New shooter/hunter Needs Advice

I've got to chime in on the question of range with the .308. IMO the .308 is as good or better at 20 yards as it is at 200 yards. At the range, from a rest I consistantly shoot groups under 1 inch. In the woods from a rest I can probably do the same.

But where I hunt, in NE Florida, it is thick and my last kill was a wild hog taken with a head shot at 40 yards.
I use my semiauto rifle in .308 (M1a) for hunting in thick brush, for dangerous game. Bears and hogs.

Otherwise, it just goes to the range and goes "bang! bang!" with mil surplus ammo at 200-300 yard targets with iron sights. Lotsa fun.

I am considering puting a scope on it... I have the mount already but I really like the iron sights a lot. We'll see.

Definitely going to purchase a bolt rifle in .308 this year and get a wicked-accurate scope for it, and get it sighted in flat at 200 yards. I'll probably also get a .300winmag or .338 soon too. I'll sight that in flat at 250 or 300, depending on what that does to the 100-150 yard POI.

The .22LR is for coyotes, rabbits, doves, raccoons and other varmints. Be kind to your first deer and get something in .30 caliber.

If your terrain is mostly wooded with short shots, you can consider a semiauto rifle in .308 or .30-06, but that first shot will always be your best no matter what. Another good short-range gun is a lever action .30-30. A little slower cartridge than .308 or .30-06, so it isn't as effective out past about 200 yards.

If you're looking to shoot over 200 yards, get a good bolt action and the best scope you can afford. Go with .308 or .30-06 since they are extremely common, and have mil surplus ammo available for dirt cheap. Don't even buy commercial ammo until you have shot at least 200 rounds of surplus and/or can make a group of 5 bullet holes touch each other consistently at 100 yards. Have a gunsmith or knowledgeable friend "bore-sight" your scope for you, or you will burn a lot of ammo learning how to do it yourself.
Let's not forget about the shotguns. It gives you the option of upland game with it. A 12ga can easily take deer out to 150yds with a slug. I am not familiar with FL game laws, but in Ohio we have to have a safety course before you can get a license. It's only a one time deal, but for beginners is a wealth of knowledge. You should be able to get info in your state game laws pamphlet. They have them anywhere you can get a license up here.
As for how accurate you have to be, it depends on the ranges you shoot. If you can reliably keep all your shots on a paper plate you should be ok at that range. The next thing is to know where to aim for a decent kill. Just keep in mind the deer will never come in a text book way. So when you practice shooting, try some uncomfortable positions. I've had to shoot twisted to the right and left, shoot weak hand, etc..
hey, everyone thanks for the advice. Got one more question though. A couple people have said that the 30-06 ammo is relatively cheap and easy to find. How does this ammo compare to the .270 or .280?
since your hooked up to e-net go to www.fort
go down the menu till you get to Norma Ballistics / click on.
this chart will let you compare a bunch of calibers directly against each other
and lets you adjust your ranges to show your short range Zero.

As far as cost and availability, nothing beats stopping by your local sporting goods store(s) and/or WalMart to see what they have (variety) in stock and how much it runs. Here in Jax premium "hunting" rounds, for either caliber run about $25-$30 per box. But you can buy target ammo or military surplus FMJ .308 much less.

I like GA Arms. I've been shooting their ammo for over 20 years with no problems at all:

Federal rifle ammo web page:

Winchester rifle ammo web page:
.270 / .280 / 30-06

As far as killing power, with similar sized bullets, the deer won't really know the difference.

The trajectories of the .270 and .280 are a little flatter than the 30-06 and they give a little less recoil, but they'll all kill the same.
Well in all honhsty the .30-.06 would be cheaper the .270 being a litt more expensive and the .280 being very expensive the less common the caliber the more expensive the round and harder to find:D :D :D
My two cents worth on 1.5" group.
In my experienc for a 3 shot or a 30 shot group it is the measurement from center to center of the two holes that are the furtherest apart.

Rim fire not legal in any states that I know of for deer.

Get you a good 22 for plinking, squirrels, rabbits, possums and coons. For the deer hunting get you a good bolt action 30 caliber, it will do the job for you and less likely to give mechanical problems.

Come on up to Alabama with the rest of the Florida boys and do some real deer hunting.