New Mexico Gestapo tactics

There is a lot of wiggle room in the law for the states (and feds) to abuse law abiding citizens.

Personally, I can remember being stopped at a "check point" 4 times in the past 28 years: 1971 in Alabama by State Troopers who checked licenses, tags and operation of lights and signals; in 1997 by the Mississippi Highway Patrol at DWI checkpoint south of Memphis; twice this year while driving from El Paso to Alamogordo NM at US Border Patrol checkpoint.

In all cases, minimal inconvenience but again, the potential for serious violation of Constitutional and God given rights exists...

About a week before Thanksgiving day, last year, My wife and I were stopped at a similar roadblock as we entered Utah, from Nevada. All kinds of black suited jack booted storm troopers, complete with MP-5's and a black helicopter.
Velcome to the police state Komrades.
Paul B.
Mute: It's like I said over at the thread on the CA effort to pass a RKBA state amendment: In practice, "strict scrutiny", means that the government can't violate the Constitution UNLESS THEY HAVE A REASON. The Constitution says, "Congress shall make no law..." (The five most beautiful words in the English language. Madison should have stopped while he was ahead.) or "... shall not be infringed." and the Supreme court reads an invisible "unless there's a good reason." What part of "no" doesn't the Supreme court understand? EVERY PART!
4 times in 28 yrs? Consider yourself lucky. Here in Baldwin Co. AL. there are roadblocks all over the place on the weekends. If your the only car on the road a 1:00am and there is a police car behind ya, they will pull ya over. This happened to me Friday night. They said I was swerving. They made me do 2 feild test on the side of the road. I feel that is humiliating. I passed both (of course because I was not swerving or intoxicated).

I am usally "profiled" in to the check this guy out because I'm young(21), dark skined, long hair, and am driving a '71 Chevelle or '96 Z-28. They always ask to search and I aways say NO. but they will search anyway because they have the right to search anywhere you and your passengers can reach. I filed complants and they write back saying the officer was within his "rights"

Screw spending my money in these hick towns on the weekend, I'm staying home!
Pardon the ignorance but I thought a search of your vehicle required a warrant?

Can anyone validate this?

Um, CMOS, have you forgotten where we live? Only the little people are required to follow the rules. Gov't employees are exempt from those inconvenient laws.

"Janet Reno is the fire that ignites my loins."
--Joe Cartoon
One of the times when I was pulled over, they said I was swerving(Bull). The the officer asked to search, I said no. His 'tude then changed from pleasent to rude. He then said "Well we are going to take a look anyway I saw you hidding something."
He had one of the cars with a digital camcorders in it so after he said that I asked him to make sure it was on and recording. That rubbed him the wrong way. After that he proceed to handcuff me for his safety,(What about my safety, I was feeling violated), and search the truck were ever I could reach from the drivers set. As soon as he found nothing he hauled a$$. No ticket, sobrity test, or apoligy. As soon as I got home I called and talked to the sheriff(who was extremly polite). He said that he would make sure the video tape would not be destroyed and he gave me the address at which to file a complant. so I filed my complant and didn't hear anything for 2 months so I went to the Sheriff department and talked to Lt. Charley *****. He said that Internal Affairs reviewed the tape and that they saw nothing wrong. He went on to say that the sepreme court ruled that a officer can search within your reach IF they saw you doing something suspicous.


Please note that I was not ccw.
One of the times when I was pulled over, they said I was swerving(Bull). The the officer asked to search, I said no. His 'tude then changed from pleasent to rude. He then said "Well we are going to take a look anyway I saw you hidding something."
He had one of the cars with a digital camcorders in it so after he said that I asked him to make sure it was on and recording. That rubbed him the wrong way. After that he proceed to handcuff me for his safety,(What about my safety, I was feeling violated), and search the truck were ever I could reach from the drivers set. As soon as he found nothing he hauled a$$. No ticket, sobrity test, or apoligy. As soon as I got home I called and talked to the sheriff(who was extremly polite). He said that he would make sure the video tape would not be destroyed and he gave me the address at which to file a complant. so I filed my complant and didn't hear anything for 2 months so I went to the Sheriff department and talked to Lt. Charley *****. He said that Internal Affairs reviewed the tape and that they saw nothing wrong. He went on to say that the sepreme court ruled that a officer can search within your reach IF they saw you doing something suspicous.


Please note that I was not ccw.
I lived in NM for 5yrs and still travel there about 6 times a year from AZ. This isn't uncommon, especially if you knew that about half of the cars on the road there are either unregistered or not insured. The last time I was pulled over in NM I was on I-40 going about 10 over the speed limit. I pulled into a little gas station, but brfore I could get the gas tank door open I was surrounded by 3 hiway patrol cars and a K9 unit blazer. Apparently my car matched the profile for a drug runner. My old college room mate asleep in the passenger seat woke up to a german shepard sniffing him. He almost wet his pants!We laugh about this now. Anyway an hour later and a modest speeding ticket I was underway. I don't think that the intention is to only find drivers without registration or insurance, it is probably to find drunks.
Cops can get away with about anything if it is 'he said/she said'. But do make complaints. If something more serious happens, it should be in their records. They might even put the SOB/DOB? some place where he won't hurt anybody. They did that to an Albuquerque area deputy many moons ago after he beat up a cripple for not complying fast enough. This individual had plenty of previous complaints in all the departments that he worked for.

[This message has been edited by Prichard (edited October 18, 1999).]
These huge rolling roadblocks will only end when the people who are waiting in line all decide to get out of their cars and stand up for their rights.My blood pressure goes up when i think of these roadblocks and how people today just follow along like sheep. Like i said ,the people 25 years ago would not have put up with this CRAP! No you are wrong. Demand that these coppers have a warrant before they search your vehicle and have a tape recorder with you at all times ! Are we free Americans or Chinese slaves? These roadblocks are a much more serious threat to our freedoms than a thousand stupid,inenforcible gun laws. And the police should be ashamed of themselves for hassling the people. If the police had any decency they would refuse to follow these unconstitutional acts and ,instead, arrest their superiors who give such orders! Then ,maybe we could start the process of getting our country back. The attacks on our first and fourth amendment rights are too often overlooked by gun owners and other conservative people.
I'm glad that so many replies raise the shorthairs on the back of our necks.This stop happened on Oct. 28, 1998 at ll:45 p.m. It took place on I-40, just inside NM border coming from AZ.
I will now write a letter of complaint to the Gov. and let him know just that his Hitler type methods are being put on the internet, so all can read.
I really believe one method is to hit them in the pocketbook. I have spread the word of this incident far and wide,and none of my friends will spend a dime for anything in that state. for instance,never to hunt there,or even pass thru that place.When I go hunting in 10 days {Colo.},I will go out of my way.
Thanks for the replies.
Also,I'm going to invest in one of those small video cams {tiny} and always carry a tape recorder,if such a stop ever goes to court.

From my cold dead hands.
Wouldn't it be fun to organize a "convoy" of 50 cars or more, all equipped with hidden "kill switches" in the ignition system?

All pull up and stop, and shut off your cars when they come to talk to you. Answer their questions, and when they tell you to leave, make a big production of trying to start your cars, which won't. "Sorry officer, it seems my car won't start." Only it's 50 that won't start. What a coincidence! Now you have your OWN roadblock.

Just my little fantasy.