New P365


New member
First off let me say that I don't care for striker fired handguns, only own one which is a Kahr P9 but to be honest until this weekend it has sat in the safe for a couple of years. Bought it for those really hot summer days for shorts and t-shirt attire, just could never get used to the no hammer, no safety concept ( 50 year 1911 user). I have shot quite a few of other peoples safe action guns but I personally would never buy a gun with a springy thingy in the trigger.
When the P365 was first announced I read about it and ignored it.
Then a couple weeks ago one of my shooting buddies asked the evil gun consultant at the range to see one. Guy pulls out all four models and lays them out on the counter. Thought the XL model was really nice but lo and behold one model had a manual thumb safety just like my beloved 1911.
Would have walked away but it was on sale for a good price, so the guy had us. We both bought one.
Took it to the range this week end along with my P9 for comparison and I must say I like it.
Shot 200 rounds out of it with zero problems although it's going to take some getting used to.
Accuracy is definitely not comparable to my CZ's or 1911's and it is quite snappy in the recoil department, these will be overcome with practice. Thing I like about it the most is with the slide locked back the safety can be applied and then a loaded magazine can be inserted and the slide released a real plus in the safety department in my opinion. Thing I dislike is you will never get 10 rounds in the magazine without the aid of a Uplula.
Just my take on it.
I have a PM9 and a couple of P365's.
Different guns. The Kahr's trigger is like the sweetest DA revolver in the world. That said, once you become accustomed to the P365's shorter action, you will struggle going back and forth. I will say the PM9 in its thin leather pocket holster will go unnoticed in a pair of light wool dress pants where the P365 will not.
Brut, I think you're going to like the P365. Mine's been with me since March of this year and this morning's exercise put it over 1200 rounds with superb accuracy and virtually zero malfunctions.

The grip seemed small to me, after years of carrying double stack Sigs, but I quickly found it very similar to my 1911's. Like you I have 50+ years with the old Colt automat and have carried it in peace and war. But this P365 is so comfortable to carry, & has the capacity to make it a daily sidearm when I'm out and about town.

I've found that the sights, particularly that big green dot really jump out at you in daylight, from pre-dawn to dusk, and the night sights make it easy to find on the night stand and are usable if you need 'em when the target is out of bad breath distance. They're good enough that I carry the gun when putting my pointer out for her pre-bed constitutional here on the farm...good insurance against our skunk population.

Mine's still got some firing pin drag, but after 1200 rounds, I'm no longer concerned. Hope yours works out as well. Here's a pic of a 10 yd, 10 shot, slow fire from a Weaver two handed stance, unsupported.

Best Regards, Rod

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After shooting 200 rds through a 365, went out and bought a second Kahr. Beautiful trigger, fantastic, solid firearm, and the size and weight are perfect.
Actually bought three guns, two more Nano's with a trigger that is so similar to the kahr, and just recently a Apx carry. The Nano and the Carry have splendid DOA trigger. Precise, Deliberate, Controlled all the way through. About 6-61/2 lgs of pull.
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Brutus: said:
Accuracy is definitely not comparable to my CZ's or 1911's and it is quite snappy in the recoil department, these will be overcome with practice....Thing I dislike is you will never get 10 rounds in the magazine without the aid of a Uplula

The accuracy of the P365 I tried is definitely not comparable to my CZ’s or my 1911’s, and I don’t know that a reasonable person would expect similar accuracy from a subcompact. It is close in accuracy to my G19. But the recoil was harsh and I think it was due to a bad RSA. If the RSA on this gun proves to be OK, and these all recoil this harshly, then I would not want to shoot a lot of rounds in one session (from this example anyway). My Walther PPS-M2 seems to recoil noticeably softer than this P365. On the other hand I found the 10-round mag very easy to load with my fingers.
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The accuracy of the P365 I tried is definitely not comparable to my CZ’s or my 1911’s, and I don’t know that a reasonable person would expect similar accuracy from a subcompact. It is close in accuracy to my G19. But the recoil was harsh and I think it was due to a bad RSA. If the RSA on this gun proves to be OK, and these all recoil this harshly, then I would not want to shoot a lot of rounds in one session (from this example anyway). My Walther PPS-M2 seems to recoil noticeably softer than this P365. On the other hand I found the 10-round mag very easy to load with my fingers.

I find it to be very accurate. As accurate as any service pistol I have ever used including a 1911(service 1911 not a race-gun). Any shooter capable of applying the basic fundamentals should get service pistol performance.

It is somewhat more demanding of good recoil management, grip, and fundamentals because of it's size but is without a doubt capable of delivering duty pistol combat performance in a micro-compact pistol.

Velocity testing of three selected loads continued without incident, and accuracy testing was extremely satisfying (full results on p. 51). For a pistol with less than 5" of sight radius, the P365 continually shot ragged-hole five-shot groups at 7 yds., and was easy to keep “in the black” at 15 and 25 yds.

In one session I went back and forth between my Glock 43 and the P365, shooting groups at various ranges. I used my normal grip with my G43 and the altered grip with the P365. I was surprised to see that at every distance, the groups with the P365 were half the size of the Glock 43 groups. Yes, that is anecdotal and I am not quite sure what to attribute this difference to, but I believe it is the better trigger on the Sig. Also the sights on the Sig seem a bit more precise.

