New Gun Report: Ruger American "Go Wild" 7mm/08

The granddaughter (college kid) called and wanted to hog hunt. She hates recoil, so all that was left for her to shoot without recoil was the 223 Ruger Hawkeye. I had them shoot it for a while, while trying to ignore what the Partitions cost me. I had adjusted the sights for the 60 gr Nosler Partitions. Then put her (and boyfriend) in my best pig hunting stand. He actually took the shot, but the Partition did its job putting the pig down and exiting the far side of the pig. I don’t normally suggest a 223 for deer and hogs, but it will work, and recoil is negligible. It dropped that pig like a bad habit.
I have one of the older Remington model 7s with 18.5" barrel and walnut stock that weighs about 7.5 pounds ready to hunt and with 150gr bullets it does have a bit of recoil. And I shoot BP rifles and am not bothered by recoil but this little lightweight rifle can kick as much as my 30-06. So I understand the muzzle break may be just the thing for your female shooter. But I draw the line on the camo paint job. Its not for me. But its good to hear of a woman that likes to hunt and shoot. I would never get my wife to do that.

And the 7-08 round is about as good a deer round as you can ask for. I would pick it over the 243 any day. I loaded some 120gr Sierra bullets to around 2600fps so a small 15 year old girl could use my rifle on a 4H youth deer hunt. Twice she used it and killed 4 deer with 4 shots.
I have the same gun and Nosler 140s PUNCH my shoulder whereas my 700BDL in 7mag is more of a big push
The granddaughter (college kid) called and wanted to hog hunt. She hates recoil, so all that was left for her to shoot without recoil was the 223 Ruger Hawkeye. I had them shoot it for a while, while trying to ignore what the Partitions cost me. I had adjusted the sights for the 60 gr Nosler Partitions. Then put her (and boyfriend) in my best pig hunting stand. He actually took the shot, but the Partition did its job putting the pig down and exiting the far side of the pig. I don’t normally suggest a 223 for deer and hogs, but it will work, and recoil is negligible. It dropped that pig like a bad habit.

I have a friend that lives down in east Tx and has for many years killed hogs and deer with a 223 using Barnes X bullets.

I have the same gun and Nosler 140s PUNCH my shoulder whereas my 700BDL in 7mag is more of a big push

I had a Remington Carbine in 308 that was absolutly brutal to shoot. It was a rare gun compared to the rest of the line. I bought it with the idea of hunting with soft points and buying military surplus for practice loads. I was surprised the first time I touched it off with hunting loads. And even more impressed by the military stuff. I have posted this before and always get told the 308 is a kittycat and I'm full of... well you know. And the other thing was the hunting loads and military FMJ didn't land anywhere close to each other.

The were a couple of young guys at the range shooting a Remington model 788 in 308 and they had a bewildered look on their faces and were asking if there were lighter kicking loads for this gun. So yes, recoil is real. Even when you don't expect it.
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I don't have a Ruger American but have Several 77s. My SIL won a RA in 22/250
and my nephew bough one too. To me they are butt ugly but they are shooters.
I was surprised with accuracy of the 22/250 with factory ammo. It shot 1" groups right out of box with cheap Pentax 4x12 scope. I'm not big on 22/250
either they can be finicky. I don't think a RA of any calber firing 100gr class bullet would need a brake. There isn't enough recoil to worry about. I would say
from what I've seen the Ruger American is best value and shooter in the class.
The Rems are junk and have only shot them in 30/06 and 270. If they don't shoot in 30/06 it is doubtful they will do much in the smaller calibres. The Savages are iffy, I've seen them shoot like target guns and other ones that wouldn't do 3" at 100. I have a 77/22 bought when 1st avaible that is a tack
driver, nephew also bought RA 22. It shoots right with my 77/22. It ain't purty
I was just reading a post on the 7mm Rem Mag group on FB today. Gent had an accident of some sort and ended up with a broken neck. After learning to walk and regaining about 50% of his arm strength back was rear ended by a tractor trailer. Broke his neck again. Developed infection in his spine after surgery. Learned to walk yet again and now has about 20% of his arm strength back.

So for him, yeah something like a muzzle brake makes sense.

My daughter (very recoil sensitive) doesn't mind the sound of a gun at the range. Yes hearing protection on!
I was going to let her use my Stevens 200 that i re-barreled to 250 Savage. One shot and that was it for her! Didn't want to touch it again. She did like my much heavier Ruger 77 MKII in 257 Roberts. So she's using that this year.


My hat is off to you and especially the Mrs. for wanting to share your experiences and time together!
Thank you sir. That means a lot to me. She has always cooked what I have brought home and now she is on the hunting end of it as well. She gets so excited in the blind I have to tell her to calm down. We are going through a bunch of dry firing sessions on top of going to the range too.
If she's like my wife, in no time at all she'll be showing you up at the range.

My wife just needs to get to the range more.
Forget about her hunting with me! Lol

But she does enjoy what i manage to bring home.
Deer stew tomorrow night, left over meat from last year.
I love the 7mm-08. That is my go to deer rifle. light recoil. Can bring down any deer in north america - even the "big deer".