New Rifle - Remington 788 .308 for $100!

My old 788 in a 243 out shoot there 700 that replaced it it has 7 locking luge that is one of the very best gun built.
I wouldn't give you $100 for one, but then I have always hated the 788. They generally shoot great, but they are fugly, clunky, have all the style of a mud fence and aren't quite as pretty.

Of course, my dislike is caused by the fact that Remington replaced the Model 600 series, which I dearly loved, with the 788. I understand why they canceled the 600, but never thought the 788 was a worthy replacement.

My one hands on experience was a friend's .308 he brought to me because he couldn't sight it in. With all the adjustment cranked on the scope, it was still hitting 2 feet right at 100yds. Barrel, seemed straight, stock wasn't touching the barrel, couldn't find any reason, but that's what it did. Wound up shimming the scope mount to get it on target. It grouped well, but the stock didn't fit me well, and so recoil seemed excessive.

If you like them, fine. Don't ever lose or break the magazine though...:rolleyes:
I don't know why you guys are all dog piling on the guy's purchase. If he spent $100 on a nagant or some other surplus relic, or even a used harrington SA .22 it wouldn't get this sort of reaction.
Of course, my dislike is caused by the fact that Remington replaced the Model 600 series, which I dearly loved, with the 788.

Actually, Remington replaced the Model 600 and its ugly plastic vent rib with the 660 which was only hampered by its still warp prone plastic floorplate/trigger guard and odd cranked bolt handle.

I had a 600 .35 Rem that was a dandy hunting rifle but mine was not as accurate as Dean Grennell's, so I traded it for a .308.
I looked hard at a scarce 600 .222 but was put off by the already badly warped guard.
I don't know why you guys are all dog piling on the guy's purchase. If he spent $100 on a nagant or some other surplus relic, or even a used harrington SA .22 it wouldn't get this sort of reaction
They just mad they didn't find it.
I bought a 788 for the action and barreled it to 250/3000 improved. I had to pay quite a bit more than $100 but the action is great as the rig shoots sub minute at all ranges,My gun was a very early model and has a walnut stock not many made. If your 788 shoots like most you won't be disappointed.
I know that lots of people dislike the action, and maybe they have good reason to. A rear locking 9 lug bolt isn't a candidate for thousand yard accuracy. It did have a bodacious lock time, and nothing else was mechanically inferior, IMO. It was a cheap rifle and it lacked all of the grace of a nice bolt.

but then, wasn't the stamped checkering on the ADL just the bees knees? I don't mind the laser cut checkering that I have seen but stamped checkering is an ABOMINATION! I'd rather have a stock made of douglas fir with motor oil finish than buy one of the ADL rifles.
Ever see a Mossberg 800? Talk about an ugly stock with a capital UGH!

As one writer said, just because it was a cheap gun should not have kept them from having a well shaped mung wood stock.
Bought a new 788 in 1972. Got a RAMLINE stock to replace the ugly Birch, put a Timney trigger and Picatinny rail. With 150s, this 308 shoots 1/2 inch. Don't like the strength of the rear lugs, so have kept loads to 2600-2700.