New Mexico governor issues order suspending the right to carry firearms in public across Albuquerque

This is a news article on CNN as discussed by Colion Noir. Be advised he does cuss a few times. New Mexico's governor is a stubborn old gal and even with all the opposition, she refuses to back down. Visual proof one cannot fix stupid. :rolleyes:

Paul B.
Since she can personally be sued for violating the NM and US Constitution, and she has ZERO support from all NM DAs and LEOS, why is this still an item? Why hasn't she been arrested and imprisoned for violating the Constitution of both the US and NM and violating her oath of office? Until these folks are imprisoned and all of their earthly assets are confiscated, they will continue to push the envelope of infringement; when it hurts personally, then it will stop.
At the risk of preaching to the choir or stating the obvious, have you noticed that there seems to be one question or kind of question that is never asked by interviewers, hosts, moderators, mediators or reporters in general when anti gun people point out children (or anyone else) shot and killed by "gun" violence?

Its a simple question, and I for one would like to see it asked and see what the anti's answer is.

When they point out how "there was an 11yr old shot and killed..." (or which ever example they use, and that is simply, "Where is the person who pulled the trigger???"

WHY aren't they in custody, yet?? Why are they wasting time, resources, and money having meetings, creating "programs" and issuing "public health orders" restricting the people who have not broken any laws, AND have an enumerated Constitutional right to arms?

The NM gov is on the record stating she doesn't believe criminals will obey her "dictat" ruling. SO, WHY is she doing it??

Is there even a hint of evidence that law abiding citizens are the ones committing "gun violence"?? IF so, WHERE IS IT??

SHOW IT TO US! IF it exists, why aren't they showing us? IF it exists (and I don't believe it does) but if it did exist, then, we might have a rational discussion about how to address the issue and not just some childish dream the bad people in the world will stop doing what they do because of a rule, law or other paper that they won't obey but you think will make all things right.

Pass a law, or an emergency public health decree that the maneater may not possess its teeth in certain places for a certain amount of time. Feel safe and sleep soundly at night, because you KNOW that the maneater will of course obey your rule.

They won't.

And, they have no interest in doing so.

They will continue to do what they have always done, ignoring your rules in the process, until something physically stops them. That is the way the world works, and no amount of wishful thinking changes that. ONLY physical action changes the physical world.
I can’t find it now but believe Andrew Branca from Law of self defense has posted or at least talked about how many ccw holders use firearms illegally every year in his videos . I was surprised haw many it actually was , that said it was not many in relation to guns used in homicides in general . I really don’t remember but want to say 20 or 30 a year nationwide. In the grand scheme of things its a minuscule percentage but it was still more then I thought it would have been .

44 , I found this with a quick search
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ah, the wonderful VPC...the people who used to be known as Handgun Control Inc. The people who had for many years a fellow named Sugarman as one of their main players. The same fellow who left NBC news under a cloud due to the finding that "dangerous" pickup trucks had been rigged to explode on his watch...

The people who were publicly outed decades ago for using false and misleading data in their figures reporting "death of a child due to a handgun".

Wonderful folks who counted everyone under 25 as a child, counted suicides, homicides, accidents and people shot by police, with any firearm as "death of a child due to a handgun".

They were liars 40 years ago and the current generation are liars still.
ah, the wonderful VPC...the people who used to be known as Handgun Control Inc. The people who had for many years a fellow named Sugarman as one of their main players. The same fellow who left NBC news under a cloud due to the finding that "dangerous" pickup trucks had been rigged to explode on his watch...

While I fully agree that Sugarmann is a liar, I can't find any evidence that he was involved in the NBC exploding truck scandal.

A bit of history: Anti gun rights campaigns first focused on handguns. By the late 80's that campaign had run out of steam, so Josh Sugarmann came up with a new approach to pep up his anti gun organization. From his paper, Assault Weapons and Accessories in America:

It will be a new topic in what has become to the press and public an “old” debate. Although handguns claim more than 20,000 lives a year, the issue of handgun restriction consistently remains a non-issue with the vast majority of legislators, the press, and public. .....Assault weapons—just like armor-piercing bullets, machine guns, and plastic firearms—are a new topic. The weapons’ menacing looks, coupled with the public’s confusion over fully automatic machine guns versus semi-automatic assault weapons—anything that looks like a machine gun is assumed to be a machine gun—can only increase the chance of public support for restrictions on these weapons. [underlining added]

The upshot: It's easy to market bans on "Assault weapons" because they are scary looking, especially to people who don't know anything about guns. Based on the hysteria it's created, the strategy has worked quite well.
While I fully agree that Sugarmann is a liar, I can't find any evidence that he was involved in the NBC exploding truck scandal.

