New Option For Ruger Gunsite Scout

BIGR: Ruger does now make it in that configuration.

Thanks for the info Single Six. That shows you how much I have been keeping up with what they are making.

Where are you at in NC? East or West?
Ruger Scouts

We are talking about this over the Scout Forum. Lots and lots of rumours about new calibers but nothing substantiated (and I have done some checking).


PS PM me or email if you need a Ching Sling or Rhodesian Scout Sling for your Scout.
Auto426, are you talking about the ones made by AI ? I keep seeing mixed reviews on those.

AI makes the steel mags. I'm not sure if Ruger makes the polymer mags themselves or contracts them out, but they seem to be the preferable option based on what I have read. The 10 round poly mag weighs less than half of what the 10 round steel mag weighs, is shorter than the steel mag, and can be topped off while still in the gun. I believe they are cheaper as well.
I'm going to go wait myself. The longer 18" barrel and stainless receiver and barrel are the things that really pushed me over the edge. It's not currently at the top of my 2013 list, but it is on there.
I totally get you, Auto426. For me, this was a judgement call....wait for the next gun show, where I MIGHT find what I'm looking for, or go for the only one within 100 miles that I could find, RIGHT NOW. That, coupled with our current political situation making most everything harder to find and increasingly more pricey...It was an easy call. Besides, I really liked the shorter barrel, and like I said, a trip to Mahovsky's will give me my preferred silver finish. As things stand now, though...I'm VERY happy!;)
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So, after all the initial "new gun fever" wore off, and I was sitting on the edge of my bed examining my new purchase, I couldn't help but admire it. It has a really solid feel, comes to the shoulder perfectly and with exceptional balance, and the whole thing just screams "serious rifle"! I can hardly wait to try it out...I'm having flashbacks to Ralphie in "A Christmas Story" when he opened up his Red Ryder box on Christmas morning! Thanks again to all who have posted.
SingleSix, CONGRATS ON THE PURCHASE!!!!! You sure weren't lying when you said you were getting yours soon on my GSR thread LOL. I know you'll love shooting it- it's a GREAT handling rifle. Everyone that has seen mine in person has fell in love with it. Seriously!

Ha ha I like the "A Christmas Story" reference. Of all the guns I have purchased I think this one has made me feel most like when I got my first Red Rider. Needless to say I have spent a good bit of time just looking at it ha ha.

Tell us what you end up going with in the optics/sling department and whether you do a bipod.
DATL: Why, thank you very much! Glad you liked my Ralphie analogy.;) Meanwhile, I can highly recommend the Metalife finish. I first became aware of them after reading a Chuck Taylor article about their finish. Taylor let them apply it to several of his guns, then he went on to do things like leaving the guns in creeks and snowbanks....with no rust resulting from this. I had them apply Metalife to my blued Single Six back in the late 1990s; to this day, the gun looks brand new. Compared to many other aftermarket finishes, they're pretty affordable, too.
P.S.: The accessories will come eventually....a Harris bi-pod [is there another kind?!], followed by some appropriate glass on top. My first priority is to actually shoot it first.....then the trip to Mahovsky's comes ASAP.:)
Ha ha yeah good plan to shoot it first! I have a red dot on mine, but so far actually like the standard sights best. I do think I am going to get a nice LER scope sometime soon. I have never shot with a LER scope, or tried a ching sling for that matter- but thinking I'll get them just so as to complete the Col. Cooper experience lol.

In regards to bipods I hear a LOT of guys on here talking about the Harris ones. They must be pretty awesome. I was in a hurry to go shooting one weekend and just ran by Academy scooping up a Caldwell 6-9" swivel bipod for $30 or $40. I knew nothing about the brand- but it's worked great thus far FWIW. The design looks similar to some of the Harris models. It weighs 12oz. I'm not saying they are comparable to Harris or anything I have no clue lol. Just thought i'd share :)
Funny thing is, I'm not a hunter, nor do I foresee using my GSR as an HD weapon, so I guess I've just bought a pretty nice range toy. Nonetheless, having been a Jeff Cooper fan lo these many years [and knowing that I can afford a Steyr Scout rifle when The Pope becomes a Baptist], I'm quite tickled to have it!