New Hampshire Republican Primary Thread

Interesting article here:

Ron Paul is expected to take Michigan and of course, his delegate rich home state, Texas. He's got alot of money left and can gain momentum for super Tuesday. I won't be surprised when he gets party nomination, he's the most qualified, intelligent and honest one in the party, maybe in the whole election. He's pulled 5th in each, and 2nd in Wyoming. Romney and Mcain most likely won't have wide based support. Paul has many supporters in every state and will draw the libertarian votes and many independents.
Considering that he hasn't had the media coverage of the others and isn't a 9/11 celeb, tv star or former 1st lady, his numbers are actually encouraging.
I will say one thing, every Ron Paul supporter I've seen or met is intelligent, conscientious and in touch with reality.
I hear alot of other supporters say things like " having a woman president transcends all the other issues" or " Obama talks so well!!! " or " Guiliani is tough, that's what we need..."
That's the most disheartening thing to me, that most Americans aren't critically thinking and considering the consequences of the ideas of these candidates. We have no more money, no more troops, we have laws, more laws and permits and more permits, programs to take your money, programs to send some back. We don't need more government!!! Fundamental change is needed!! I don't think the other candidates see that the system is faulty. 20 years ago, we had all the same issues as now, real change is the only solution.
Ron Paul is expected to take Michigan and of course, his delegate rich home state, Texas.

LOL!!! Paull didn't even win the Texas straw poll, and someone expects him to win Texas. Give me a break.

Either Romney or McCain is going to take Michigan. Paul will make a performance identical to tonight.

His campaign is a perfect example of the importance of the messenger. A wonderful messenger can make up for a poor message (Obama) but a great message can't make up for a poor messenger (Paul).
Did anyone else notice that a guy called "Vermin Supreme" got 36 votes?

And I thought only the frontrunners were vermin! ;)

Can anyone explain what happened to the Thompson campaign? Fred would be my second choice, behind Ron Paul. I have seen lots of Paul supporters say the same thing. I have seen lots of his detractors say they would like a more mainstream candidate who shares at least some of Paul's views on federalism.

The only two who meet those criteria just got clobbered by Paul, again. If all of the write in voters and all of the Fred voters and all of the Hunter voters ALL switched to Ron Paul, he would have beaten Giuliani, but still been behind Huckabee. Huck got 11%. John McCain? Mitt Romney?

It's looking grim for freedom in America.
You know the Republicans are in trouble when they spend more time fighting with a candidate who is getting less than 10 percent of vote, rather than telling us what they will do to fix our nations problems. Unless the Republicans nominate McCain, it won't matter who they nominate... because everyone else will lose to Hilbama.
So Hitlery took N.H. away from Obama, eh? I bet that means that from now she'll cry a little bit before each and every election. "Vote for me or WHHHHHAAAAA," could become her new motto. :barf:
It's clear from all these election results that 90% or more of Americans HATE freedom and the Constitution. They love the word, but hate it in practice.

How else can we explain the popularity of someone like Romney, a supporter of the Assault Weapons Ban? Or, even worse, Giuliani?

Obviously it's more important to so-called "conservatives" that their government grow huge, spend trillions in pointless wars for neocon ideology overseas, and set up a surveillance state here at home than it is to CONSERVE the Constitution and traditional American values.

The GOP has been hijacked. It's nothing more than the Socialist War Party now.
It's clear from all these election results that 90% or more of Americans HATE freedom and the Constitution. They love the word, but hate it in practice.

And there we have it folks, yet again, without fail...not voting for RP is pissing on the Constitution.

STAGE 2, I dont know how many times you have said the above about not voting for RP, but maybe you need to remind these ardent RP supporters its not about that one more time.
It's crazy that the "live free or die state" votes for Mcain, Romney, Guiliani...Hillary takes the state!! Apparently where taking the second option in " live free or die"
It's clear from all these election results that 90% or more of Americans HATE freedom and the Constitution.

Eye rolling smileys aside, there is some truth in the sentiment expressed by this statement. I don't think 90% of people hate freedom as much as they are simply ambivalent towards it. Or maybe they don't understand what freedom is exactly.