I doubt you will find any "evidence".. Its not going to be out there for a Google search to show. These kinds of things tend to "disappear" (if they were even found in the first place) when the people who might be responsible seek other jobs and their former company wants everything about the matter to go away...

It was a long time ago, no one was physically injured, formal, criminal (or as far as I know no civil charges either) charges were not filed, so there aren't going to be much in the way of records open to the public on the matter.

And, I don't care if he didn't personally wire the trucks to blow up on camera, or not. IIRC, he held a position of authority in the news dept at the time, and even IF he knew nothing and was not involved, it happened on his watch and he allowed it to happen. Maybe he was not involved, but he left that job under a cloud of suspicion, and for those of us who remember it, and add that to his behavior since, I would not take his word for anything.

But, that's just me....
That reminds me of the reporter that claimed to show having a concealed firearm in a classroom would do nothing if gunmen charged into the class . She even had a big demonstration set up with simulated armed student/s in the class and gunmen charging in .

In every simulated attack the bad guys took out the armed student before they could even draw there gun . Hmm….. that made some people wonder if the good guy never even exposed there firearm how could the bad guys take them out so fast ??? Turns out the bad guys were told ahead of time the description of the student with the ccw and where each of them were sitting before they charged in . When you watch the video the gunmen literally go straight to the students with guns and take them out first . Total bogus hit piece that was thankfully called out before it could get any real traction.

Not sure what ever happened to that reporter
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In the wake of the temporary restraining order, the NM governor has amended her executive order to only apply to public parks and playgrounds. Link to AP article here.
LeverGunFan said:
In the wake of the temporary restraining order, the NM governor has amended her executive order to only apply to public parks and playgrounds. Link to AP article here.

Which answers the question many have posed: Where will NM's next multiple homicide most likely occur?

Answer: The public parks and playgrounds at which an attacker knows he will meet no armed response.
Maybe at some future point the gun control advocates will begin to understand that "Gun free zones" do nothing to stop those intent on mayhem and only ensure that the location becomes a target rich environment for the criminal.
Vito , no I don’t think so and not because they are evil, al though …..

I’ve been putting some thought into thinking lately, err wait whaaaat ? Seriously I believe the issue is what you “think” is the problem . Based on what you believe the problem is , will be how one will try to fix the problem .

I have several examples but I heard a comedian say something once about the southern CA drought and water crisis once . He said southern CA does not have A water problem they have a salt problem and there in lies the problem . Everyone in power for decades have been trying to figure out how to get fresh water from the north to the south which is one way of “thinking” about it . Another way would be to take the salt out of the pacific coast waters . I mean there’s plenty of it so why aren’t we ? Back in the early 90’s there was a big push to build a desalinization plant in Southern California . The argument against was it would take 10 to 15 years for it to make any real difference in the local area . At the time there was a drought or a big water crisis blah blah blah The argument against was , what Good will a desalinization plant do in 10 or 15 years when we need the water now.

Well 30 years later and had we built the damn thing in the 90’s we wouldn’t have all the water issues now . Not only because that “one” plant would be helping now . It’s likely once one was up and running they/we would have built more reducing the need from the North to supply the water needed in the south .

But here we are 30 years later with the exact same problem we’ve always had . Demand to high in the south taxing the reservoirs in the north Lake Lake Mead .

Anyways, that was a long drawn out example of my overall point . Sometimes it’s not evil, although… sometimes it’s just a ridge way of thinking that is causing the problem. keeping us in the rut we are in.
The question is, is that simply just another way of thinking or is it special interest manipulating the thought process .
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ABC news is now reporting that Friday, the NM Gov amended her order, and not it will allow open and concealed carry "except in public parks and playgrounds".

Note that the wording used is "amended", and not rescinded, or cancelled. In other words the order is still in place (and I believe still suspended by court order at this time), but the Gov still confidently believes she has the legal authority to do what she did.

This is essentially a tactical retreat. IT is not an armistice, it is not a surrender, and it is not an admission that she was wrong in any way.

And, it is NOT a victory for Constitutional law and our civil rights.
vito said:
Maybe at some future point the gun control advocates will begin to understand that "Gun free zones" do nothing to stop those intent on mayhem and only ensure that the location becomes a target rich environment for the criminal.
Dream on.
Maybe at some future point the gun control advocates will begin to understand that "Gun free zones" do nothing to stop those intent on mayhem and only ensure that the location becomes a target rich environment for the criminal.

