New Deer Recipes?


New member
Anyone have any new deer recipes?

Mrs. Meek has made another very wonderful deer recipe that I thought to share. It is the most simple you can imagine but is very good, tastes better than Italian sausage, and is without any greasy flavor!

Deer meatballs:

1 pound ground deer meat
2 ts (teaspoon) fennel seeds ground to a powder (can be ground in a pepper mill or smashed between 2 spoons if you don't have a mortar and pestle)
1 tbs (tablespoon) garlic, chopped very fine
salt and pepper to taste

Mix the ingredients and then form into golf ball sized meatballs. (A golf ball is about twice the size of a 12 bore musket ball.)
Brown in a frying pan using about 2 tbs of olive oil, then turn down the heat, add a little water, which will make steam) and cook until firm. (Alternative is to brown then just put them in your favorite sauce to cook.)

Use as you would with any meatball.
Mrs. Meek uses them with her secret Italian spaghetti sauce, mushrooms and pasta.
Sounds good. Try taking a chunk of strap about 8" long and spiral cut it so it unrolls laterally, you will then have a slab of meat about 8x10x 1/2" thick. Sprinkle with your favorite seasonings and pound flat to tenderize and pound the seasonings into the meat. Make some wild rice & sauted mushrooms/onions(1015s if you have em). Lay the rice & 'rooms in a line across the meat and roll the meat into a log. Wrap with thick cut pepper baccon and pin with toothpicks. Throw on a hot grill (flames, not coals, and for heavens sake use wood not charcoal or propane) roll occasionally, burn the bacon slightly and it is done. Remove toothpicks!!! Serve with some grilled vegies of your choice, I do alot of squash and zucinni (sp?) Try that when you get a chance.
I think I'm going to copy/paste that one and print it out for Mrs. Meek. It sounds really good. :D

Rosemary and garlic is good on deer roast. Funny, 'cause I have heard that in real life they hate the smell of it.
This thread needs to be kept alive. I have enjoyed most 2nd cuts (everything besides the tenders and straps) chicken fried.

Cut the meat in slices about 3/4 of an inch. Pound it out with a meat mallet. Pepper the meat and let it set until room temperature between sheets of plastic wrap.

Dredge in flour (with a generous amount of pepper) and egg/milk back in the flour and then once again in the egg/milk.

Drop in hot peanut oil to brown.


Gravy made from bacon drippings and some mashed potatoes.....mmmmmmm, make you slap yo' moma.

I also love bacon wrapped tenders cooked over indirect heat (also generously peppered.)
shureshot the chief's recipe

one whole back strap
Filet knife
Italian dressing,BBQ sauce ,wishatoure sauce, squeezable butter
Thick slice bacon
Skiers or toothpicks
Take the back strap and slice it long ways and about the width of your index finger take all of your sauces and mix together in a sauce pan with about half of the BBQ sauce per bottle of other sauces and wishtour sauce to taste take your back strap and your 1/4 up japs and roll up into rolls putting 2 toothpicks to hold them together then take your sauce and pour over marinate for 4-6 hours and then cook on a grill over the wood of your choice I prefer mesquite but anything will do then savor

these things are excellent probably the best deer I have ever had you can do the same with duck filet they are good too :D :D :D
Back straps on a grill. You will need a covered grill.

Cooking on a charcoal fire is more of an art than science, the heat is seldom the same from one time to the next. Do not operate a charcoal grill indoors, it will dead you.

Take your chunk of backstrap out of the freezer and put a couple of tablespoons of some kind of Italian salad dressing in a plastic bag with the unwrapped meat. Let it thaw. Scrape the piece of meat with a spoon, you don't have to get all the slime off just most of it. Sprinkle your favorite garlic based steak seasoning on all sides and set the meat aside.

Start your fire. Use only real charcoal, not briquettes, never use Kingsford brand. Build the fire on on side of the grill. Do not use petroleum products to staart the fire. A propane torch or black and white newsprint works fine. When the fire is starting scrape that meat with a spoon again.

Put the meat on the direct heat side of the grill. (over the coals). Turn the meat as it is seared. After you have seared the meat put it on the indirect side and let it cook until done. This is the art part. We prefer the meat to be evenly pink throughout. You may need to slice open the meat for the first time or two to check cooking. As you cook it compare the meat to your palm. Well done meat is 'harder', it does not rebound when poked with your meat turner. When you figure out how you like your meat cooked and you have matched it to the rebounding of your palm, you have it figured. For the last couple of minutes we like to put a little tomato based barbeque sauce on.
I like taking a roast, cutting a mulitude of slits in it, say ever half inch or so, and stuffing a clove of garlic down inside there. Place in a glass bowl, cover with italian dressing an let sit overnight after covering top with saran wrap. About noon, take the roast pat the exeterior dry to the touch pan sear, then place in roasting pan with water, onions and cubed potatoes cover with foil. Set oven to around 350, and let cook 4-5 hours.

