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New Forum Idea "TEST"

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George Hill

Staff Alumnus
One of my favorite things is checking into the TEST threads and seeing how carried away they get...

I remember in the early days of TFL a TEST thread basically stopped after 2 or 3 posts...

OY, how times have changed!!!!

To understand the true nature of a Politician - you have to look at the root words in Politics. Poli = meaning Many, and Tics = meaning blood sucking insects.
George, do you mean like....

Press to test
Release to detonate

Oh well..... ;)

"Lead, follow or get the HELL out of the way."
Oh George your a brave soul, early days Sensop and I wasn't here. :) This way we stay hidden and nobody can find us.

TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000
While waiting in the drive through at the bank today there were two men working on the machine that magically swishes yer money, deposit slips, etc. away. I took this opportunity to ask the age old question that has haunted many of us for years.

Yes, yes in deed. The machine is capable of transporting a medium size house cat without risk of malfunction. :D

Gunslinger TFL Imperial Potentate

TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000
Emu, I know what them are. That's them critters that look like the product of a big ol' osterich what's done been violated by a bantam rooster. :p

Gunslinger TFL Imperial Potentate

TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000
Its nothing to get TESTY about. :rolleyes:

Sensop, go ahead. I ain't heard a emu story in a while. One question though.....you gotta skillet big enough ta fry that thang in?

TFL's official "Curmudgeon Member" and damned proud of it!
TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000
Here in GA we pluck 'em, gut 'em and lay 'em over a pit like a pig roast. We do fish the same way. 'Matter of fact, that's the way we cook everything.

Okay, emu story. Every word true! South of here, just outside of the little country town of Hawkinsville, it seems a little old lady called the wife of a co-worker of mine to ask for some help. She lives a half mile or so down the dirt road from my friend.

After the phone call, the wife called my friend and told him the story the old woman had told her.

She hadn't been out of the house in two days because there were some giant wild turkeys that were hanging around her house and they wouldn't let her out. Really. She hadn't been out of the house for two days. A 67 year old woman, living alone. 'Turns out she was in no health danger. 'Had plenty to eat and the fridge was full, but she was terrorized for two days and nights.

Every time she would think the way was clear and she'd make a dash for the car, one of those wild turkeys would come flying around the corner straight for her. Once during this time she got in the car but couldn't get out. 'Seems she had gotten to the car, but had dropped her purse with the car keys in it in a dash for life to the car door. So she had to wait 'til dark to get back to the house. That was the first day.

Once she got back in the house she couldn't remember the emergency telephone number for help (you know, 911?). Oy! She had dropped her eyeglasses in her run for life from the car back to the house in a daring, running snatch of the purse as the giant turkeys closed in on her. Almost got her too.

On the second day, she noticed the turkeys got up on the porch and just stayed there. They would peck and bump into the door and walls and windows so hard, she was afraid they would break. The poor woman was terrified. 'End of the world as she knew it!

Finally she found an old pair of glasses and was able to dial Tina and Danny's (my coworker friend) house for help. This was midafternoon the second day. Tina knew what was going on right away and told the old woman to stay put and help was on the way. The emus (oh, you guessed?) were from a nearby farm and the old lady never knew about them. They were used to people and were just hungry. The owner came and got them and everything was okay. Except the poor old lady now packs a .22 every time she steps outside the house.

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited June 06, 2000).]
Another great, true story to add to the RKBA files!
Thanks for sharing sensop.
Just shows that you never know when someone might come knocking ...er pecking at your door. :eek:
And you just can't be too careful when it comes to p*ckers! ;)

...defend the 2nd., it protects us all.
No fate but what we make...
Great old joke! For some reason, when I shared that joke with my German-speaking friends they never got it!!??

Perhaps it gained something in the translation! ;)
After that story I think Sensop is running low on his meds, is there anyone that wants to take up a donation and get him some more. You all know Aug. is just right around the corner and we can't run short on those meds. LOL :D :D :D :D :D :D

TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000
I was kinda countin' on some Shiner (pouting, with bottom lip out ...)

WHOA! A barfin' smiley! A BARFIN' SMILEY!! My most ardent TFL dream has come true! A barfin' smiley. Oh, my. Heh, heh.

I'm happy! :D

What? Maximum number of images of eight?!!!! I've been bagged!

BTW, seven is the max no of images permitted.
TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th and 13th, 2000

[This message has been edited by sensop (edited June 06, 2000).]
Next week the maximum number of smilies permitted will be six. But that's all we want. Just a "reasonable," "common sense," "compromise" on smilies. We don't want to take them away, we just want to keep them out of the hands of unauthorized users.

((Is the mike off? ... Okay... Little do the dummies realize that we next cut the smilies back to five, then four, then three and so on until the Administrators will be the *only* "authorized users"! Heh, heh, heh.

Okay, let's go back to SCI, Smiley Control, Inc. :D))
Dennis, I think your in need of that medicine too, think instead of Shriners, OH I forgot, Shiners we need meds. LOL :p :cool: :rolleyes: :mad: :eek: :confused: and last but least the newest added one

TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000

[This message has been edited by terridarri (edited June 06, 2000).]
Always wear a smile, It makes people wonder what you're up to. :eek:

Smile at your enemies and drive 'em nuts. :p

:rolleyes: :cool: :confused: :D

TFL's official "Curmudgeon Member" and damned proud of it!
TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000
AWRIGHT DENNIS! CUT IT OUT! I'm supposed to be able to get eight smileys and it would only give me seven. This is a direct violation of my Right to Keep and Bear Smileys. Your a closet anti-smiley! Quick, somebody call the National Smiley Association!

:eek: :( :o :mad: :confused: :p

TFL's official "Curmudgeon Member" and damned proud of it!
TFL End of Summer Meet, August 12th & 13th, 2000
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