New Jersey CCL Legal Fight

Yes, that is one possible outcome.

Remembering that this would only be for the geographic area served by the 9th circuit, such a decision can be cited in other cases as non-binding precedent... Such as the proposed case by jg0001.
I am not a lawyer but I live in NJ, IIRC CCLs are issued only by Superior Court judges, since they are appointed, they are not subject to much in the way of pressure as opposed to states where the CCLs are issued by police chiefs or sheriffs who may have to run for reelection.
NJ law does not differentiate between concealed and open carry of firearms. Any carry of a firearm without a NJ permit to carry is illegal. Carry permits are only granted to retired LEO's, those working private security, and those who can demonstrate a "justifiable need."

Applications are made through the police department, where the police chief must approve the application. Then it gets submitted to a superior court judge, who grants the permit. Permits then, are court orders, and are good for either 6 months (for retired LEO's) or 2 years (for civilians and armed security).

Judges may, and often do, impose restrictions on the permits, such as "work restricted" (for those working armed security).

If you are serious about this, I would suggest contacting Evan Nappen, who is an attorney specializing in firearms law in NJ. You can read about him here: