New Flint Pistol

Just wanted to show the naysayers that your pistol is not an anomaly. I just think that most posters are not familiar with this side of BP pistol shooting, and I just stumbled upon it quite recently.

I'm aware of it but have no interest in it whatsoever. Paper punching bores me to tears and if that's all I could shoot I wouldn't shoot at all. My only interest in bp is from a historical aspect and if the guns aren't reasonably representative of arms as they originally came I have no Interest in them. ROA's, short barrels, 99.9% of brass frames, wrong calibers etc. have no place in my little world, population of about a dozen. :D
Hawg if you don't find it to your liking then it's no big deal to me. This sort of thing doesn't please everyone. And I'm not out to please anyone in particular anyway. There are other web forums that are about traditional stuff only with no tolerance for the newer or more modern or custom target pieces seen here. So HERE is where I'm allowed to talk about it so that's what I'm doing. Some find it interesting. Some don't. which ever doesn't matter to me. So long as it's not belittled or had a finger pointed at it with a look of disgust and a negative attitude. And in my opinion - if I may say so - it's going to be the newer custom off the wall crazy stuff that'll reintroduce interest in the younger crowd WHICH WE NEED TO BREATH LIFE BACK INTO THIS SPORT. So you can turn your nose up at it if you want. But it's not helping the sport at all. Just my own opinion and thoughts. No offense meant. Take it with a grain of salt if need be. But in all seriousness then muzzleloader sports are literally dieing out. They need new blood.
If that's what it's coming to then let it die. Nobody cares anything about tradition or history anymore. There are very few traditional only forums left. I told you before if that's what floats your boat then gopher it, but you have to expect dissenting opinions of which mine is one of.:cool:
It's kind of like cars, food and some other things....

some people like lots of different kinds, others only like one kind. We all know people that won't touch a salad and must drive a Chevy for example.

I haven't been here that long, but it seems to me that by forum titles, the 'space guns' fit in both the competition forum and the black powder forum. I don't see the competition guns taking anything away from the traditional ones. They both have their place. I have interest for both (although I don't own anything more than a Remy target version by way of modification).

When I find a thread that doesn't interest me, I just move on to the next one that does.

Put me in the 'likes pretty much all types of cars' and 'pretty much all types of food' category. Variety is the spice of life. :)

PS--when did we get a spellchecker?? Love it!
If that's what it's coming to then let it die. Nobody cares anything about tradition or history anymore. There are very few traditional only forums left.

That's Bravo Sierra, and you know it.

I have probably invested more money in historical books on these guns and on The Civil War/The War Against The States/The War Of Northern Aggression/The Lost Cause, et al, than you have on pistols of the era, if you only have about a dozen.

This site is a forum for many manner of firearms. Just because it is not your cup of tea (this forum is Black Powder and Cowboy Action Shooting, which is fairly all encompassing in many ways), does not mean it is a pristine forum for your narrow genre. I am not saying your direction is wrong, just narrow, which I think you will agree with.

Are you disdaining Fingers McGee for his stainless collection?

Or any others?

I am not trying to kick your butt, but you are more of a curmudgeon than I am, and that is saying a bunch.

Sure would like to know what the traditional only forums are.

I own a lot more books than pistols and rifles together including the smokeless stuff which is saying something.I just don't have access to them right now. Yeah, I'm very narrow minded but I don't really have a problem with whatever anybody wants to shoot but I will voice my opinion. Or is that not allowed?
Guys, lets cut out the stuff about personal opinon on particular firearms and whether we agree with each other on it.

Some like some of 'em and some don't. Personally I prefer flintlocks but I also shoot a lot of modern (percussion) stuff and like the minie ball too. I'm in my own class and it's called FUN. Did bad both times I attended Ben Avery but I had a lot of fun. With respects to this site, I'm here to learn and to have a lot of fun.