New Rifle

I understand about not wanting to uuse your dad's rifle. I have my father's rifle and my grandfather's and they were the last to fire them. But I have plenty of other rifles to use. What would your dad want you to do? Mine would have wanted me to if I needed to. He would kind of liked that his son was hunting with his rifle.
The 770 catches everyones attention, probably because they were the 1st to build a disposable rifle. But the Mossberg, Savage Axis, and Ruger American are all in the same category and are no better.

Totally disagree (other then the 770). The Mossberg, Marlin, Ruger and Savage are all made and shoot well. But after looking at them I would want a more finished rifle with all metal parts. These rifles will function just fine for hunting. But for me a rifle is more then just function.
The Remington 770 might not be all that good of a rifle in comparison to more expensive ones but it really is a good rifle for the money.

The 770 is not a good rifle period. In absolute terms it is a steaming pile of junk that makes a BIC lighter look like a solid gold Dunhill.

In relative terms there are lots of better rifles available for similar prices. The few dollars it might cost to step up to a Marlin X7 or a Savage Axis would be the best you ever spent.

I wouldn't own a 770 if it were free.
The Mossberg bolt-action is much better than the 770, and is about the same price.

I agree that the 770 is not worth keeping, even if it were a gift from your dad.