are buried here... so what. My living family matters to me, and many of them will go with me and my immediate family will be much better off.

NY state has consistently had the highest tax burden in the nation since at least 1977, with one year at #2.

NY State consistently has nearly the highest utility rates in America, most often being beat only by Hawaii.

The summers here are hotter and more humid than almost any other place that has winters as cold and wet as we do.

Our winters are colder, wetter and longer than almost any other place that has summers as hot and humid as we do.

While the gun laws have never been as bad as the legend, those days are behind us now too, we now have the worst gun laws in America.
I would like to say some things, but I am on "double secret probation".
But what I will say is: your problem, the problem with NY, and the problem of the rest of America's conservitive rights movement is it is reactive not proactive. It is too late, just move.

My family has been here, we'll not sure for how long but for many generations. Fortunately for 99.9% of my family, they moved. Very soon I will be the last remaining member of many generations of my family to still reside in this state. This state is beautiful and has many positive things about it, but politicians like Cuomo just ruin it. If it weren't for my job and my wife and kids, I would've left along the ago.
Whoa dude I never thought I would hear someone say that where they lived was so bad, that even after the family tree has roots to 1848, they were going to pull out.... I'm feel badly for you and I hope wherever you settle you can raise your family free of bullcrap laws, however It's not always sunny everywhere else on the map, but here in Missouri we have a very decent population of game, and it's not expensive.
Writting letters DOES help because the folks you adress your letters to, want your votes also.;)
Don't Buy a License this year.

The SAFE act has passed. As of now it will take the Supreme Court to change it. That could take years.
The Counties have been fighting back by passing non binding resolutions against the SAFE act, but that is just noise, good noise but just noise.

There has been some talk about not getting hunting or fishing licenses this year.
If successful that could cost the Governor millions. I think that could make a real statement.

Every little bit helps when we are trying to get through the Governors skull.
He did the wrong thing to all gun owners and we must all stick together.
New York has already gotten so far in the financial hole that your hunting/fishing license monies mean nothing to them ( the lords in control of the state).

I left New York in 1982 and you couldn't get me back there in a box.

Twenty years in Texas, 10 years in Virginia and finally retired to Florida.

All of those states have New York State all beat to hell and gone.

Life does exist outside of New York State, try it and see, or live in servitude to Albany and New York City for ever.

Just my (not so) humble opinion.
Should you New Yorkers decide to stay & fight, my advice is find the group that will challenge your nonsensical laws in court and DONATE some of your hard earned dollars to their cause.

Since your state (Cuomo, et. al) wants to be so progressive, I would also suggest you fight his fire with fire. Contact the ACLU (should be in your phonebook), explain to them the unconstitutionality of the recently passed law, and ask them to bring suit as you don't have Bloomberg/Cuomo deep pockets to do it on your own.

If all else fails, Missouri has great hunting and fishing, low taxes, and pretty good weather:D If you don't like the weather today, wait till tomorrow, we guarantee is to be different:)
I left New York in 1987 and couldn't be happier. I now live in Idaho and don't think I will ever leave. Great hunting and fishing and people will not mess with your guns. Leave New York to the liberal idiots who will tax themselves to death.