New Florida rules?

Hi from CGN


What's a nice guy like you doing in a place like this?

Is a resident of the United States and a citizen of the United States or a permanent resident alien of the United States

It appears that NIAs are on the inside looking out in Florida for CCW regardless of whether they are living there or not under this new law.

Utah has passed similar legislation. Except Utah will allow CCW on non-resident permits & Florida won't.

I can't complain though. It's Florida's jurisdiction & if a NIA doesn't feel safe unless they're packing iron they always have the option of not coming to Florida. Last I heard, there is plenty of sunshine in Texas & Arizona & New Mexico.

I can respect Florida's candor & forthrightness in simply saying "NO" straight up, no weasel words. It's your country and state & if I as a foreign alien don't like the ground rules I can scoot back across the border where I came from. Nobody owes me any explanations & I have no implied 2A rights because I'm not an US citizen......fair enough.

But the weasel word way that Washington State chose to exclude Canadians with that ludicrous & insulting "Alien Firearms License" concoction was beneath contempt.

Looks like you're still on the outs too until you actually make the move to Florida or at least to a residence in the United States. Florida still isn't budging on the US residency requirement, citizen or not.'s :Dpricedo:D............your old NIA nemesis from CGN.

NIA - Non Immigrant Alien
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Well, that's one area where NY doesn't suck. At least if we can get a permit it lasts until revoked (which is forever if you don't get a DWI or felony arrest).