New Hampshire Republican Primary Thread

Probably the only major state he will win. After that Romney, Huckabee, and Rudy will push him out of the top in the next primary.
NH Primary Results

Well, it appears that McCain lives to see another day. Huckabee had a promising run as well. Thompson is running dead last. And Ron Paul is once again as of this typing (and this time in a state in which he was said to have ardent support) running in 5th place.

Reality is starting to set in.
Thumper said:
McCain is walking away with it, followed distantly by Romney, with Huckabee bringing up the remote rear.
Looks like a more accurate assessment would be that McCain is winning, Romney is a close second followed distantly by Huckabee, Giuliani and Paul.

From your own link:
With 115 of 301 Precincts Reporting - 38%
McCain, John - 26,158 - 37%
Romney, Mitt - 20,792 - 30%
Huckabee, Mike - 8,328 - 12%
Giuliani, Rudy - 6,137 - 9%
Paul, Ron - 5,660 - 8%
Total Write-ins - 1,363 - 2%
Thompson, Fred - 878 - 1%
Hunter, Duncan - 402 - 1%

I think third place is a very respectable showing for Huckabee considering the political make-up of New Hampshire and their polling practices. Quite respectable.

I foresee McCain and Giuliani fading over the next month and the race coming down to Romney and Huckabee.
For Ron Paul to come in behind Giuliani has got to be devastating to his campaign.

All that money, ardent supporters, unique contributers, and a Blimp even...:D

And Giuliani didn't even campaign in New Hampshire.

Ron Paul needs to consider dropping out of the race at this point.
Why are we discussing Paul here? Two states in a row in which he's proven irrelevant...

Anyway, I also believe McCain's win in NH is a fluke. Pretty good showing by Huck, though, considering that he had pretty much written the state off.
Good Luck will your 2A "Rights"

I thought we where all in this together? I guess Ron Paul supporter have a special place to go after the election and see themselves as elitists that won't be effected by gun laws because they are 2n ad purists.
For Ron Paul to come in behind Giuliani has got to be devastating to his campaign.

All that money, ardent supporters, unique contributers, and a Blimp even...

And Giuliani didn't even campaign in New Hampshire.

Ron Paul needs to consider dropping out of the race at this point.

Why are we discussing Paul here? Two states in a row in which he's proven irrelevant...

Anyway, I also believe McCain's win in NH is a fluke. Pretty good showing by Huck, though, considering that he had pretty much written the state off.

respectfully, i must submit - thats right, just 2 states. the process is just underway and because of 2 states, you all believe that he should bow out? that is pretty shallow. and the past has shown that a "poor" showing in Iowa and N.Hampshire does not neccesarily reflect the end result.
that is pretty shallow. and the past has shown that a "poor" showing in Iowa and N.Hampshire does not neccesarily reflect the end result.

Not in light of the fact that the Paulistas have been ranting that Iowa and New hampshire were bastions of Paul support. Paul is finished. His losing is just a mere formality.
Romney won Wyoming and came in close 2nd Iowa and NH. Huckabee won Iowa and way back in NH. McCain won NH, way back in Iowa.

Who knows what will happen in the next states...except Huckabee will probably win SC for the R's and Obama for the D's.

Overall I think Romney has done the best on the "R" side. I prefer Thompson, by the way.

I think it is still a toss up among front runners until Super Tuesay.

Hillary won the Dem race in NH. I probably won't sleep well tonight!
If Paul can't win, then he was wrong...This country isn't failing, it's already failed and the lone voice of reason and truth isn't winning as he should be.
He's the only 100% pure choice... No lies, flip flopping, scandals, acting, shady tactics... He's the only one talking substance, but it seems as though people don't want to hear the truth of current situations. They want hype, rhetoric, nice suits, style, unfeasible promises. If the war is to continue, then that's that, but you can't have both a 2 trillion dollar+ war and money for healthcare, economy..etc. You can't have tax cuts and be policing the world stirring up more costly conflicts....
I think RP has many supporters that need to somehow do more to spread the message that corporate America/media doesn't want to be spread!
I know there was at least 1 president in the past who lost Iowa and NH but went on to win presidency!! If RP in the end, is facing Hillary or Obama, it'll be clearly evident to America that he is the solution.
Ford told America that Reagan was unelectable, not presidential material!!!
Ron Paul can win, he's raised over 20 million and needs more support. He's a different breed than the self interested so called "republicans" running.... I can settle for Huckabee, but we're in trouble if we see Hillary, Obama or Mcain, Guilaini or Romney.... The choices are disgusting.. Ron Paul is the only good choice!!!!!!!!!!
Thompson and Giuliani are STARTING in South Carolina. And, as pointed out, there is yet no genuine front runner on either side.

This is actually how it is supposed to go right? The cycles where the nominees are already decided nd the voices of those in other States is just a formality and of no impact are the ones that diluted the system.

I like it. The extended campaigning and the shifting of place positions is refreshing.

The Paul supporters have a very good point, given his message, and his highly energized supporters he SHOULD be ahead. The sole reason is lack of leadership ability by Paul. The scurrying around for other excuses has them in a near froth but that is what it boils down to. A real pity in my opinion. His message is what America needs as far as the ardent adherence to the Constitution and the morbid obesity of the Federal Government. But sadly there is no substitute for leadership ability despite the integrity and sound, strong message.

Now if we can either point out some examples of leadership ability by Paul and stop scurry around in a froth so as to give some room for a discussion of the other Republican candidates it would go a long way toward some semblance of dignity for Paul supporters. And given recent events, a substantial exposition of dignity is much needed.
Now if we can either point out some examples of leadership ability by Paul and stop scurry around in a froth so as to give some room for a discussion of the other Republican candidates it would go a long way toward some semblance of dignity for Paul supporters. And given recent events, a substantial exposition of dignity is much needed.
