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New Forum Idea "TEST"

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:eek: When was the post smiley capacity limit reduced? :mad: :confused: Was it done by constitutional legislation, :( or were our rights to hi-smiley capacity posts limited by executive order?
What is the Smiley Users of America doing about this? :p Is there a sunset provision on this limit. :cool:
(Heh, heh, heh.) First the smilies: 8...7...6...5...
going, going, gone!

Then signatures longer than ten lines, then eight lines...7...6, etc. until the longest sig will fit on one line.

We don't want to eliminate sigs, just control the length of them.

(Wait until we start on *post* length! heh, heh, heh.)
(The power mad know no bounds.....)
My guess would be that the Smiley Limit is to protect us form the Hords of Attack Moles that seem to show up from time to time (usually in response to something Sensops says)

[This message has been edited by Schmit (edited June 06, 2000).]
(Wait until we start on *post* length! heh, heh, heh.)

It's already happening in my state. The last two times I've started the new End of Summer Meet threads the server wouldn't except them as written. :confused: I had to break it into two parts to get it to post.:bark:
No it doesn't really make me want to puke, I just hadn't had the opportunity to use them yet. :cool: Don't get a chance to use the little feller in the glasses often either. ;)

Gunslinger TFL Imperial Potentate

TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000
Sounds like another conspiracy.
But there's nothing wrong with being paranoid, if you're 'right'... ;)

...defend the 2nd., it protects us all.
No fate but what we make...
I think we need to form a grassroots org to stop this madness of limiting smileys per post. We can march in front of Dennis house (where the tree is cut down) with posters of smileys NO SMILEY CONTROL! MY IDEA OF SMILEY CONTROL IS PUTTING THE APPROPRIATE SMILEY IN A POST! DON'T BE A VICTIM, SMILE. :D

This madness is taking its toll on me :)

Sandys' Homepage
RKBA forums
We are as one as we all are the same fighting for one cause -Metallica
Safest place to be, the TFL meet! August 12&13
OK, I've gotta go back to this "emu" story.
Has anyone noticed the suspicious resemblence of this story to Cujo????

Cujo: A young woman is terrorized by a rabid dog. She is trapped in her car and can't get to the house.

Emujo :confused: : An old woman is terrorized by hungry emus and can't get out of the house to get to the car.

(hmmm...kinda fishy....sensop watching Cujo after one too many Shiners????)
:D :D :D :D :D (making sure not to exceed my limit).... :D
Did someone say that sensop was bringing Cujo to Springfield? Alright!
Bet he can guzzle his weight in Shiners...
Maybe he can swap for Gertie after all.

Where can I join the RKBS? (the Right to Keep and Bear Smileys) :)

have tape, will travel

...defend the 2nd., it protects us all.
No fate but what we make...
I don't know about Emu's tasting like chicken but I heard, oh no.............. I'm not saying.

Foxfire I sure hope your tape travels well, I sure would hate you get here and you not have any tape when I have been looking forward to this so much. :)

TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000

Oh man. My greatest fears have been confirmed.... It has started already! Looks like it's time for Fowl Terrorist Part II. :D
OK, I signed the papers. Somebody called it "informed consent".

My guardians signed over the custody paper work to the moderators. But they don't know the judge never signed the order.

They mumbled something about a "paid test subject".

I just want to know, do I have to study for the test :confused: and whats the pay?

And, whats this note at the bottom of the paperwork about "test rejected by Human Subjects Approval Committee"? :p

And this other note "TEST SUBJECT REJECTED by Order of SCI". :mad:

Jim in IN :D


Evidence of a cross-species consiracy is irrefutable! It does look like the stakes have been raised!

The time is nearing! It's the Gathering. I feel it! Aye! Fowl beasts!
Rest assured that the tape, like my powder, will be dry and well cared for. With Sensop on the move again, sounds like I'll have to bring at least a case of the 'sticky' stuff, for all the upcoming activities. :)
Thankfully, it has hundreds and hundreds of uses, much like an emu... ;)

have tape, will travel...

...defend the 2nd., it protects us all.
No fate but what we make...
Just read it in USA TODAY:
Global Vending Machine... blah blah blah... Emu Jerky... blah blah blah...
Seriously - check todays issue in the Life section. :D
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