I know, the recipe is real precise ain't it?

A steak fried up in a pan that's got a goodly layer of hot bacon grease ain't a bad way to cook it either.
Deer jerky anyone?

I mix everything in a 40 qt cooler, but 5 gal bucket works too, anything nonmetallic.

2.5-3 gal warm water
Approx 2 ½ cups of pickling salt
Add salt to water and stir when specific gravity is correct, an egg should float at dime size.

2 large red onions run through the blender
1 large white onion same
5-10 jalapeños same
2 cloves garlic same
5-10 Table spoons black pepper
½ as much red pepper
½ as much white pepper as red
3 cereal spoons of beef soup base
Stir everything together with salt water

Bump recipe up or down based on meat. 1 gal/ ~7# of meat

Cut meat into pieces no larger than wrist size diameter throw meat in brine for 36-48 hrs.

Smoke for 6-10 hrs. with wet smoke and low heat. (soak wood chips in water for an hr and periodically add to coals. Cut meat into smaller pieces for more smoke flavor.

To dry completely, slice into “eatin-size” pieces and throw them in the oven at 200° for 3-6 hrs (till dry enough for you) prop oven door open with a wooden spoon.

You will know when it is done as the beer will taste much much better.

As a side note, you can back down the salt content by quite a bit, but you will have to freeze it or keep the finished product in the fridge and eat it pretty quick. The recipe as is allows you to throw a handful on the dash of the truck. Next winter, when you turn on the defroster and notice that delicious smell, the jerky is still good.

On chicken fried backstrap you may like this.
Take the backstrap and put it in a bowl of mild overnight in the fridge, covering the bowl tightly with aluminum foil or that cling wrap stuff.

When you get ready to fry it, salt, peper, and garlic powder your meat after you cut it into the sized round cuts you like. Season the flour you are going to use with the same ingredients.

Dip your cuts in the flour, and then back into the milk you used to marinade the meat in. Then reflour it. Make sure you keep the milk cold and in the fridge, cause the cold milk will help the flour stick better.

You will get a crisper flour crust when you fry it that way. Trick is keeping the milk cold, and double dipping the meat in the seasoned flour.

The overnight milk soak will make it so tender, you really don't need to bang on it with a meat mallet, and it tastes just about as good as it can get.

Does the milk marinade work well for game birds as well? I've got some bulletproof pheasants I need to cook up, and the last round my fallback apple vinegar and italian dressing tenderizer marinade didn't work.
this is good stuff ....
2 garlics cloves
1 deer ham
several potatoes
3 onions
i bottle lea n perrins worscishire sauce
back pepper
garlic salt
laurys seasoning salt
qart of bush light beer
tin foil

debone ham slice onion chop garlic clove place sliced onion on bottom of pan and garlic place ham on top more onion on ham as well as garlic pour beer over it i use geuss work when comes to spices cover pan then bake in oven at 300 for 4-5 hours checking it every 2 and adding water if needs it then add bottle of lea n perrins chop carrots and qarter potatoes place back in oven at 350 for 1-2 hours serve with french bread and hot sauce and peppers

note deer meat is always better when all fat and taller slime n tendants are removed

and once again sorry for bad grammer n spelling not my strong point :-) and if i am not sure the correct way to do something i don't do it ... kinda like acting like i know something i don't .. DON'T DO IT!

just a dumb ol country boy that thought shooting was more important than school. some lessons learned the hard way are lessons learned:confused: well
Little Brother gave this one to me.
Must have: Onions, Garlic,Bell Pepper, seasoned salt, Lemon Pepper, Onion Soup and Mushroom soup,1 deer hind quarter, 1 2ltr. bottle of Coke or Pepsi, 1 Case of cold Coors Light.

Marinate hind quarter by making slits in meat all the way to the bone and pour cola into slits,(Cut Onions,Bell peppers,and garlic pieces small enough to put one of each in every slit) set in fridge over night.

Next Day: Build Fire in Smoker (Hickory wood preferably) Fire should be ready in about 2 Beers.
Bring smoker to a temperature of 200 degrees and place hind quarter into smoker.
Put in pieces of hickory that have been soaked in some left over wine from the bottle you didn't finish last time you and your wife got cozy.
Let quarter smoke for about 3 more Beers.(or about 1 hour)
After smoke has covered meat with a grey coating, take quarter out of smoker and place in an aluminum" throw away" pan.(Carrots and potatoes can be added at this point and anything else you might want)
Pour in Can of onion soup, and mushroom soup,and 2 more cans of water.
Cover pan with aluminum foil and return to smoker.
After about another 6 pack of Beer,(or about 2 hours) take it out and turn quarter over in juice, recover, and return to smoker for about 5 hours.(Or the rest of the case of Beer)

Little brother says this is the point that you may want to send your wife after MORE BEER as the deer is done and it is time to eat.

