New scam (don't fall victim)

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In the situation the OP was in, I would offer to walk over to the pharm and pay the 10 bucks. If he hesitatyed and wanted only cash I would ask him to move so I could go on my way.

I do belive a lot of folks are just plain scared. Dont know why or what brought us to this point. To help our fellow man should be ingrained into our very fabric as it was in years past.

This is December, the month I celebrate My Lords birth, I also recall one thing, the Golden rule.

Do as you will, but I do belive there is a spark of good in every one and that not all men are evil at heart.

I liked your point mark. I have read page 1, page 5, and only some in between, but pulling in front locking him in isn't right and usually when someone is desperate they'll come to you. he seemed persistent about him coming to his truck. still like you mentioned mark, he might've just needed some help. maybe his wife was Counting on him to bring that script home and he lived quite a ways away, only has visitation rights, whatever. after the 10buck bit he said, this isn't going to work.

only weird incident that happened to me was pumping gas one night some yrs back and a good looking 20something yr old girl needed $50 and wanted to sell me her frozen meat. every other time was regular, basic panhandling.anyways, I dinot have $50 or have cash, and it was pretty obvious to me she was 'jonesing'wanted drugs(probably heroin). I know thats purely speculation but this incident was scary. She had a nice ride too. I left but was polite; she wasn't happy
Seeing as how this stopped being about "Tactics" and turned into a debate on poverty and welfare some three pages and eleven months ago, I'm taking the liberty of closing it.
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