Trap & Skeet uses two different POA/POI for shooting,
trap normally has the POA to be under the bird/clay, so that the POI is 2/3 higher and centered over the bird/clay, for the bird is rising away from you.
whereas Skeet has the POA/POI almost centered together, as you put the front bead in front of the bird/clay and lead/pull through it, and the pattern is equally around it.
You will drive yourself crazy trying to adjust to two different styles of shooting
and head/neck position.
For trap the longest barrel helps with accuracy and uses a choke normally od MOD but varies accoeding to pattern density, but Skeet normally a shorter barrel is needed for: 1] swinging onto and past the bird/clay and 2] Skeet is normally shoot with the No choke, SK1 or SK 2 .
With the current use of choke tube you and spend $$$ and figure out how to get tubes to meet this dual variant.
It not a simple as it sou nd but it doable.
Are you trying to practice for both upland and pheasants???
I would then recommend to concntrate on Skeet, as it was developed for
simulate hunting as original rules requires the butt be below the belt and up to a three-second delay between the "Pull" and release from the house.
As to what to use, for a semi I have observes that there are more of the new
Bennelli/ Berreta, etc in teh used rack @ Cabela's than the classics, e.g.: A-5, early 1100, maybe you should ask questions are the club as to better longevity and anay local gunsmith as to what they see?
Hope this helps.