New Years sex party at White House

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All kidding aside- it is my understanding that the (false) millennium bash at the white house was also a $16mil fund raiser. Anybody else heard THAT reported in the press??
(Scares me as much as that Reno pic, yuck!)

(So of you DO, obviously, have too much time on your hands! :D)

Whether you think anyone "should" have been having sex at a party held in a politically charged place, this member of a protection detail is speaking about something he has no business talking about. Providing protection should mean, in this case, that nothing the client(s) do gets discussed, unless it is potentially a serious crime like murder, or treasonous. Then, there are proper channels. Damn straight, he would be fired. Despite not liking (hah! That's mild!) SlickWilly one iota, if I were this person's boss, I'd fire his sorry rear in a heartbeat.
I find it interesting that Bernard Schwartz of Loral Space was an honored guest. After selling rocket guidence technology to the Chinese Communists, you would think that someone would have the sense to keep him away from the White House.

Oh, what am I thinking, this is the Clinton White House. Only the people who revealed the sale to the Chinese would be barred!

I'd agree if this were a private business.
However, its a taxpayer funded party, run by public servants paid by taxpayers. They have no privacy when their activities are on the public teat. They have no rights when they use public monies.

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!
Good God! Miss D, that was cruel. If I wake up screaming tonight, you're getting a nastygram.

One wonders, since President (cough) Clinton recently got him little self a pay raise, do you think it might be possible for HIM to fund his orgies from now on? I believe the little sod gets four hundred grand a year. Now, since he's not got any other expenses, offhand I'd say he should be able to throw an orgy that would have Nero green with envy.

Not that I have anything against orgies, you understand, but if I'm paying for it (taxes) I bloody well ought to get an invite, you think?

Oh, well. One more on the list of Things Clinton's Done. Sigh.

The White House has become a whore house. Anything you want for a price. Unfortunatley, we the taxpayers are picking up the bill.
Anybody wonder why reprters from ABC news, CBS news, and head honchos from the Washington Post and New York Times were there? In any other administration, this would be called "conflict of interest", unless they were there to report on the party. Since I haven't seen any reports on it (except for Drudge), my take is that these people were among "friends". Which might be one reason pro-gunners and other conservatives get such bad press.


P. S. Didn't ABC News give Al Gore a party a couple of weeks ago?

If this was indeed funded by the American taxpayer, I can understand your viewpoint. If not...well, perhaps this type of behavior could be called inappropriate, but that would not mean that the detail should talk about it. What goes on during detail, stays on detail.
Miss D,
Please buy a gun. You are far too dangerous with a keyboard and mouse. Please put that "Thing" back on the side of a cathedral so the it can resume spouting water once again. Quasimoto has sent a letter of protest to your ISP for publishing a look alike picture of him in drag.

[This message has been edited by RAE (edited January 04, 2000).]

The Pres pay raise doesn't kick in till the next (er) Commander in Chief takes office.

& how much $ would I have to give Reno NOT to do that lap dance?
Everytime in this administration something "Exposed" happens:
1.)Clinton and company are up to no good somewhere else.
2.) Some third world country is about to get the crap bombed out of it.
3.) The media plays up the sex side, and everybody sings in chorus "What they do in the private life", followed by "But they do it on our dime". Sells a lot of papers on both sides.
IMHO, India and Pakistan better run for cover. Al is about to get a bonus contribution from points East.
Robert, I had the same impression. The heavy media involvement is noteworthy.

And, Miss D, another posting like that and I'll petition Rich and our moderators to consider some adjustments to the TFL rules of conduct. ;)

It's bad enough my tax dollars go towards litigation to take away my rights. It's worse to hear about officials screwing (quite literally) my tax dollars away.

O Waltiger Gott...I wonder what the Presidents of generations gone by would say about all this...

Whatever happened to Cincinnatus?
ummmmmmmm......sorry? :) I'll bet if you printed that out and put it on your front door, you would never have a break in! :D

I did not make that, it came from dracs gifs that dont suck. I couldn't handle looking at it that long! LOL

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica

It the tune of 16 million. Public property, public monies, exclusive attendence.
Hang them all, slowly

"Quis custodiet ipsos custodes" RKBA!