New York Attorney General Amends Charges Against NRA

The NRA would fire W L. if it cared about it's membership.

Its about more than caring. Like any other large club, group, or organization the NRA has rules they have to follow. Called By-laws, these are the "contract" with itself that the group follows in order to operate.

I'm not privy to the details, but from what i have heard, WLP and his power block got the bylaws changed some years back, making it difficult to remove him from office.

These things must be done correctly, all the "i"s dotted and the "t"s crossed or its not legal and binding and lawsuits will almost certainly be filed.

And I'm sure it would put a smile on many anti NRA people's faces to see the NRA fighting a lawsuit with itself.

SO, yes, I too think WLP must go, BUT, it has to be done either in strict accordance with CURRENT NRA Bylaws or by court order, otherwise, it won't work.

And, if it won't work, its a waste of money and time to try.
Carl the Floor Walker said:
When public men indulge themselves in abuse, when they deny others a fair trial, when they resort to innuendo and insinuation, to libel, scandal, and suspicion, then our democratic society is outraged, and democracy is baffled.
You are, of course, referring to Wayne LaPierre ... right?

You must be -- that description doesn't fit anyone else in this discussion.
Its about more than caring. Like any other large club, group, or organization the NRA has rules they have to follow. Called By-laws, these are the "contract" with itself that the group follows in order to operate.

I'm not privy to the details, but from what i have heard, WLP and his power block got the bylaws changed some years back, making it difficult to remove him from office.

These things must be done correctly, all the "i"s dotted and the "t"s crossed or its not legal and binding and lawsuits will almost certainly be filed.

And I'm sure it would put a smile on many anti NRA people's faces to see the NRA fighting a lawsuit with itself.

SO, yes, I too think WLP must go, BUT, it has to be done either in strict accordance with CURRENT NRA Bylaws or by court order, otherwise, it won't work.

And, if it won't work, its a waste of money and time to try.
There was a bylaws change that protects Lapierre. The board can fire him. The board is elected by the membership. I have not talked to a member in several years that supports W.L. How hard can it be to elect board members who will fire him? I have to be missing something. (Seriously, not sarcastically)
reynolds357 said:
There was a bylaws change that protects Lapierre. The board can fire him. The board is elected by the membership. I have not talked to a member in several years that supports W.L. How hard can it be to elect board members who will fire him? I have to be missing something. (Seriously, not sarcastically)
If you can find them, read the by-laws. The current by-laws.

Pay particular attention to who the nominating committee is, and what it requires for an at-large member to get on the ballot for the board of directors.
When you have a large number of directors then you have to get a large number in place to make a change. The by laws changes make it very much harder to get someone one the nominated list.

I just spent a little time on the NRA website and can't find a copy of the bylaws or a list of the directors easily. So I'm not sure exactly how many there are currently but believe it to be in excess of 75 or so. Which means you may need to replace as many as 38 (or more directors) to get them to replace the Executive VP. With 20? positions up for replacement annually that means at least two complete election cycles to possibly get enough directors to do so unless a bunch of the current directors go along with some "rabblerousers".
Don't forget the Washington, DC lawsuit against the NRA Foundation. For many years WLP and the BOD used the tax exempt Foundation as a piggy bank.

WHEREFORE the District requests that this Court:
a) Impose a constructive trust, for the benefit of the Foundation, over Foundation funds
improperly diverted to the NRA in violation of District law and the Foundation’s nonprofit
b) Modify Foundation governance policies to ensure proper independence from the NRA;
c) Appoint an independent receiver or other Court-supervised official to:
i. Monitor all Foundation financial decisions and transactions;
ii. Oversee and Monitor the revision and modification of the Foundation-NRA
relationship to ensure modification of governance policies result in independence from
the NRA, including replacement of Trustee membership, and in the operation and
management of the Foundation’s affairs;
d) Require all current Foundation Board of Trustees and Officers to partake in charitable
nonprofit corporate governance training; and
e) Order such other relief as the Court determines to be just and proper.
Dated: August 6, 2020 Respectfully submitted,
Attorney General for the District of Columbia

i anticipate both trials will be launched about the same time. The prosecutors are apparently working closely together. There is/was a lawyer from the NY attorney generals office working in the office of the DC attorney general.
Interesting, a Washington DC law suite against the NRA. Who would have guessed? LOL!

What person donating to the NRA Foundation would have believed that WLP "borrowed" funds from that organization and used same for political trash? People go to federal prison for that stuff.
If you can find them, read the by-laws. The current by-laws.

Pay particular attention to who the nominating committee is, and what it requires for an at-large member to get on the ballot for the board of directors.
So what will it take?
Mass Exodus to GOA?
Membership withholding funds until W.L. is fired?
The judge in the New York AG lawsuit against the NRA has blocked the attempt to dissolve the NRA, but has allowed the suit to proceed. The judge stated the financial mismanagement can be addressed by "targeted, less intrusive relief,” such as fines and remuneration. The 42 page decision can be accessed at this link.

Good news for NRA members in that the NRA will not de dissolved. The suit will now proceed and perhaps result in a change in NRA leadership and operating principles.
Thank goodness. I have maintained all along that the laws the AG is using were intended to protect the members of organizations from unscrupulous officers, not to punish the members for the actions of those officers.

Of course, Ms. James is not happy, because it was never her intention to just punish the guilty. Her end game was the dissolution of the NRA.
Aguila Blanca said:
""The real things about her and who she really represents" are not pertinent in the context of the case. Those questions are of interest politically, but in the context of the case what matters is whether or not the State's assertions of wrong-doing are correct and accurate. So far, I have seen nothing presented by the NRA to convince me that the claims are not correct and accurate.

Respectfully, because Wayne LaPierre has made himself the face of the NRA and because he is the grifter-in-chief, the case basically IS about him. It also involves a few of his special cronies on the board of directors, but the case is basically about him. And it should be. If the State's assertions are true (and it appears that they are), WLP and his cronies have essentially and effectively been stealing from the NRA membership. They should be held accountable, and they should be removed from the organization.

The law that the State of New York is invoking was created to protect members of organizations from precisely these types of depredation by executives and directors. The law certainly should be applied to remove such people and to hold them accountable. However, how dissolving OUR organization benefits us, the rank-and-file members, is a complete mystery. IMHO, a more appropriate remedy would be to remove LaPierre and the entire board of directors, conduct a new election, and then allow the new board to hire a new executive VP."

Hear hear.

My copy of "Guns, Crime, & Freedom" is copyrighted 1993. For more than 30 years WLP has made NRA his private fiefdom - and in the beginning he was very effective. As he relaxed into the imperial role he established for himself he transformed into the NRA's Putin - a 'dictator for life' whose struggles go much farther back than his celebrated crushing of Oliver North and any others who dared to thwart his intentions.

In the end WLP has done as much to damage the NRA as he ever did to support it. His legacy will be of a man who built up the organization into a powerful political voice, and then ran it into the ground with graft, fraud, and financial mismanagement.
LeverGunFan Thanks for posting this update. Great news that the NYAG cannot seek to dissolve the NRA. I've been on the fence about whether WLP should be removed. After reading of the things that he admits to I'm now firmly convinced that he MUST go and without his golden parachute. The BOD should act swiftly and decisively.
Life member here, Curious about the trust fund that Life members dues were supposed to be put in . Can’t find it in the financials???