New threat to gun ownership in Illinois


New member
The IL House of Representatives passed a bill adding new reasons that can be used to revoke a FOID (FIrearms Owner Idenfication). Without a FOID card you cannot own, buy a firearm or ammunition. Most of us put up with this seemingly simple requirement because we have no choice, but now the anti-gun crowd is trying to broaden the circumstances under which the state can revoke this card. This is the slipperly slope of Illinois rights, and we are now moving down the slope rapidly. An angry ex-spouse who claims to be threatened, and gets a restraining order, justifies revocation of the FOID; under this bill having a child in the house with a diagnosed mood disorder can cause the FOID to be revoked. Where will it go next? I think it is time to truly stockpile guns and ammo before any of us find our FOID revoked and suddenly we are turned into criminals if we keep our guns. I sure wish I was back in Texas.....
vito, that is how gun control works. They take a little today. Then next year, they take a little more and then the year after until eventually, it is impossible to own a gun.

When you hear some apologists explain that pro-2nd amendment groups must work with democrats (and even some republicans) on gun control, then you can understand that it will lead to only one end.... them taking our guns. That is why I say to not give one inch on the 2nd amendment... not one inch. Fight them every step of the way.

Compromise is for gun grabbers.
I believe any restraining order can be grounds to suspend your possession of firearms; nothing new in that as its been that way for years.
If you can have a felon in the house and still have guns ( as long as the guns are not accessible to the felon), I don't see how they can justify a minor child being cause enough to revoke a FOID.
And everyone laughs when one of us Californians says it's coming to a state near you. :confused:

Fortunately I was able to move. I'm sorry your state is doing this.
And everyone laughs when one of us Californians says it's coming to a state near you.

I've always considered IL, MA, NJ, WI long lost cousins of CA;) What is bad for those that live in IL is that Crook county controls the state with their flawed ideas.
Why I am glad to be in AZ. C'mon down, plenty of room.

Last time I was in Phoenix (on the way to Prescott), all I saw on the way to and from the airport were CA license plates. Seems like the entire state of CA is moving to AZ. I wonder why they would want to leave???? :rolleyes:

Sure you have enough room? :)
Room in Az? Better be careful what you wish for. If the state fills up with coastal Cali's and border jumpers, just wait and see what it is like. I don't think either one like your gun rights!
Nope, border crossers want the money, Calirefugees want their politics, and get mighty upset when we won't let them have thier way. We just let them have Phoenix.
Lots of room out here, for good gun people!:cool:
Florida is an example of a strong gun rights state that has been affected by migration from liberal states. There are a lot of North Eastern liberals living in Florida these days and it DOES affect the politics of everything, including gun rights.

If I were the Governor of AZ, I would build a border fence between Kalifornia just like the one on the Mexican border.
I'm sure that OBAMA thinks this madness is "sensible gun control" for everyone.

yes, I am sure this fits with Obama's statement that common sense should apply. That's his disclaimer he makes after he tries to say he supports the 2nd.

From the link.

“I have never favored an all-out ban on handguns. What I think we can provide is common-sense approaches to the issue of illegal guns that are ending up on the streets.”
Move back to Texas. I know, I know, you have a job and family and maybe really like the Cubs but there will always be anti gun areas and living in one and complaining about it is like being a homosexual and complaining about how the Catholic church won't accept your lifestyle and let you marry. They don't have to accept you and they never will. The reason that anti gun states are anti gun is because they contain mostly anti gun people and are run by mostly anti gun politicians. Gun laws come down the leglislative pipe in your state and most people say "sure! why not?" and you stand there outnumbered, outvoiced and pissed off wondering why this keeps happening. Anti gun people have to have their turf too. If an anti gun person in Texas or Alaska or Vermont got on their nanny state forum of choice and bitched to people in New York and Chicago about all the wackos with guns in "their" state we would call them crazy and tell them to move if they don't like it. If you want to fight the good fight that's great but how about doing it from a place where you can really enjoy what you're missing? I have a 600 acre heavily wooded family farm, 6 outdoor and 3 indoor range and over 15 gunshops all within resonable driving distance. How about you?
Move back to Texas.

Been there done that. I lived in Texas. Liked it a lot, but you are over simplifying things. I lived most of my life in states not by choice but for my job. Even for us that thinks guns are very high on our life priority list you still have to work to feed your family, etc. Telling people that live in gun restrictive states to just move is not the answer. We should not give up on the 9 plus states that have restrictive gun laws, then next thing we will be giving up on twenty, then...well you get the picture.

How about you?
No not me. but what are you saying....look how lucky you are? Not sure how that helps someone that is not as lucky as you fight for their rights.

Let's not give up fighting for gun rights in all 50 states.
I believe any restraining order can be grounds to suspend your possession of firearms;

Same in Kentucky which is a very gun friendly state (and currently tied for worse state in the country concerning "gun laws" according to the Brady Campaign!!! :D Don't worry Sarah, we'll keep trying for 50th!). A restraining or domestic violence and you can kiss your CCW goodbye.
Luck's got nothing to do with it. I was born in Missouri but my mother moved me to the outskirts of Chicago around age 4 and then back here at 13. I went back to Chicago at 19 because had family there and had my first few jobs there but whenever I came back to KC and got to go hunting and shooting I really loved it so I relocated back here for good. Any of us can go wherever our particular lifestyle is easiest to live. The relocating may not be easy but once you settle in the living sure is. If you say that you can't go because of a job then find a job in another state. If you think that's too much trouble then you just have to live with the particular atmosphere in you're area be it anti gun or whatever. We all just assume that gun freedoms are a god given right and any area that dosen't see it that way needs to be assimilated to our particular mindset but the fact remains that many, many people fear guns and we won't change that, at least not anytime soon. Barac or Hilary becomes president and the next thing you know we have concealed carry in Illinois and New York? Not likely. The points that we make regarding the absuridities of gun control are as true, provable and factual as it gets but they don't care and they won't listen.

I am an atheist and can argue the non-existance of god and the evoloution of man from apes with facts as iron-clad and airtight as any used in the pro-gun debates but if you already have your mass produced belief system in place and it makes you feel all warm and fuzzy then you don't care about provable truths, only feelings. I used to live in a small town where everyone gossipped and judged about who didn't go to church last sunday and who's living in sin and I got the hell out. Now I fight against stupidity like intellegent design and for things like state funded stem cell research from more comfortable surroundings.

They have everything you need to live in every state in the union but not everything you need to protect yourself and your family. If you choose to live in antigun areas then you must accept the terms or break the law.
If you say that you can't go because of a job then find a job in another state.
Not always possible. Some jobs are specific to geographic locations or regions where certain industries have a larger presence. With the current state of the economy I think suggesting that people start job hunting just so they can have guns is probably a bad idea. And remember that some people are in school and have little choice or are in the military and have no choice.

In my opinion it's better to stay and fight with logic and reason than to give up and leave because it's easier. Besides, there are things about Texas politics I find as abhorrent as the anti-gun culture in Illinois. ;)

Also, we are apes. :p