New Smith & Wesson Revolvers


Which of the companies that you mention have agreed to:

1. Turn their operations management over to a panel largely comprised of Government bureaucrats?

2. Agreed to act as a defacto enforcement agent of the government?

3. Agreed to very possibly violate numerous interstate commerce laws while attempting to fulfil their role as stated in point 2?

4. Agreed to sell their corporate soul for promises that were later revoked, leaving them with absolutely nothing to show for their surrender?

5. Have attempted to say that their surrender was the work of a SINGLE individual, who acted WITHOUT the parent organization's knowledge or permission?

6. Later saw the individual described in point 5 PROMOTED to the leadership of a larger, more profitable segment of the parent conglomerate?

7. Signed a similar agreement with a major American city AFTER the individual described in points 5 and 6 was promoted?
In MY Opinion...

...if you buy a post-sellout S&W, you are giving the antis exactly what they want. You are sending a signal that you will tolerate the kind of nonsense in which S&W participated. You encourage the antis' ridiculous lawsuits and reward spinelessness.

Better that we kill off the weak-willed one than allow him to infect the others with lack of principle.

"Better that we kill off the weak-willed one than allow him to infect the others with lack of principle."

It's that simple: we're improving the gene pool.
S&W model 625-6 Mountain Gun

Glockten wrote---

S&W is coming out with a Mountain Gun in .45 Colt.

Actually, they brought this one out several years ago. I first saw it at the SHOT show in Dallas--Trying to remember when. 1996? Possibly.

Anyway, I had previously shot their .44 Mag mountain Revolver, and loved it. When I saw it in .45 Colt, I knew I had to have it. Went directly to my favorite dealer and ordered one without even asking the price. He had it for me in an amazingly short time and I drove to Dallas to meet him that very day. Never looked back.

This revolver is well worth looking for, and at least some of them were made well before the sell-out agreement.

Best of luck to you, and may you enjoy yours as much as I have mine.


No one at Smith & Wesson is happy with the agreement that Ed Shultz made with HUD. And now, Shultz is gone and the current management is forced to live with the current agreement. Comparing the original agreement with HUD and the new DRAFT copy of the "Code of Conduct" contract are two different worlds. And it is a draft copy that is circulating! And it is not done yet. I read it, circle to the objectionable language, crossed off the two talking points that we would not sign on to under any circumstances and handed back to them. Ninty-nine percent of the contact is nothing more than what any dealer is forced to do under current federal law or common sense (I can't stand those two words!). The contact in its current form has no teeth, there is no means to enforce it. Final contracts have been targeted for signing in June.

The real inside story is the one that other manufactures are currently cutting with distributors. And this one is total in your face, hard core. Most of the larger manufactures are writing so called "Code of Conduct" clauses and contracts with distributors. This is total closed door stuff and distributors are being told to sign or you don't receive product. These contracts will eventually trickle down to the retail level by the time it is fully disclosed who has done them. Taurus, the darling of the gun industry, is spearheading this deal. That came from more the a couple of people I know and the talking points are similar to those in the current S&W "Code of Conduct" contract.

So get ready to boycott the gun industry as a whole. Just what Sara Brady wants!