I'm still looking for the Glockabine, the Kel Tec Sub 2000 killer.
It does seem odd that the only company not making a "Glock" carbine is Glock. Lots of the others seem to use Glock mags as a feed...
I think they will need to diversify soon. They have seemingly reached the and of their design's potential. There is only so much you can do with the available service calibres when all you guns are basically all the same across 3 (now 4) size categories, with essentially just changes in barrel. With those limitations, creativity and diversity are hampered to say the least.
BTW: 10mm is every bit as effective as .44 magnum when talking about similar barrel lengths. Only in the long 6-8 3/8" barrels does the .44 have an advantage, and even then it is slight. But at that barrel length you're talking one anchor of a handgun, making practical field carry extremely difficult... not to mention the 300% increase in ammunition capacity and rapid reload speed that leaves the revolver in the dust. I love my revolvers but for serious uses like wilderness defense, the 10mm rules.
The famous Slædepatruljen Sirius of Denmark use the Glock 20 for defense against POLAR BEARS, not .44 sixguns.
That should tell you something.
I'm not out to defend the .44mag, nor denigrate the 10mm, but the old BBTI sight sort of says otherwise.
Out of a 4" the 200gr factory loads are quite similar for both, but that is near 10mm max bullet weight, but only starting weight for .44. If you reach 240gr and above the .44 is pushing 1250fps. My own Redhawk can get a 300gr slug up to about 1200fps.
As for the Danes, I suspect capacity, weight and most importantly cost are deciding factors there.
But, as I said, I have nothing against the 10mm. In fact I find it quite an interesting cartridge however no-one, but no-one sells it here.
I'd have to reload and that ain't cheap if I can't use plated bullets: 10mm FMJs are on sale here, but are about €0.17 a bullet!!
If that weren't the case, and if I didn't have to sell something I already have to make space, I'd be seriously tempted in a 10mm Glock as another woods gun. Hunters often carry another gun as a coup-de-grace weapon here, and a Glock 20 is doubtless lighter on the hip than my Ruger!
All the same, like you, I like my Ruger way too much to ever consider a swap there and my 9m is just too cheap to shoot to swap that, and I'm not swapping a long-gun for a pistol. Not now that I have what I want.
I still have a sizeable soft-spot for Glocks.
They still scream "no-nonsense efficacy and dependability" to me, so I'll be interested to see what they are like.