New Guy IDPA Questions.

Hey Don, Just because you can shoot a 45 in ESP or SSP doesn't mean, based on the gamer rulebook, you should. Your 45 will put you at a competitive disadvantage in any division shooting 9mm. The lowest power factor I can get out of my 45 handloaded <...light loads...> is about 145K.
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You are right. I don't care what somebody says I SHOULD do, I care what the rules allow me to do. All the pious platitudes of Priniciples and Purpose in the front of the rule book are not enforceable.

Nine times out of ten, I am shooting for fun and score.
I occasionally shoot a carry weapon for the practice but I do not make a big hairy thing out of it and do not think I am More Tactical Than Thou for it.
I don't care what somebody says I should do either which is why, with my SIXTH post, I will bid this conversation goodbye. Gonna go shoot a match with my 5 shot snubby and tell folks shooting their XD45 for their first time that they might want to write down CDP on their scoresheet since ESP will be full of 9mm guys running add-on magwells and equal to or lighter than steel guiderods while they sandbag their classification so they can win a plaque in their next sanctioned match.
Sandbaggers are written about on the internet a lot more than they are seen on the range. It just isn't worth it. In any case it will only work for so long. Win that plaque in a sanctioned match - which is about where you have to go to win one, few club shoots give physical prizes - and you will be promoted to the next higher class.
making it seem that the IDPA matches are set up for real life scenarios.

IDPA is as real life as Call of Duty or any of the other shooter games people play on their XBox.

IDPA is does not train you for real life scenarios, it trains you to shoot card board targets that will never shoot back at you.

If you want training, go to a real shooting class taught by a reputable instructor and practice what they tell you. If you want to be the fastest cardboard blaster around, shoot IDPA every week.

I don't have anything against practical pistol matches. I think they are a lot of fun, but they are a game. No crack-head-stickup-kid will ever have you stand in a square painted on the ground and hold up a buzzer and ask "Shooter ready?"
If you want training, go to a real shooting class taught by a reputable instructor and practice what they tell you.

This is true, but it has its own limits.
Not everybody can afford regular refresher courses.
And without them, your practice and application of their tactics and techniques can drift away from what was meant.
Also, it can be hard to muster up the enthusiasm for solo practice, especially to practice the stuff you do worse at instead of the stuff you do well.

There is no one perfect answer unless you are a highly trained, frequently retrained professional, or are in such a hazardous environment that you have a lot of incentive to get and stay good.
Hey Don, Just because you can shoot a 45 in ESP or SSP doesn't mean, based on the gamer rulebook, you should. Your 45 will put you at a competitive disadvantage in any division shooting 9mm. The lowest power factor I can get out of my 45 handloaded <...light loads...> is about 145K.

For a new shooter to competition the extra rounds may be helpfully at his/hers first match. Personally I do not care how many shooters may be in the same division as I am. I am competing against myself and could not care less what another shooter has for equipment, caliber, advantage, disadvantage wise.

Nine times out of ten, I am shooting for fun and score.

My point exactly.

From XLtac.

Your XD will need to be shot in the CDP division

Isn't this telling the OP "what to do"?

From Jim
You are right. I don't care what somebody says I SHOULD do

From XLtac

I don't care what somebody says I should do either which is why,

I'll close just saying I was offering a suggestion as to a division. It seems that Xltac took offense to my disagreeing with his statement as to division. My point was the OP was not limited to CDP as the above quote would lead one to believe. I'll also add that if a "new" shooter is going to a match intending to compete against all the shooters in class then that "new" shooter may very well be going home very disappointed in said performance.

I am curious as to why a shooter in ESP using 45 acp is at a disadvantage to the folks shooting 9 mm. Hits are hits as well as points down and penalties.

CDP on their scoresheet since ESP will be full of 9mm guys running add-on magwells and equal to or lighter than steel guiderods while they sandbag their classification so they can win a plaque in their next sanctioned match.

Excellent reason for a failure to do right penalty and if I am MD good possibility of a DQ. Anyone doing the above quote is useless and worthless because the only way they can win is to CHEAT. Wouldn't it be lovely for someone to complain and have the susspected gun inspected and gun and shooter tossed from the match for rule violations
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IDPA and my Model 457

I've recently joined a local IDPA club and I plan to use my everyday carry gun a S & W Model 457 .45acp compact 7 Plus 1 in the mag. I plan on using this gun, because it's the one I carry. The gun is no longer in production and I'm having difficulty in finding a proper IDPA holster for the gun. I would appriciate if anyone has any thoughts about where to obtain an acceptable IDPA holster for this gun.
Awright, you get one Free Google.

Not a plug for a make or model (I don't have one and don't know of but one user around here.), but High Noon lists holsters for the S&W 457.

If you want a different style or real leather, look at their other stuff.

By the way, what holster do you carry it in for real? If it is a strong side straight draw holster, it would probably be ok for IDPA and better practice.
Of course if it is a shoulder rig or crossdraw or some such, you would not be able to use it.
Thanks for the tip, I will look into it. I currently use a bikini type holster for concealed carry. Not very effective for IDPA. I'm currently having one (holster) hand made called the exotic slide with snake skin leather, fully lined. It's a heavy gun and I want it to ride high and tight to avoid flopping over. Thanks once again.
Carry on, then.
Back in 1997 or 1998 at the first or second IDPA Nationals, I saw a S&W rep shooting a 457 (or maybe a 4516, one of the compact .45s at any rate.) He was using Federal factory midrange match ammo which would have put him in ESP versus the various 9mms and making extra reloads here and there. We worried less about such things back then and he was doing all right.
I hear you Don P. I can't always wear jeans, and daily dress pants don't always have belt loops that acomodate 1 1/2" of 1 3/4" belts. Conceal carry changes your way of life and influences what you wear. No matter, I dont go outside my house without my gun, and I try to avoid the places or stablishments that don't allow it.
No matter, I dont go outside my house without my gun, and I try to avoid the places or stablishments that don't allow it.

I concur. The only difference is I carry everywhere the law allows. The no firearms signs do not carry any weight in FLA so I carry in those places. All they can do is ask you to leave IF THEY FIND you are CC
With that being said, I have a question regarding concealed carry. I have not found the answer in Jon H Gutmacher's book, and I've asked the question on his website and never gotten an answer. Does anyone know if it's legal to carry in a home for the aged? I visit my ageing mother every week at her home for the aged, and I'm concerned about the legality. I dont know if it's proper to ask this question in this particular post, and I'm hoping the moderator doesn't delete my question. Does anyone have a thought?
Does anyone have a thought?

From what I have been able to find on the FLA state web site for the statutes is nursing homes are not on the list of no carry. Just do your best to keep the gun in its concealed mode. Choice is yours and when my mom was in rehab I carried all the time when visiting. The facility was a combination of rehab, hospice, nursing home
In IDPA is it okay to keep magazines in a pocket instead of a mag pouch as long as they are concealed? And if mag pouches are required would the paddle type be legal or does it have to be strung through a belt? As always thanks in advance.:)
You may carry ammunition in your pants or lower jacket pocket if you like. Not a breast pocket.
It would be a competitive disadvantage, so I recommend you splurge on a pouch unless you routinely reload from a pocket and wish to exercise your carry methods.

A paddle mag pouch is fine.
Thanks for clearing that up for me Jim. I think I'll go shoot the classifier with my P95 and see how I like it. And another question, would the P95 be ESP or SSP? It's a single/double action. And for the record it's one hell of a gun.
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