Generally little brother by this time is to a point where he doesn't REALLY know how good it is, but I can tell you it is delicious.
I've been just cooking it in a crockpot but that has gotten old.
There is an Indian spice called Garam Masala which works well here. You might want to look up some recipes for chicken masala which use this spice, then substitute deer roast for the chicken. I will ask Mrs. Meek for her favorite way of doing this. That was a really good one, but was a few years ago.

On pheasants, I do not honestly know. I never tried it on birds.
It might work great, but I just don't know.

But I do know milk soaking on deer meat overnight, is sure a good way to help not only tenderize (although backstrap doesn't need much of that) meat, but it sure adds a lot to the taste. But if cooking hindquarter deer meat, it sure helps tenderize that.
Do not do the milk soak on dove. I tried that and ruined a dozen dove breasts.
Wrap the dove breast around a sliver of jalapeno and onion sliver, salt and pepper and wrap the breast with a piece of bacon. Tooth pick the little bundle together. Cook over an open fire or grill until browned well. mmmm

This same recipe will not work with duck. I tried that too. Bad idea.

The milk soaked dove tasted really septic.

Try a cored Jalapeno that's stuffed with cream cheese. Do the rest of the recipe the same (adds a little more moisure and fat.)

Then I guess ducks and geese would taste just as bad with milk, and so probably pheasants or turkeys would also.

I have never killed pheasants, so I don't know if they are tough, etc. But on doves, you got that right about the jalapeno, bacon wrap toothpick deal. That works for quail also just the same, and is better than a piece of prime rib to me...

We cook a lot of goat since we raise boer and spanish goats, and use a lot of vegetable oil, garlic powder, salt, pepper and seasonall on them and smoke it wrapped up in aluminum foil. Point is, I got to cooking wild turkeys the same way, and they turn out just as juicy and tender as they can be.

So do geese cooked in that same combo. So I guess if pheasants are tough meat for him, he may try the salt, pepper, seasonall, garlic powder combo, then coat the bird with vegetable oil, and then cover it completely (tented up) with aluminum foil, and smoke it for about three hours at 275 degrees, and it should come out juicy and tender. But I am glad you warned about the milk on birds. I bet that would taste god awful.
Right! you guys have had me slobbering all over the place and looking in the freezer and back at the stove etc, its all Meeks fault really, just can't keep quiet when he's enjoying food and stuff. So get your own back a bit here.

As a complete contrast, here is a lovely rich casserole which I made for a gathering of friends after being in the autumn woodlands. Wild fungi were everywhere. A casserole is an ideal way of feeding large numbers of people, so I have put the larger quantity on the left hand side. On the right are the ingredients for 6-8 people.
Dried mushrooms give a more intense flavour to the stew, and the liquid used to reconstitute them should be added as well. There are many sorts of dried fungi, some of which are very expensive. ****ake are particularly suitable as they have a good flavour and firm texture. Also you can sometimes buy broken ones, which are much cheaper and ideal here since it saves you having to chop them.
Tea is an ingredient I use when I want to add a smoky slightly tannin flavour. I make my own blend of four parts normal tea to one part Lapsang Souchong. If making tea seems a fiddle just to enhance a casserole, then leave it out and use a drop more wine. It will be fine!
7lbs chopped venison casserole
2½ lbs Seasoned flour
4oz dried fungi (****ake, ceps, etc)
12 smallish onions
12 carrots
1 head celery 3 stalks
1½ bottles red wine
½ pint strong Lapsang Souchon tea
2 tbsp balsamic vinegar
2 tbsp rich soy sauce
20 crushed juniper berries
Salt and pepper to taste.
Soak the dried fungi in water as directed, if anything adding more rather than less water. They take about 30 minutes to reconstitute; keep them under water with a saucer and stir them about once or twice. Remember to add this water to the casserole with the fungi.
Dust the diced venison in seasoned flour and brown quickly in small batches. Place browned meat in a large cassserole. For the larger quantity you will need about 12 1/2 quarts capacity. Brown the onions, carrots and celery. (If frying space is at a premium, you can brown them in the oven or under the grill if you toss them in oil or dot them with butter/dripping first. Keep an eye on them so they don't burn.). Add these to the cooking pot. Swill out the brownings in the pan with a little water.
Stir in all the other ingredients, chopping the reconstituted fungi if necessary. Bring to simmering point. Cook slowly, either on the stovetop if your pot is too big for the oven, or in a medium low oven, for 2-3 hours. Top up with water or extra wine if necessary. If cooking on the stovetop, stir from time to time, and top up with water if necessary so that it doesn't stick to the base of the pot. Add the final salt seasoning at the end.