I looked on Lee's web site and they seem to have removed a statement about Unique powder which they had stated that it" DOES NOT METER WELL IN THEIR POWDER DISPENSERS". I have posted that quote from Lee here some years ago and can't seem to find itUnique Powder Consistency
Posted by Steph @ Lee Precision on 05 January 2012 02:10 PM
Unique is a popular powder and we receive many inquireies about powder consistency. The powder is popular, but its density varies more from lot to lot more than any other powder. The auto disk system uses a value supplied by the powder manufacturers for each of their powders called the Volume Metered Density (VMD). We use this VMD number in a formula to determine the size cavity that should be used to dispense a given amount of powder. The system works well as long as the actual density of the powder remains the same from lot to lot. We factor in the variation and that is why some loads came up weighing less than the data called for. We want the error to be on the safe (low) side and not the high side.
That's probably because they finally realized that nothing else does, either. So there's no point in singling out Unique!I looked on Lee's web site and they seem to have removed a statement about Unique powder which they had stated that it" DOES NOT METER WELL IN THEIR POWDER DISPENSERS".
I'm not a Lee hater.FWIW (nothing to Lee Haters).
My real life experiences; I have looked into many of the reported "shortcomings" of Lee Products. Several of the "junk reports" I have not been able to replicate. Most of the "wonk work" reports I have only to read the directions to eliminate any problems. One newer tool, the Lee Bench Prime, had two or three "junk tool" posts on a couple forums. I bought one and started trying to prime some brass. I had 3 failures out of 60 cases. I read the directions and followed them, no more trouble and now, 2,000 primed cases later I can dump a sleeve of primers into the tray and prime 100 cases non-stop. But, perhaps because I'm a lifelong machinist/mechanic and am able to read technical kinda stuff and I know how to use simple machines and hand tools, I have very few problems.
As for the cheap materials, most are newer, modern materials and modern, up to date machining techniques are used. Kinda like Bill Ruger started using investment casting for his revolvers, real junk, right?
But, everyone has the right to their own opinion...
My father bought a Lee 7.62x39mm die set.Lee just makes affordable, well designed equipment, without frills. And their dies function just as good and in some cases better then alot of the competition. With out the need of taking out a bank loan
I decap, size, and then prime. SIZE BEFORE PRIMING. I do not need to take the sizing die apart.He is going to use my method which is universally deprime and remove the decaping pin from the sizing die so he can size the cases with the new primer already installed
The best measuring (metering) powder I have ever used is AA#2.