New to Trap - Need some shopping advice

Good ! let's see some notes on 50 straight / or 75 ...or 100 ???

One Target at a Time....( they say !! )...
....(and for the record, I've never run 100 straight in Trap singles either....(and I've only ran a few 100's in skeet 2 or 3 times, and then only in the 12ga ...never in 20ga, 28ga ...or the .410 )....and none in the last 5 years - with my eyes getting worse...

Good on ya, for the straight. The first one is always the hardest.......duhhhh.

You hit the "key to the kingdom" in your last post. One bird at a time.

And hey, after all that what did you settle on for a trap gun?

Welcome to the addiction.
It felt soooooo good to hit that 25! This weekend wasn't as successful, but still not bad considering the wind was intense and just blowing them all over the place, and I kept getting dive bombed by a bee. But now I absolutely know that I can do it!

@Ricklin - I ended up with a Browning BT-99 Micro. Love it!
You made an excellent choice for a trap gun. The SBT is a specialized machine. The BT 99 is a gun you could shoot for the rest of your life.

Enjoy the addiction. I was happy to find a check in the mail from my club today. Shot the club championship, and had to split before they totaled the scores. I shot far from my best, but still won a little (very little) money.

I really really wish I could settle down enough to shoot every Sunday, but alas my job keeps me on the road too much. Had someone point a gun at me at the club closest to where I usually am, so don't go there now.

Congrats on the Browning, and remember the three rules of trap, keep your head down, keep your head down, and keep your head down.

Have heard the best way to learn to do that?? Put a 20 dollar bill between your cheek and the stock. If the bill falls to the ground?? Your instructor gets to keep it.
@Ricklin -- that is an excellent idea! It reminds me of when I was a kid and learned how to ride. My dad used to put a dollar bill between me and my horse (and then later my saddle when I was good at riding bareback). If I couldn't sit a trot or canter and the bill flew away, I didn't get the money and it ran at a deficit... If I did, I got the dough (after replenishing the deficit, of course).
Head on the stock, eye on the rock is another mantra to remember - no matter which clay game; also it is ONE target at a time, don't let the last miss affect your next target - FOCUS is everything.

To illustrate - a Master Class Sporting shooter I know had a bad first station at a shoot; he dropped 6 out of 8 - normally a death sentence. After 100 targets and 14 stations, he finished with a 94 - he RAN the rest of the course.......THAT is focus, concentration, and a great ability to block out the immediate past and focus on the future....YOU learn to do that and you'll be winning championships in no time