I suspect these folk just plain old don't like guns. They don't want there to BE guns anywhere, at all.

They are proud of their gun ignorance and intolerant of anyone speaking intelligently about guns and their capabilities.

I think Colonel Jeff Cooper hit on something when he coined the word 'hoplophobe'.

hoplophobe-Someone who has an irrational fear of guns. Etymology. Firearms authority and writer Colonel Jeff Cooper claims to have coined the word in 1962: hoplo- (“weapon, arms”) +‎ -phobia (“fear”).
I always felt that, while accurate, Hoplophobia was a cumbersome term.

To add a bit to your Etymology, Hoplos is from the Greek, as is phobia. Greek warriors were Hoplites (one who is armed) and in modern English "phobia" is translated as an "unreasonable" or "irrational" fear.

SO, a hoplophobe is, literally, someone who is afraid of weapons, for no rational reason.

You find the saying often in sci-fi, as well as many other places and it is essentially true,

Ignorance breeds fear, fear breeds hate, and hate leads to violence (or,the Dark Side in star wars, :D)

Here's my suggestion to those who see guns as the problem, go pitch your tent inside a prison. There are no guns there, except in the hands of some guards. IF you are right, you should be perfectly safe and comfortable...:rolleyes:
To add a bit to your Etymology, Hoplos is from the Greek, as is phobia. Greek warriors were Hoplites (one who is armed) and in modern English "phobia" is translated as an "unreasonable" or "irrational" fear.

SO, a hoplophobe is, literally, someone who is afraid of weapons, for no rational reason.

Which is to an extent a bit ironic as Hoplite is derived in turn from Hoplon, the shield the soldier carried. Not that said shield wouldn't bust your chops if hit with one but not the more "offensive" weapons of spear or sword.
One question I've seen asked, here and on other boards boils down to, "Why hasn't she been arrested?" The simple answer is this, "Because the NM legislature has not declared it a crime to use executive orders this way." The follow-up question is naturally "Why haven't they declared it a crime to use executive orders this way?" Again, the answer is simple, "Because it's a form of lawmaking, and the legislature (whose entire job involves lawmaking) is not about to declare something a crime when it's so close to home."

And that's without getting into the legal issues, like whether it's really the legislature's job to decide whether a law is constitutional, or the fact that our courts don't issue advisory opinions.
One question I've seen asked, here and on other boards boils down to, "Why hasn't she been arrested?" The simple answer is this, "Because the NM legislature has not declared it a crime to use executive orders this way." The follow-up question is naturally "Why haven't they declared it a crime to use executive orders this way?" Again, the answer is simple, "Because it's a form of lawmaking, and the legislature (whose entire job involves lawmaking) is not about to declare something a crime when it's so close to home."

And that's without getting into the legal issues, like whether it's really the legislature's job to decide whether a law is constitutional, or the fact that our courts don't issue advisory opinions.

The New Mexico constitution defines the reasons for impeachment:
All state officers and judges of the district court shall be liable to impeachment for crimes, misdemeanors and malfeasance in office
NM constitution, article 4, section 36 [emphasis added]

And there is established New Mexico case law defining "malfeasance in office":

The term "malfeasance" has been variously defined as a comprehensive term which includes any wrongful conduct affecting performance of official duties... or as a wrongful act which the actor had no legal right to do, or any wrongful conduct which affects, interrupts, or interferes with performance of official duties, or an act for which there is no authority or warrant of law or which a person ought not to do at all, or the unjust performance of some act, which party performing it has no right,.... or doing an act which is wholly wrongful and unlawful, and which an officer has no authority to do, and if the act is discretionary it must have been done with an improper or corrupt motive;..... also, as evildoing, the doing of an act which is wholly wrongful and unlawful,.....
Arellano v Lopez
, New Mexico Supreme Court, 1970 [emphasis added]

And by grossly exceeding her authority by suspending the Constitution based on her whim, Governor Grisham has checked most, if not all, of those boxes.

New Mexico legislators have already started impeachment proceedings:

“You see, Democrats, you see Republicans, you see independents saying ‘Whoa, whoa, whoa, this is a total power grab. And it’s an infringement on our constitutional rights,'” said Representative John Block.

In a tweet Monday, Democrat state Sen. Joe Cervantes of Doña Ana County called on the governor to rescind her order, calling it unconstitutional.

Sen. Joe Cervantes


Having passed key gun safety laws working with her administration, I call on the Governor to rescind her order outlawing arms. An unconstitutional approach undermines the important collaboration gun issues deserve, and the important role of a Governor to lead genuine reforms.

Now whether they'll actually do it is another question.