New Defensive Tool?


New member
Has anyone heard of the "Pendulum?"

I believe it might be some type of new defensive tool (i.e. non-firearm).

If so, what is it exactly?

Do you have one?

How much does it cost?

Where do you get it?

What's your opinion of it.

its a knife, just a unique design. Although it is the latest wunderweapon designed by a SEAL for "tactical" purposes, I might get one after the initial headlong rush of "gotta get what a SEAL's got" weapons buyers is over. It'll set you back $285.00, I mainly like it because I think it would be airline legal. go here, click on knife on left.

The "Pendulum" looks to be nothing short of completley useless for any kind of defensive work (or utility work, for that matter.)

I truly cannot see how it would be any more effective in a fight than a folder or fixed-blade knife of standard configuration. There is no acute point suitable for stabing, and the negative edge angle and large curved blade would make snap-cuts difficult or impossible. Also, the combination of 1/4" blade thickness, 440c steel, and an extremley obtuse edge bevel likely yield a blade that holds an edge about as well as a $20 camp hatchet.

For $285 (or less,) there are far, far, far better knives out there. I wouldn't even consider this particular knife as a personal tool, defensive or otherwise.

OH come on............
This was designed by a Navy SEAL, spec-ops, counter-terrorist yaddity yaddity ratchit frazin who can kill with a rolled up new paper, and so can you with the proper training, and this knife.

YEAH RIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This thing is a gimmick, or so it seems to me.
It looks like some sort of weird skinner to me.

I am of the opinion that a defensive knife should have a point on the blade. So that like a guy told my dad once "Gringo, I stick my knife in your chest and walk around you twice.", doesnt look like that thing has much of a stabbing ability.
I'll take my emerson commnader over that anyday. its got a point, a longer blade, works good for utility, and wouldnt cost me nearly as much as that would were I to get one today.

But hey if you like it dont let me stop you.

Just not my thing.
Hey guys! Don't go running down that Pendulum knife too bad!

It looks like it would do a great job chopping roast beef for hash. Looks like it would make a pretty good scraper for fleshing a hide also.

If it will hold an edge, it might even work OK as a head knife for a leather worker.

For offensive use, I'd rather have a Stanley Boxcutter than a $285.00 Pendulum knife or my CRK&T K.I.S.S. knife. For defense I prefer an handgun.

Wow...a folding assault ulu. I don't believe I'll be jostling my way to the front of the line to buy one of these...
Here is a pic:

There ain't no way that thing is going to be let on an airliner. I seem to remember someone recently telling of having to give up a small souvenir locking blade knife about 2 inche long when opened. They were told flatly by the airport security that they could not board the plane with that "weapon". :rolleyes:
re: There ain't no way that thing is going to be let on an airliner

The easiest way around that crap is to slip you pocket knife into your suitcase just before you check it.

As far as I know it is not illegal in the checked luggage, and you can go past the stupid louts that are airport rentasops without having to let one of them steal your favorite knife.

BTW, I consider airport rentacops to be one of the lowest manner of life forms. One of these days I'm going to get some mad at those stupid jerks that I will probably strip butt-naked before going through their danmed check point.

Just for informational purposes, the security checks in Italian Airports use much more sense than American airports.

Actually, it looks a lot like an Eskimo **** (sp??) knife used for cutting things such as seal and whale blubber. You can find them along the NW coast for sale in gift shops, only the handle is at a different angle. I expect one with be in the next Jackie Chan movie.
I took a look at the knife, and it looks overrated. I'd rather have a regular locking blade or fixed blade knife for combat. And I think that my Buck knife would work better than that thing, and mine knife cost a fourth as much. And airlines will let you carry a pocketknife (or sometimes a small locking blade if you don't look very dangerous). But you can carry any knife you want as long as it's in your luggage down in the hold.
Looks like some mini medieval hand axe gone wrong more than anything else :)

Maybe its for decapitating varmints executioner style :)
I dunno. I think we might be just a bit harsh by judging it to be useless....

That hole in the blade looks like it might work to open a longneck.....
Open a bottleneck...:D
Just another guy trying to make a quick buck off of his job title.
No offense to the military, I appreciate all of you guys and the things you do for our country (ESPECIALLY with what kind of reimbursement you guys get!). Still, the knife seems overhyped, overpriced, and overall ugly.

Sad to think exactly how many people will actually fall for the whole designed by THE world's bestest knife designer guaranteed to cut through cars and brick walls, etc, etc, etc.
Then again, a fool and his money...
Well, I admit that I don't get it either. However, there's no need to rag on the man. Chris Caracci designed the original BM AFCK, which IMO, was one of the superior knife designs out there.
I feel like I should post here.. first off there is rarely a "defensive" use of a knife. Getting into a knife fight intentionally is a bad bad bad bad bad idea. That little Ulu folder is NOT a knife i'd wnat to have if it came to blades. Looks fine for dressing game. Looks like it would require specialized training to use as a weapon. Don't like folders for that sort of weapon either. One of those $10 carbon fiber box knives would serve you better.

I'm with sikes/fairbain on this a knife designed for fighting should be long and pointed, you need to get under the ribs and hit vitals. seven inches is a good blade. This is also a concealed weapon in mosts states, not every CCW covers a commando dagger. the sikes/fairbain (am i spelling that right?) knives are a bit 'thin' in cross section for me, but they aren't designed as 'utility' knives, the are designed to stab and cut people, not to be used like a 'bayonet' which is a tool more than a weapon.
This looks like a nice knife- but..... My wife has 2 just about like it. Hers are fixed blades and are straight handle but the blade is the same basic design. Did I mention she uses hers for leather work , and the knives are called "pattern " or "head" kinves. They are used for cutting out leather parts, thinning "thick" leather etc.
One can buy commercialy made or custom made . Prices start around $50.00 and go up to around $80 - $125.00 for custom, with your choice of head shape & size and exotic wood for the handle.
I would also like to add my wife mentioned that out side of cutting rope or some unfoturnate persons throat, it is not a very good defense knife.