New Rash of Campus Carry Legislation

Now that the law will pass. I'm personally excited about it. I really don't feel safe in one of the only places I cannot carry. My class has had this heated discussion over and over again. Most of what was said, was sadly outrageous and misinformed.Whats everyones thoughts on this?
Doesn't look good in TX right now - a reply of past years. Lots o' support and then committee tricks to kill it. This time with a primarily gun favoring legislature and Coyote Killin' Perry. So I guess if you buy a signed Coyote Killin' Special LCP you can't take it to school or keep it in the parking lot.
Someone's gotta clear the hurdle here so when the wife and I have kids in the next few years we can pick a pro-campus carry state we can choose their 529 plan and get started with it.
H.B. 506 passed by legislature and signed by governor back in March removes all no-carry zones except law enforcement stations and prisons, if one is willing to take gun training.:D As of now, no training required.
AZ Campus Carry was changed to Right of Way and sidewalks in area, and that one is on the Governors desk. Step in the right direction...
April 12 update from TSRA on Campus CarrY:

TSRA said:
First Senator Lucio and then Senator Gallegos!

Rumors include the Brady Campaign funneling money into Texas to kill CHL on Campus!


SB 354by Sen. Jeff Wentworth (R-San Antonio) would allow adult students, faculty, and staff with a concealed handgun license to carry in buildings located on college campuses currently prohibited by Texas law. SB 354 would also stop colleges and universities from creating administrative rules which serve to expel a student or terminate an employee for simply having their licensed handgun in their personal vehicle.

You might be interested in knowing that every college and university in the state of Texas has such administrative rules on the books. That's what local control buys you: zip, nada, nothing!

Update and Status:

SB 354 became eligible to be debated on the Senate floor last week. TSRA worked to help Senator Wentworth count the required votes to reach the two-thirds rule. The Texas House uses a Calendars Committee which prioritizes and sets the House Calendar; the Senate requires 2/3s of the total senators present to agree to bring a bill up for discussion. There are 31 senators and the required number is 21. The final vote is an up or down simple majority.

It's a gentlemen's agreement. I'll hear your bill even though I might ultimately vote against it, and you'll hear mine. It also gives power to the minority party and in the case of SB 354, a great deal of power. Two Senators have taken SB 354 hostage, two with help from their "friends".

Senator Wentworth had counted his votes and turned in his list to the Lt. Governor and we were good-to-go with 22 votes, counting Senator Wentworth.

Lt Governor Dewhurst recognized Senator Wentworth who made the required motion to suspend the rules and consider SB 354. A debate followed.

The list of senators agreeing to the two-thirds rule included Senator Lucio (D-Brownsville). Senator Lucio requested language that would address a primary, secondary, and child-care facility on one of his college campuses. Over night the language was hammered out and Senator Lucio's staff believed the correction would address the school's concerns, would be acceptable to Senator Lucio, and wasn't harmful to Senator Wentworth's bill. Good-to-go...

The next day, last Thursday, as Senator Wentworth laid out and began explaining his bill, Senator Lucio decided that he wanted his college to take the weekend (Friday, Saturday, and Sunday) to review this language and insisted Senator Wentworth hold off.

Wentworth was ready and anxious to get on with it. He would keep the language but did not want to wait three more days. Lucio removed his name from the list and now we were down to 21 but still Good-to-go.

For quite a while the debate continued among those who opposed the bill. This included Senator Steve Ogden (R-Bryan). Ogden insisted that so few students would have a concealed handgun license, how could this number possibly make a college campus more safe. Senator, this is about personal safety! Not policing a college campus.

After a couple of hours a group of senators gathered around Senator Mario Gallegos' desk. Gallegos was on the two-thirds list. Senator Gallegos supported a similar bill last session and told me he had no problem supporting it again. However, with some pressure from the opposition, he too took his name off and now we were at 20 and below the required number. The wheels came off!

Senators Lucio and Gallegos signed the sheet and pledged to vote for the two-third rule to bring up SB 354. The pledge sheet was submitted to the Lt. Governor's desk. Nothing happened to cause these two senators to go back on their commitment, their word to Senator Wentworth and to Texans.

Below is the list of contact information for Texas state senators:

Please pay special attention and email and to call Senators Lucio (D-Brownsville), Gallegos (D-Houston), and Ogden (R-Bryan). It's not a waste of time, it's important that everyone hears from you but particularly the "opposition". If you have children or grandchildren in a Texas college let the Senate know this information too.

Senate Contact Part 1
*Senator Brian Birdwell (R-Granbury) (Co-author) u

*Senator John Carona (R-Dallas)

Senator Wendy Davis (D-Fort Worth)

*Senator Robert Deuell (R-Greenville) (Co-author)

Senator Robert Duncan (R-Lubbock)

Senator Rodney Ellis (D-Houston)

*Senator Craig Estes (R-Wichita Falls) (Co-author)

*Senator Troy Fraser (R-Horseshoe Bay) (Co-author)

Senator Mario Gallegos, Jr. (D-Houston)

*Senator Chris Harris (R-Arlington) (Co-author)

*Senator Glenn Hegar, Jr. (R-Katy) (Co-author)

Senator Juan "Chuy" Hinojosa (D-McAllen)

Senator Joan Huffman (R-Southside Place)

*Senator Mike Jackson (R-La Porte) (Co-author)

Senator Eddie Lucio, Jr. (D-Brownsville)

*Senator Jane Nelson (R-Flower Mound) (Co-author)

Senator Robert Nichols (R-Jacksonville)

Senate Contact Part 2

*Senator Dan Patrick (R-Houston)(Co-author)

Senator Jose Rodriguez (D-El Paso)

*Senator Kel Seliger (R-Amarillo) (Co-author)

Senator Florence Shapiro (R-Plano)

Senator Carlos Uresti (D-San Antonio)

Senator Leticia Van de Putte (D-San Antonio)

Senator Kirk Watson (D-Austin)

**Senator Jeff Wentworth (R-San Antonio) (Bill Author)

Senator Royce West (D-Dallas)

Senator John Whitmire (D-Houston)

*Senator Tommy Williams (R-The Woodlands) (Co-author)

Senator Judith Zaffirini (D-Laredo)

SB 354 is a personal safety bill for concealed handgun licensees. What good is protection with outrageous limitations.

Thanks for your help and join, renew, or upgrade your membership at or call 512-615-4200.

Keep the Faith!

Alice Tripp
Texas State Rifle Association

Legislative Director
Governor Brewer will pay for veto that in the next election if this isn't passed in some form before then. AZ folks don't like to screw with the second amendment.
As introduced, the bill would have allowed those with CCW permits to carry on school grounds.

As amended, it would have allowed lawful possession and carry on a public right of way. This was intended to allow guns on major streets that pass through campus, but could be interpreted broadly enough such that it could include most of campus. Does this include buildings? Probably not, and it would probably take a couple lawsuits to figure out just exactly what a public right of way is.

What is a more reasonable?

a) Brewer claims to to have rejected it because it was poorly written and unclear. She claims that even though she is a proponent of the 2nd Amendment and has a long history of supporting it, it doesn't automatically translate into a signature. Why? She claims, "While I support thoughtful expansion of where firearms should be allowed, the actual legislation that does so must be unambiguous and clear to protect the Second Amendment rights of gun owners."

b) She has secretly become a gun hating zealot.

For the love of god, read a newspaper. Sometimes I feel like we are our own worst enemy.

Also, would it have even been a victory if it were signed? Does it really do anyone any good if they can carry on campus except for in buildings?