New Smith & Wesson Revolvers

Doug 29

New member
Check the Smith & Wesson web page, Performance Center. Two very interesting guns, for revolver nuts. Model 27, with 4 or 6 1/2 barrel. Triple-Lock, 6 1/2 inch barrel, in .45 Colt.
Doug 29-very nice new stuff!!! Thanks for the "Heads Up". As for the "F#CK "EM, They can go to H$LL" crowd...that just leaves more for me and Doug 29 to choose from!!! G'DAY!!!....mikey357
Today I bought a new S&W 686P (post-agreement). Yes, this after reading top to bottom the S&W legal agreement with the government. I side with others who feel that putting S&W out of business would only give the anti-gunners exactly what they want: another firearms manufacturer out of business. I do believe in voting with my wallet but I think the S&W situation is a complicated one and therefore need to rely on logic rather than emotional frustration with what the company executives decided to do. I know there are a lot of gun enthusiast, patriotic and law abiding citizens of Massachussets that build these firearms at S&W. I support their efforts and their product believing that this support has long ranging benefits to keeping guns in our hands longer. Cheers, Cryoman
They signed this agreement with the hope of financial gain not caring one wit about you, me, or their employees. If the government had their goal acheived and other manufacturers signed on, guns would double in price and the stupid locking safety measures would get people killed. I don't like seeing people lose their jobs but it happens every day. There are other gun makers out there turning out quality product and they will get my business BECAUSE they share my belief that the government spends way to much time telling us all how to live. No hard feelings toward anyone here.
Well I'm afraid they got me with the 4" 610 now listed on their site as a regular production gun. Yowsah! Sorry guys and gals, gotta cross the pickett line on that one. Slap some night sights on it and it'll be the perfect self-defense wheelgun.
Continuing the boycott of S&W shows the other manufacturers that they did right in resisting the government blackmail.

I used to proudly sell Smiths. Now I won't even buy a new one for myself.

Unbelievable how many people who claim to be interested in preserving their rights are so ready to roll over and play dead.

Thanks, guys.
What's unbelievable is that someone would boycott SW and not Ruger, the worse political choice of the two. SW still makes the best conceal carry revolvers in the world. Ruger doesn't believe in concealed carry and vows never to make handguns for that market. I've read the agreement; I'd buy one if I wanted too. I don't know if my current 642LS is pre or post. I don't give a d*mn either. It is the best CHOICE for me.
S&W, along with Ruger, supported the diminished capacity magazine rule.

Smith, in their sellout agreement, dictates the way a S&W dealer runs his/her business.

Ruger left their dealers alone.

In my estimation, S&W's sins are more and greater.

Guys, SMITH AND WESSON ain't Microsoft.

The real crime here is the extent to which the powers of the Federal Government were abused in "leaning on" a manufacturer of legal products.

Oh, and if they hadn't knuckled under, would we even be arguing about buying NEW Smith and Wesson revolvers?
The whole idea that S&W will "go out of business" is ludicrous. Companies that have been around as long as they have don't just die. I point to Colt as the perfect example. Poor old Colt has filled chapter 11, chapter 13 and been bought and sold more than any firearm company in history. Yet, they're still here and still turning out guns.
No, the object of the boycott against S&W is to force Tompkins PLC (the parent company) to unload S&W, hopefully at a substantial loss. Then, if all goes well, the new owners will invalidate the government agreement and go back to producing the fine guns we all know and love.
Those of you who continue to buy "post agreement" products, you are not doing our cause any good. The current management at S&W believe they can ride it out and the public will forget. You are proving them right!
I love the S&W revolver. I will continue to add good USED ones to my collection. But, as long as S&W still holds up that agreement, there will be no new S&Ws in my future.
And that includes the latest souper douper, gotta have one Performance Center models too. I won't sacrifice my convictions just because I want the latest goodie!
Neither should you!
Hey Cuerno,

The ONLY Ruger that I have is my dog, and she named herself. I never would have picked that name for her, but it was her choice.

Other than her, I've no intention of getting one now, or in the future.

So, in essence, I'm boycotting them, too.

You know, it is interesting that whenever I post that the Ruger policy seems to be a prototype for the HUD agreement, there is no response. Sort of like no one is listening. I am not knocking Ruger, but I think it is unfair to single out Smith and Wesson. The Ruger web page has been changed considerably, but some of the concepts are expressed at

I cannot agree with the idea that Smith and Wesson is out only for corporate gain. They are VERY lavish supporters of International Confederation of Revolver Enthusiasts and put on the annual International Revolver Championships. At the last IRC they had donated over 40 guns from 642 and 66 snubbies on up through the 625 Mountain Guns and 5 PC 627 V-Comps in addition to general support for the match and an on site FFL for transfer. AND their people are there at the match, not just tossing pretty pieces of steel at us from afar. Ken Jorgenson is a participant along with the Hogue family, editorial staff of Handguns magazine and others.

Sure the prize contributions are a drop in their corporate bucket (or were), but they are as generous as anyone else in supporting recreational CITIZEN shooters.

I feel it is our responsibility to take care of the politics--hopefully the last election will help. I do not care to have corporations and special interest groups waging our government, so to speak.

[Edited by Guy B. Meredith on 01-13-2001 at 11:58 PM]
"The whole idea that S&W will "go out of business" is ludicrous. Companies that have been around as long as they have don't just die."

Really? Ever hear of Montgomery Wards?

I'm betting it's quite easy to go out of business fighting lawsuit after lawsuit against cities bankrolled by the unlimited resources of the Federal Government.
If you think the destruction of S&W WASN'T the anti-gunners' plan all along, think again.

Do you really want to play into the anti-gunners' hands?

And yes, it's mighty hypocritical for people to lambaste SMITH AND WESSON when Ruger won't even make a freaking 10-shot magazine for the Mini 14 (what Patriots!).

So if we're gonna boycot those two, who do we have left, Taurus? Well that's a great choice. How many threads on "Taurus Quality Control" have popped up just in the last 2 days here? Ever notice how nobody ever writes on here about how they've had to send their S&W back 3 or 4 times to get it to function?

Well, I have principles too.

But we seem to be running out of gun companies to turn to, gentlemen ...
If they do end up going out of business it will be very sad. Even though they are no longer owned by a US company, there is a lot of history to the company. There are few enough gun manufacturers as it is. The fewer choices I have the worse off I am as a consumer. *Maybe* the boycott will serve as some kind of wake up call to other manufacturers, but if all it does is permanently put S&W out of business, then we will all be worse off because of it.
There have been horror stories about S&W quality control on these boards. Including one performance center high dollar primo gun that did indeed have to go back for extensive work....while new.

My 696 came to me cause the original buyer became disgusted with it. End shake, cone, timing, gap and trigger were all that was wrong with it. It had gone out of time twice in less than a thousand rounds and just a few months. Good for me cause I bought used and made it well. Bad for Smith cause the previous owner will probably never buy another.

A search of TFL might just find several times more gripes about Smith QC than problems with Tarus.

No, don't own a Tarus. Havent bought a new Ruger since the logo went from red to black.

Smith & Wesson Quality

I just checked out two NEW 629's, Sam. (A 4 inch barrel and a 6 inch barrel.) The BEST quality I've seen from Smith & Wesson, including the '50's guns! Tight as a drum, double action pull at 12 lbs. and smooth as butter, single action at 3 1/2 - 4 lbs. and crisp.