New Gun for a buddy


New member
Hi everybody,
I'm trying to give some advice on a good first gun. The caliber has to be 9mm and the price can't be much above 600, which makes for a huge selection. So far I'm thinking of recommending a Ruger P-95 or a Glock 17 or 19. Anybody else have any opinions on a first gun? I keep reading that CZ's are good, but I have never fired one. Any and all unbiased opinions are welcome. And cost is a factor, the 600 limit is only for something spectacular. Bang for the buck is important to this guy.
I would think either Glock, the 17 or 19 would be a good choice. they are very reliable, are simple and easy to clean and care for. My first semi auto was Glock mdl 22 in .40 cal. and I have really enjoyed it. Some folks don't like the DA trigger but it never bothered me since that is what I learned with. I like my Beretta 92fs better for just fun shooting and the range but would take the Glock first if I needed a defense weapon. Glock is also lighter and pretty much indestructable and will run just about any brand of ammo I have put through it. hope this helps.
I think the CZs are a much better choice than Glocks. I am going to supply the reasons below.

The light weight of the polymer frame tends to exagerate the "snap" in .40 and 9mm recoil. Shoot a (steel frame) CZ and Glock side by side and the CZ has less snap IMO. While the low bore axis does improve recoil control somewhat in Glocks, it doesn't make up for the extreme weight differential between the heavy slide and light frame. Additional advantages of the CZ are superior accuracy, ergonomics, and balance. The great balance of CZs are a direct result of an all steel frame and slide. The weight is nearly perfectly distributed. Finally, you can use a CZ in two modes: "cocked and locked" and double action. The trigger pulls on the CZ are much better than Glocks. The Glock gets the nod for durability, disasembly ease, and rust resistance. Both pistols are very reliable in my experience.

Verdict: get the CZ 75 as BB recommended also. That way, you get a top notch pistol at a reasonable price.
Yep,CZ-75. In particular the 75B Military is a great deal. They go for around $345 and come with one 10rd. and one 15rd. mag. With the money he saves I suggest a case of practice ammo. :D A quality gun and lots of ammo is a much better choice than a quality gun and very little ammo, especially for a beginer. Marcus
What about looking into Beretta's 92FS? I don't own one, yet ... but, believe it's every bit as good a buy as the Glocks.

Also, consider recommending Walther's 9mm P99.

Thanks to everyone that responded. I let the guy read the responses. I told him to think about which one he like the feel of better. Other than that and I would be pushing my own preferences on him. For a first gun, I think that comfort is more important than alot of other things. After all, if you're not comfortable, then you're not going to shoot! As for the CZ's, I'm definitely going to have to shoot one MYSELF. I've heard so many good things on this board and on others. Hopefully I can find a range with one for rent.....if not, maybe I'll take the plunge. Thanks again to everyone.
My vote is for the CZ75 or Steyr M9...the CZ is a very easy gun to shoot, very comfortable and has easy controls to understand. The Steyr is a very cool gun..looking at one myself.. good luck
i have found the Walther P-99 a good gun for the price. it should be within your friend's price range. personally i prefer the trigger on that to that of the Glocks.

My CZ-75b made a believer out of me. Now i am selling my glock for more CZs, and maybe a SIG. For under $400 you really can't go wrong and if you do not like it i am sure you will be able to find a buyer.
I would go take a look at the HS2000. I saw one at a local gun shop for $320.00. From what I understand you can even use Sig226 high cap magazines with it (it sticks out of the bottom a little). I used to own a Glock19 and got rid of it because I just couldn't get used to the trigger. This is a lot like a Glock with a grip safety and a better trigger. Go take a look. By the way this particular dealer has sold close to 40 of them and all customers have been satisfied.
My shootin' buddy has had his Ruger P-95 since '95 or so and it's still going strong, still looks new, and has always been totally reliable. IMO, the Ruger P-95 was THE bargain of the 20th century. I don't have alot of experience with CZ's. Had a CZ-85 a few years ago for a short time. Was totally reliable but being all steel it was to heavy for my liking. They are however one of the nicest looking pistols on the market. You can get a stainless P-95 in the low $300's and a CZ-75 in the high $300's or low $400's. Take your pick...both excellent values and good solid pistols. Good Luck, J. Parker
I know this is going to be a VERY UNpopular opinion, but I believe that the uniqueness and character of a CZ would be lost on a newbie.

My reasons...

There is no shop in the town I live in (second largest city in the state) that carries the CZ. I've never actually SEEN a CZ. Don't get me wrong, I will probably have to own one, as I'm sure they're excellent, but if I was a newbie, I'd want to be able to buy mags at the nearest store, not order them online or have to wait 2 - 4 weeks for anything. I'd want readily available stuff that didn't cost a bunch of money.

Glocks are everywhere. Glock mags are everywhere, Glocks parts are everywhere. Glock accessories, mods, etc... Your friend may turn out to be someone who can appreciate the Personality of a gun like the CZ, and may enjoy his new hobby so much that he doesn't mind having to order parts and stuff. BUT, for a brand new shooter, why take the chance that he may get fed up with all the trouble before he is truly BITTEN by the shooting bug?

Now, before you guys pass TOO much judgement, I DO NOT OWN A GLOCK EITHER!!! I just remember that my first rifle was a Ruger 10/22 and my first pistol was a Ruger Mark II. Easy to find whatever I needed without special order.

If Glock doesn't work, then Ruger is another excellent choice. Other than that, whatever handguns are prevalent in your area, that TFL gives the "nod" to as a quality piece that your friend likes and is comfortable shooting.

Thanks for listening...
I don't own any Glocks, but my son just bought a G19. It's a great gun to start with and probably keep for life. I prefer 1911s and 45ACP, but the G19 will probably do anything that needs doing with a defensive handgun. They are an excellent choice for a new handgunner. Watch-Six
You raised some very good points Onslaught. I agree that CZs are harder to find (guns and parts) than most other makes. Perhaps for this reason alone a CZ wouldn't be a good choice for a newbie.


Never seen a CZ Onslaught? You really need to try one out. You owe it to yourself. CZs are addictive (once you buy one you want more)! ;)
I'm gonna post my standard advice for ANY gun purchase, but ESPECIALLY for a new gun owner:

Take him to the range. Rent (or borrow from your friends or his) as many different firearms as you can that meet the criteria (you'll find that almost all of them, including most HK's). Have him fire two or three (or more, depending on the "budget" for the range trip) magazines through each pistol. Two or three of them will separate themselves from the pack based on "feel". Then it will be down to "taste" after that.

I've never had this technique fail me yet.

For my own $0.02, I'd say get the Glock 19. I think it's the best package that Glock has put together as far as concealability, capacity, and shootability. I worked at a gun shop, and could have picked any pistol I wanted for my carry piece. I carry the G19.
My vote goes for the Glock 19 also. It's simplicity is a major plus for a newbie. Also the ease of cleaning and durability are major plusses. Nothing sucks more for a newbie than to get their 500 dollar investment out and find rust on it. Although, I suppose the CZ is also rather corrosion resitant.
Just my .02 cents,
Michael Goeing
GRWebmaster - I honestly have never SEEN or HANDLED a CZ in person, I've only seen them on websites...
I was at a range once with a guy who had an EAA witness, and I did shoot it. I liked it, but at the time, I wasn't a fan of 9mm.
As Bob Locke says....

Take your friend to the nearest range and let him/her try a number of guns. Then have him/her go buy a P-95. ;) Then spend the rest of the $600 on ammo and a holster and have fun shooting. :D