NEW YEARS EVE 1999-2000

I'm suspicious of people who say they don't drink! LOL ;)

Be mentally deliberate but muscularly fast. Aim for just above the belt buckle Wyatt Earp
45 ACP: Give 'em a new navel! BigG
"It is error alone that needs government support; truth can stand by itself." Tom Jefferson, Notes on Virginia, 1785
We don't have a chaplain here, but I don't view that as any major problem... You can rest assured
that you will not go in that bag until I've said a few appropriate words over you
R. Lee Ermy as Sgt Major Haffner, from The Siege of Firebase Gloria
If you have to shoot a man, shoot him in the guts. It may not kill him... sometimes they die slow, but it'll paralyze his brain and arm and the fight is all but over Wild Bill Hickok
Staying at home NYE? Yep, sounds like a plan.

I'll be doing what I've been doing--go to the neighbors across the street and partake of the NYE goodies they serve every year.

Only this year, I've got a little extra equipment hanging on my hip (and no, I'm not talking about extra flab), just in case, as Bob Locke said, some loonies decide they'll use the late hours of 1999 and the wee hours of 2000 as an excuse to go haywire.

Have a great time, y'all, and God Bless you for 2K!

"And a Cartridge in a Bare Tree..."
I'll be at home with my wife and son. I admit I'll drink a couple, BigG, but the only thing "loaded" in my house will also have the ability to become "unloaded"...very quickly ;) just in case!

I Love My Country, But I Fear My Government!
Resdt assured I'll be dressed to the nines and driniking champagne out or some slinky red-head's shoe... lol I may be doing it in a bomb shelter but I'll be doing it just the same.

My biggest fear is that these "terrorist attacks" will be on power plants and FREAK the nation out into thinking the bug DID hit and its all going down the tubes to mad max hell in a handbasket thanks to looters/cultists/right and left wing extremists, etc. Will be sleeping with the shotgun nearby.

Watch the twilight zone episode where the nighbors turn on each other to see what I mean....


bombed? nope.. held aloft in the hand of bacchus? of course...
Quiet and prepared! Here's hoping we are all laughing about this many months down the road! Good luck to all!


From my cold dead hands.
I believe I'm one of the luckier IT people here at TFL. I'll be on call but my manager and the PC desktop supervisor will be the ones here at work, monitoring systems. Does my old heart good.

I don't care for going out out on NYE and don't get knuckle-walkin' bombed at the house either. Probably be sucking down a few Shiner's, though. I'm like a lot of the folks posting here- I'll be more-or-less in condition yellow, looking out for overly hard partyers or folks who might think it's time to have a look at what suburbia has and decide to share the "wealth" (yeah, right).
I must be the luckiest IT guy around. Contract A ended last Friday, Contract B starts on the 3rd. I don't have to be anywhere but home. Which is where I'll be, with my wife and daughter, I might have a beer, and a glass of bubbly at midnight, but I won't be missing any "partying" that I otherwise would have done. We always stay at home for New Years.

I am prepared for "incedences and occurances" but am hoping nothing happens. Right now, the wife is scheduled to work on the 1st, but I am hoping they give her off.
I feel sorry for folks who don't drink or smoke. When they get up in the morning, that's as good as they're gonna feel, all day. Nuthin' to look forward to. :)

I'm going over to the Starlight and hoist a few with "the gang". If the crowd's not too big, I'll hang in for a while. If I get "peopled out", I'll come to the house and do my usual: cuppa cawfee, browse the Net, watch the telly to see if Times Square gets blown up, somethin' excitin' like that.

Hmmm. I could take about five gallons of diesel and a few sticks of dynamite and welcome in the New Year. Come to think of it, that sounds like a fun idea... :)

:), Art
I'll be right ctheer on TFL until 11:45PM
Then the coputer gets unplugged until
1:30 am 1/1/2000 as I'll be watching the goings on on tv with a brewski! Anyways, the
y2k fix program I got says to unplug before
mid nite & replug after mid nite so as not
to confuse the poor dumb bios chip.

After I come back on line on TFL, I might
just buff out to a white mirror finish, a savage model 110E, 30/06 bolt rifle and then reblue it. I always do my best rebluing in the wee hours when no one is around to bug me!

Some jerk took it out on a boat on the ocean to shoot shark, & the salt water spray
did a number on it. I know I can buff off the rust, but then, I wonder what kind of pitts
are hiding under those big rust bumps.

If any of you guys take your rifle out on the ocean to shoot shark, put a coat of
Turtle Wax 2001-- 100% urathane car wax on the rifle bluing or stainless to protect it. Salt water just bounces off that wax for about two weeks.

Plus the 65.oo Ill get paid the next day for the reblue job will come in handy fer ammo!

I got my dream generator today.5000watt,
Generac SVP-5000 with surge capacity to 6,250
watts, a 5 gal gas tank & a 10 hp Briggs & stratton engine,at Home Depot,all for $495.00 + tax=o.t.d. at 524.oo They still have 3
left, so hurry on down. They had 6 on Monday
but I guess they sell real good. I used my Visa card so as to double the regular 1 year warrantee to two years, (a Visa card "come on" promo).

Tomorrow I gota go looking for 5 -- 6 gal
gas cans so as to lock in a 30 gal store of fuel which would = 2 days constant run time
= estimate 3 to 4 days intermitent usage. Maybe when I get a little more cash Ill pick up another 10 gallons. Damn cans cost more in the gasoline they hold and that gas an't
cheap no more neather! I remember when it sold 9 gallons fer a buck! Or 11.9 cents/gal
in 1956, LOL! I was 8 years old, then!
Dad had this horrible ugly 1953 Chevy
that he used to love to drive like it was
some kinda jewell or something!
him, it was. But I wasnt all that fond of constantly getting cramed into the back seat for hours on end & just riding around; but he
loved it. At least the gas was cheap!LOL

Happy New Years, Youall!

Every year,over 2 million Americans use firearms
to preserve life,limb & family.Gun Control Democrats
would prefer that they all die,instead.
ernest2, Conn. CAN opp. "Do What You Can"!
My family and I are staying home and having some friends over. Nothing elaborate. Don't plan to overindulge. I have to go to work the next morning. So if anything should occur I'm already at home,just have to worry about the guests getting there.
I really don't expect anything to happen if it does it will have been brought to you by all the overblown Media Hype and your Government.

Happy New Year One and All :)

Help Stamp Out Gun Ignorance.
I'll be drinking absolutely nothing alcoholic, piloting a 10 passenger Limo around.Condition Yellow of course, but I live there.

Family will be home, quietly enjoying the evening while safe and secure.

My family and I will be at home, as usual.

In reference to your celebration, just before midnight we'll all go outside and watch the sky to see if the Big Bend country all goes up in a sheet of flame!!!! :D

Happy New Year, Art.

I have to work until at least 0100, I do security in downtown Dallas, I'm not happy about it because every idiot in town is going to be at the downtown street parties, and getting home is going to be scary as hell with all the drunks on the roads. I am sending my family to the wife's uncles house outside of Dallas, it's a tradition, you don't want to be in our neighborhood when the clock rolls around, the gunfire is amazing. Last time I was home for NYE, I heard every type of weapon you can imagine being fired into the air. Not too worried, but not looking forward to another 18 hour day for a while.