New hunting spot

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I live in Georgia. When I was little we all lived on family farms and roamed the woods with little regard for property lines since we knew our neighbors and respected their livestock, crops, fences and property. That was a long time ago. Now the population is so dense that landowners MUST protect their land from trespassing hunters poaching their land. The best way to do that, if you don't live on it or hunt it yourself, is lease it to hunters who will take care of it. I own a small property (95 acres) in North Georgia. I have NEVER had anyone call to ask permission to hunt but the property is overrun with hunting every season. Crisscrossed with ATV trails, littered with plastic bottles and worse. I've even found food plots planted and maintained as well as illegal bait set ups. One trespassers came in from the back of the property, cut down dozens of trees and plowed up the plot. It had been there for years. So, don't be so quick to blame the landowner. He is probably doing his best to hang onto that property despite the government taxing him to death and trespassers tearing it up. Just my viewpoint........................

In regards to ncummins post, yes. Thats true. Happened to my beloved late grandpa. Turkey must have trembled at the mere mention of Hank! Im proud though to be using his 11-87, his arctic cat, and his Casita, or as he called it, "the turkey trailer" just hope i can be half the turkey hunter he was. One time, a turkey came into his yard, then up to the garage (which was lined with his turkey fans). My mom and I were like, oh my God, doesn't he know where he is! Lol
private property

In reply to freeman, i understand what your saying. You have big problems. People with no respect for anything have given you fits I'm sure. It shouldn't be tolerated. My problem here is just greed. Plain and simple. Family friends who you respected and always asked permission from, never tore anything up. Then they kick you out in order to make a buck that they have more of than the average of us. Your concerns are different though and i sympathize with you. I believe some nail boards on the ATV trails would be in order if that were my property.
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