Things I Really Like About the P365
1. Accuracy—for its size, the SIG Sauer P365 is REALLY accurate.

So I still test at 25 yards, which is customary for full-size service pistols, where the standard seems to have evolved that “five shots in four inches at 25 yards equals ‘acceptable service pistol accuracy.’”

25 yards from a Matrix rest on a concrete bench.

And topping the accuracy mark was SIG’s 124-gr. V-Crown JHP which put five shots into 1.5″ at 25 yards. A single .40 slug could have touched all of the best three in the group. For a gun this size, this is simply phenomenal.
I WAS a big Sig fanboy, with a great P228.

But they let me down BIGTIME with the Mosquito.

If I go that direction it will be a Springfield "Hellcat."
I WAS a big Sig fanboy, with a great P228.

Never was a sig fan boy. Owned a 226 that I sold when I was in the Q-course for some Harley upgrades.

Used em the service and while nice pistols....never really floated my boat.

I carry a P365 as my EDC because it performs that mission in an outstanding fashion.

Not to sound like a sig fanboy, but a lot of otherwise good companies have screwed up and made terrible .22 pistols.

I personally was NOT disappointed with the Sig P365.
That is a label put there to disparage someone when the poster feels defensive.

Well, maybe. But I'm not certain that I ain't turning into some kind of a sig fan boy in that I'm recently having conversations with myself arguing over why I should or shouldn't now also buy a P365XL and/or the P365SAS while there are still so many other wonderful firearms out there to be had!
It's surprising how much smaller the P365 is than the Walther PPS M2. They don't look that different on paper, but in reality the PPS is a larger firearm, especially in the grip, where it's just as thin but longer from front to back. And that's why I find it easier to control and follow up with than the P365. It has nothing to do with make and model, I think it's all due to size and how it fits my hand. Now there is a Hogue grip sleeve for the P365 that looks to add some bulk where it's needed, and that might make a world of difference. The P365 is an impressive accomplishment, no doubt, and I hope to get my hands on a Hellcat for comparison one day, but I've never felt under-equipped with 9 rounds in my PPS so I think I'll stay with what I know.

I do love Kahr's triggers though. It's the rest of the gun that doesn't seem to fit me well. Just doesn't feel right in my hand.

In my fantasy land, Smith and Wesson releases a 13-round J-frame revolver with a Kahr trigger that can be reloaded with a magazine :D

I would also accept a P365 shaped like a revolver! I like revolvers, what can I say???
The Kahr is the longest striker trigger pull in history. The P365 is almost PPQ level. So it should be a real difference :)

First of all, not sure where it is posted that it is the longest striker fired trigger in history? And I would be interested in what other Striker fired DAO are you comparing it to?
The Kahr, is a striker fired DAO and a fantastic trigger loved by many. Smooth, deliberate and controlled all the way through. Beretta Nano and APX Carry very similar. What a small carry gun should be IMO. Regardles, I can shoot it as well if not better than a lot of striker fired firearms and know many others that can as well.
These are EDC guns, not target guns. If a person cannot shoot a good DAO that is fine. But many can and do it very well. And many like myself, once learned, do not want to go back to light Striker fired Triggers again. Just got rid of my LC9S, which was a lovely gun, but just did not like trigger which I felt to be way to light and broke way too soon.

I do not care at all what another man carries nor what trigger he has. (family exception). Taught my son from the beginning to shoot DAO and that is now what he chooses. I am simply giving my opinion.
Each to his own.
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^ Feel the same way about striker fired guns and that's why the P365 with a thumb safety appeals to me, still it's no match for a SA 1911.
Forgive my ignorance but what does RSA and EDC stand for?
Where was it posted?

By me.

Kahr has the longest striker reset. Can't think of a single make/model that has a longer reset.

If it is by design or not, that doesn't change that it is.

My P365 almost has the trigger of my PPQ.
That's why I say the P365 kills everything else. On top of it, it's CM9/PM9 size with almost double capacity and without the Kahr's trigger.
P365 has been my EDC for a year now. It is utterly reliable with any ammo I have fed it and it is quite accurate. I do not own a lot of striker fired guns, because, for the most part I am not overly fond of them, especially the triggers. The P365 has, imo, a great trigger, which lends to the accuracy of the gun. It rivals the trigger on my XDM (actually better) which is one of the other striker guns I own.

The P365 can be a bit snappy with some ammo, but not overly so. I find the gun fun to shoot, which makes it great because I enjoy practicing with it.

Like most striker guns, there is some striker drag. It seems the smaller the gun the more pronounced the drag is, but the P365 is no worse than a lot of guns, and I have put close 1800 rounds through it now without even the slightest hiccup. I am curious to see how the Hellcat performs in regard to striker drag some day.

Mine is an original model with no manual safety, and I am just fine with that...I never rush to re-holster.

This is the only Sig that I own, but it is a great pistol, could sell me on another Sig some day...maybe.
^ Feel the same way about striker fired guns and that's why the P365 with a thumb safety appeals to me, still it's no match for a SA 1911.
Forgive my ignorance but what does RSA and EDC stand for?
RSA? Republic of South Africa?? No idea, goggle-foo no help.
Quote "But the recoil was harsh and I think it was due to a bad RSA."
Only thing I can think of is "Recoil Spring Assembly or
maybe "Really Scrawny Arm" :confused:
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