NEW YEARS EVE 1999-2000


Who is getting "Bombed" that evening? I am, at home, safe with my girlfriend and family.

What is everyones outlook and plans for NYE? I have a feeling something shady is going to happen and I'm not talking about Y2K glitches.

I already notice beefed up security at my place of business (Major railroad transportation terminal in Boston). Bomb dogs are everywhere.

Go get me my gun, it's the one that says "Bad MOTHERF****R"
I'm staying home and sober. Frankly, I'm expecting a large amount of bovine exhaust, and getting plowed won't help.

"The evils of tyranny are rarely seen but by him who resists it."
-- John Hay, 1872
Won't get drunk,never do. I may go the bed early,I have to weight test bulls on Jan,1.2000 at 8am. Some people get all the luck? Starting the year out right,geez.
I'm a control room operator at a power plant. I was scheduled off but was asked to come in from 9pm to 2am "Just in case". Figure I can add to the gun collection with the overtime so that's where I'll be.
No plans to go anywhere. Stay at home with wife,son,daughter and grandson. Probably watch the events on TV have a few beers and some snacks. Happy New Year to all TFL'ers.

"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves againest tyranny in government" Thomas Jefferson
If all goes well, I'll be at home with my family.
If TSHTF, I will no doubt be called in to work. I'm the guy who keeps the back-up generators running. :(
I'm going to sit here and watch my computer crash and/or the world blow up. LOL I'm sure I will have a few beers, but I don't want to be plowed with little ones around.

Happy Y2K to all! :) Remember, if something happens feel free to come get me, I dont have a gun yet (but some other goodies just in case). LOL :)

We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
You are a bunch of stay-at-homes.Me too.
I'll be on line as midnight arrives and will
be posting to all and sundry whether anything
happens or not (unless there is a power
failure-in which case I'll go to bed).
You will have heard the guarantees that"all
will be well" our State Government(Queensland) has said the same BUT our
national airline will not have any planes in
the air at midnight--someone's not sure.
Booooring!!!!!!!!!!! Me, too! LOL Will be at home with the family waiting for the new year and millenium. Have a few provisions, as I would anyway and feel fortunate to see the calendar REALLY turn over. No doubt, I will have a hard time writing 1/?/00 or
? Jan 2000 on checks and such! I have trouble every year with the change. Will rent some movies I am sure and cuddle up with the wife ( she has a cold, hope she's better). Will be ready for any eventuality.

[This message has been edited by tatters (edited December 26, 1999).]
Home for me. Never go out on "amatuer night". Regardless of what happens the next morning to random silicon chips or the synapses in certain humans, the sun will still rise, plants will still grow, and I will go to work.
Looks like we are going to stay home unless a better offer comes along. I've been telling everybody we're gonna go outside at midnight and listen to the gunfire and watch the lights go out. Semi-prepaired for the worst but hoping nothing major happens. New Years Eve has always been Amateur Night and I'd rather not fight the crowds and the once-a-year drunks. Gonna stay close with me and mine and stay locked and loaded. LOL
Somehow I dont think it will happen all at once. If you want to get drunk you will probably have the time, so if you dont have anything better to do, get drunk. I think I will be sound asleep when 2000 arrives. If any armed marauders come by I hope THEY are drunk and making a lot of noise.

Better days to be,

I have duty for Uncle Sam's Canoe Club (the Navy) on NYE. Fortunately for me, I am on shore duty right now, so that means that I will have a beeper attached to my hip and will be on call. My wife and kids are in Colorado with my parents as I am in the process of delivering myself from the clutches of Our Favorite Uncle, so I will likely be here at home by myself.

I do recall seeing a thread the other day about a sheriff asking the CCW holders of his county to volunteer for duty that day. I have been thinking of doing that here where I live in SE Virginia, as the area is ripe with "nuts". My biggest concern has NOTHING to do with computers, but rather with idiots who will take the smallest excuse to riot and act like total fools. The potential for overreaction (on both sides of the equation) is definitely there, in my opinion.

Guess we'll know in less than a week one way or the other!
I'll be sitting in a hip-hop club in the Texoma area so some pompous, never-gonna-be can tell his hangers-on that he's bad enough to need bodyguards. Sigh.

Oh, well. At least we got paid up front.
;) LawDog
I will spend New Years Eve (Amature Night) as I always do. At home with my wife. I don't drink but do plan on being online to see if everything I did to make this PC Y2K compliant works. LOL

John - NRA - Lifer
I don't drink either, so I reckon I'll be kicked back on the couch in front of the ol' tube, loadin' belts, mags, and cylinder chambers (just in case). ;)
I usually stay prepared for anything, out where I live when the power goes out in the winter, it usually takes 'em three or four days to fix it.

Happiness is spelled. . . . .B-E-L-T-F-E-D!!
I'm going to be at home, with a brief stroll over to church to check on the Senior Adult New Year's Eve Party. They're the only group in our whole church having a party. They're hilarious!

I think we will know well before midnight whether or not TS is going to HTF, because lots of time zones, including Zulu, are going to pass midnight hours before we do.

I have heard lots of speculation that El Presidente Supremo is going to do something on the 28th. It's just rumor and guessing, but I'm cutting the family Christmas trip one day short to be home Monday evening.


Nehemiah 4:18 " ... and each of the builders wore his sword at his side as he worked."
I will be at work - monitoring any and all Y2K failures from around the Globe. My compainy has EVERYONE on hand.
It will start in Asia - and we will be all over it like Rosie O on Cream Filled Pastries! Wont be fun... But I will at least be able to watch it all from the Bench.
Anything happens I will create a thread here and keep TFL posted. If its worth while.
I hope it fizzles. Missing out on the biggest Party on Earth... But I still hope it was for nothing.

I got a beloved Sister In Law who's newly wed - they are flying at the worst time for this Y2K thing.
Nothing better happen!

"A fear of weapons is a sign of retarded sexual and emotional maturity." - Sigmund Freud
The Rock is working the overnight. He also works the entire weekend. No New Year's shooting for me!

I must agree with Mr. Locke. SE VA is full of nuts. Most of them, well, I'm not gonna start.

The Rock
Will await the rollover with the folks and my girlfriend. Flying the latter in for (a) the psychologically special moment of watching three zeros appear in an arbitrary date system, and (b) just in case we find ourselves living in interesting times (don't want her 2000 miles away and on her own if a survivalist's dream occurs). Will drink lots of booze-free egg nog, exotic root beers, and interesting fruit juices while eating American and Korean party foods, and playing Scrabble until my brain seizes up. All this while quietly providing my special TFL-style contribution to the family's self-sufficiency lifestyle.